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Buying advice thoughts…


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2017
Been years since I’ve kept up with this forum and drones. I have the original Mavic Pro since 2017. Used it a fair amount during the summers for the first 2 years (got my part 107, since lapsed) and then just sparingly since. Mostly because of negative people reactions when flying and always trying to time weather, locations, etc.
Primarily used for personal photography and video. The last few years I’ve done the same but from the ground more with my Sony A1 and acquiring a variety of useful but expensive lenses.

Fast forward to today. Read up on all the new laws and processes (including using Laanc to get approval in my blue circled area near at my home) Took out my Mavic Pro and loved it all over again (and now that my wife is involved and with me, I don’t get the negative reaction anymore (plus we fly early in the morning). But now that I’m taking high quality images and video with my mirrorless, pretty disappointed with the old Mavic in that capacity. I’m going to taking a vacation a few weeks in June to Alaska and would love to have upgraded drone images and video like what I’ve seen the M3 provide.

I’m wondering how much of an issue it really is on the Mavic 3 with acquiring GPS, and getting DJI unlock codes (I don’t need them today as my Mavic is free/bypassed of all that; I just go by the rules and fly when approved). And I’m going to spend 10-15 minutes on the ground just trying to get everything coordinated and hopefully to work??

Also, while nobody can predict the future it seems as though there are some upcoming rules, drone ID etc (end of 2022 with compliance set to 2023). What do you think that means for a drone not equipped with that like the Mavic 3??

Appreciate any feedback on this and experiences.
I wish I had a crystal ball. Yesterday heard on Piolet Institute video that the Whitehouse wants to get involved in regulating drones as well. Nothing specific stated but the possibility of another layer of regulation. Regardless of issue, the "anti's" are always the loudest. Three of my activities are under constant attack, drones, firearms, and vaping. Land of the free and home of the brave, lol.
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There doesn't seem to be anything that would contradict your desire to buy an M3. The detailed future is uncertain, but the M3 will somehow manage to still be flying after 2023.

@SmilingOgre The amount of regulation coming out of Washington in so many areas is mind boggling. The Whitehouse itself doesn't do regulations beyond executive orders (a discussion for another day), but hands it down to unelected bureaucrats who decide these things and then leave it up to the people to challenge all the new rulings handed down in court when seemingly unconstitutional. Who knows what will happen next?
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With regards to "the future", I agree, no crystal ball, but I'm basing my decision only partly on that. The rest is how much disfunction there is with the M3 (minor, major?) and functionality with regards to their unlocking in areas the FAA has no issue with? Or simply unlocking period. The LAANC turned out to be super easy and quick even in areas I wondered about. Doesn't sound like that on DJI fly safe areas. Or it's just the minority having issues??
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The Mavic 3 is a great camera drone but the promises by Dji are lacking and spoiling this drone. If you are a patient man then I say get the Mavic 3 and hope Dji keeps their word or you can save money and get a fully capable Mavic 2 Pro which also has an amazing camera, not as big as the M3 but you won't notice any difference unless you prefer night shooting. The M2 flys for 31 minutes(about 23 minutes realistically) and the M3 flys for 46 minutes ( about 35 realistically). Both these drones have side sensors but the M2 has a bigger advantage as of this moment is that it gets GPS faster, can have NFZ unlocked via drone hacks, uses Dji GO4 app which has much more features compared to Dji Fly and GO4 is much more professional . But it is your choice and what's you really want to get. If I could go back in time and knew then what I know now, I would not have bought the Mavic 3 at all and just kept the Mavic 2.
I loved to fly my Air 2S and was afraid to purchase the Mavic 3 because of all the “issues”. Decided to buy the M3 a few weeks ago (to test or return) and I was wrong to wait, this is by far the best drone I have ever flown and my commercial real estate photography is significantly better with the new camera. You have to plan on a couple of extra minutes because of the GPS connection issue, but it is manageable. I am not certain what features promised at launch are still pending, but maybe they will show up. The biggest surprise is how quiet the M3 is, you really can launch without everybody knowing you are flying a drone. Have I mentioned how good the camera is?
I've not purchased one yet. I have an M2P and after youtube is done smashing and trashing video I can only see minor differences between the footage from the two drones. I trust being an mft sensor the difference is greater than I can witness. To date every time I start thinking about one something for my cinema rigs wins out. I did just get a set of ND's for the M2P to see how that ups the game.
Wow, making things tough. Haha. Have you had to do the DJI flysafe unlock very often and how had that gone?
The Mavic 3 is a great camera drone but the promises by Dji are lacking and spoiling this drone. If you are a patient man then I say get the Mavic 3 and hope Dji keeps their word or you can save money and get a fully capable Mavic 2 Pro which also has an amazing camera, not as big as the M3 but you won't notice any difference unless you prefer night shooting. The M2 flys for 31 minutes(about 23 minutes realistically) and the M3 flys for 46 minutes ( about 35 realistically). Both these drones have side sensors but the M2 has a bigger advantage as of this moment is that it gets GPS faster, can have NFZ unlocked via drone hacks, uses Dji GO4 app which has much more features compared to Dji Fly and GO4 is much more professional . But it is your choice and what's you really want to get. If I could go back in time and knew then what I know now, I would not have bought the Mavic 3 at all and just kept the Mavic 2.
Yes- the Mavic 2 Pro is a fully capable drone with a great camera and I love mine. But the real problem now is that it is no longer for sale by DJI. Only used Mavic 2 Pros for now. I am holding on to mine for now.

