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Are my side sensors not functioning properly?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2020
Democratic Peoples Republic of Crook County
In recent weeks my Mavic 2 Pro has had to encounters with trees when moving sideways. The first time I was flying low level between trees on a golf course and came to where I had to execute an "s turn". I thought I had completely gone past one tree and began to move the done left as it moved forward, but obviously had not completely passed the tree. It got entangled and hit the ground. Then the other day I had a similar situation where I was close to a tree and it had brief contact with a branch, but this time it only disturbed the flight and did not suffer a crash or propeller damage.

In both instances the drone wasn't moving fast and the trees had full leaf bloom and I would have thought the side sensors would have picked up the obstacle and at least warned me, if not avoided them altogether. Perhaps I don't understand the function of the side sensors, but am very concerned. I am a few weeks away from 1 year of ownership, so I would assume would be covered under warranty if there is an issue?

I have not turned the sensors off and they often prevent me from flying into things forwards and backwards. What is the consensus on M2 side sensors. Am I missing something in the settings?
Perhaps I don't understand the function of the side sensors, but am very concerned. .... Am I missing something in the settings?
P22 of your manual ..
The Lateral Vision Systems are only available in ActiveTrack 2.0 and Tripod Mode, as well as QuickShots sub-modes of Circle, Helix, and Boomerang (when using firmware v01.00.01.00 or above).
P22 of your manual ..
The Lateral Vision Systems are only available in ActiveTrack 2.0 and Tripod Mode, as well as QuickShots sub-modes of Circle, Helix, and Boomerang (when using firmware v01.00.01.00 or above).
Thanks for the reference. How do you know the manual so well? I am a still a little confused as to how tripod mode comes into play in and outside of ActiveTRac, Quickshots, etc. May I assume that Point of Interest is not included? Honestly I haven't explored many of the automated flight features.
Thanks for the reference. How do you know the manual so well?

Personally, I never fly a new aircraft until I've read the entire manual at least once. If it's in shipment to me, I go online and download the PDF to read before the aircraft arrives.

And then it's useful as a reference, both on my ipad (that I use for the controller) and at home on the desktop.

Even in Tripod mode, some or all of your sensors can be disabled based on conditions (usually low light), so it's good to get familiar with the sensor bar display in DJI Go 4, which will tell you at a glance which sensors are active. Of course, if they go out due to low light, the DJO Go will tell you.

NOTE: even when they're on / active, the side sensors are known to be the least sensitive. It still helps to look left and right before flying sideways.

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Make sure you are in one of the modes where the side sensors are active and carefully fly sideways toward a tree. The sensors should give you on screen and audio warnings which will allow to to see how far out the detection works.

The Mavic 2 sensors do have blind spots which is why nothing will replace good flying but they should help if you are flying with some level of care. ActiveTrac on the other hand, works great right up to the moment that it fails to detect something and your drone goes for a tumble.... I would never trust it in tight flying conditions.
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