Other visitors don't want the sight and sound of a drone wrecking their use of the park.
I could buy that if people were constantly trying to fly those massively loud ducted FPV things, but on the whole they are not - they have nice small, unobtrusive craft like Minis, Airs or Mavics, which are are tiny dots in the sky to ground=based observers most of the time, and quieter than passing planes at 33,000 ft !
Maybe appearing suddenly in a picture they're taking.
Oh we're surely clutching at straws there ?!

People should know where the clone brush is to remove the 4 pixels ruining their image - lols.
Everyone should ! A framework should be developed that allows both, and mitigates them annoying each other ! Simple 'Considerate droning is fine, but keep away from groups of people, not at peak times, and stay high...' signs would be unbelievably easy to implement and put on a website ! Rangers could go back to doing whatever valuable work they presumably do instead of wasting everyone's time reprimanding and fining people who are only trying to do the most obvious thing to do in the parks - take photos and video, with whatever equipment they have at their disposal !
So it's incumbent on us, the tiny minority with those annoying, buzzing, spying toys, to persuade the public otherwise.
Yes, and I would argue that one way to do that is to consistently be able to show the world the most amazing places from a vantage point they probably haven't got ! They should be bloody delighted with us !!

You're right - we DO see it a very different way hey ?
Defying rules and interacting with those "others" with an "I have rights" attitude will only make it worse. Pick a fight and you usually get one. Respecting the wishes of private property owners will make it better. Same with respecting rules in public places.
I'm not really up for defying rules and picking fights. If that was the case I wouldn't care where I TOAL from when I was doing the UK areas of outstanding natural beauty, and would do it from their land, which I am careful not to do. So I am actually obeying their wretched rules, even though I am more than happy to exploit gaps in their land borders and public bridleways running through them where it is possible, which, a lot of the time, it isn't ! Also I am not provoking them at all - I am not an 'Audit' guy who notifies them about what I am going to do before I do it, and I even upload footage without mentioning the name of the place, so it is unlikely to be found by the organisations in question, and thereby what they don't know hasn't hurt anybody, and yet we've all got the footage to enjoy, findable through more generic search terms !
Ask if you can. Respect "no" if that's the answer, and go fly somewhere else. Very rarely is anything so vital to capture that you can't walk away, put it in the past, and go have fun and get some amazing media in a different locale near by.
Contrary to how it may appear, that is actually my default behaviour and I agree with it completely. It's just that NT/EH control SO MUCH of our most epic views they require special treatment and effort to circumvent their discriminatory and unfair policies !