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In the medium term I am rethinking my strategy regarding my next drone and at this time have abandoned the thought of going Autel. There just seem to be too many reported issues relative to communication and service. I'll probably stick with DJI and the M3 seems the most likely candidate. But I'm going to stick with my M2P for awhile. Unless you're comparing image quality with the M3, the devices that the M2P's video (particularly) is viewed on will be the weak link in the chain. There are always techniques and tricks in post to improve what comes out of the camera.

What I think is the weak link in the standard M3 is the standard controller. I am spoiled by the extra buttons on the standard M2 controller. C1 and C2 buttons, an additional scroll wheel, separate still and video buttons, 5D key and LED readout- in a small, highly transportable package. IMO DJI is cheaping out big time with their new "standard" controller, missing all those extra buttons, causing us to have to go to the monitoring device's screen with the standard controller that can be done in hand with the M2 controller. IMO there is a night and day difference in the convenience (or lack thereof). As I have a Mini 2, as others have it and/or an Air2/s, they already have a compatible controller for the M3. If I could purchase the M3 drone with batteries I could then bind my existing standard controller and save some money. I think the downgrades, pricing and implied arrogance of DJI packages brings on some feelings of resentment, feeling like we're getting milked without enough added value of flexibility But as they say, it is what it is.

So yes, in all probability will eventually have an M3, but don't think I can live without the extra buttons and programming that the M2's controller provides and bite the bullet and cough up the $1200 for the smart controller, hoping that it is compatible with other DJI drones when it comes time.

I guess the point I want to emphasize for those interested is, don't overlook the M2P, especially because you can buy a refurbished unit that is indistinguishable from "new" (which is how I went) and have a very formidable drone with an excellent full featured controller. Just sayin'.

Wow, making things tough. Haha. Have you had to do the DJI flysafe unlock very often and how had that gone?
Getting geofenced areas unlocked can be easy or difficult, depending on where you're trying to fly and how much real estate DJI unlocks. If you're in the field you will need internet access if you haven't unlocked ahead of time. You will probably need to get (in the US) ATC authorization first. I have had both easy and difficult times with it. I have never had luck unlocking on site and have had one situation where they were to unlock two of my drones for 500 meters but only unlocked 37 meters for one of them, a Mini2 and M2P. I went to test fly the area and both were limited to 37 meters. I wrote DJI Flysafe, and they managed to properly unlock the Mini 2, but the M2 couldn't even reach the edge of the property I was filming.

Based on my experience, if you are shooting commercially in a restricted area that needs unlocking, apply for the unlock with enough time to go out and test the range so that if you have to come back at DJI because of their unlocking errors, you don't jeopardize the mission.
Been years since I’ve kept up with this forum and drones. I have the original Mavic Pro since 2017. Used it a fair amount during the summers for the first 2 years (got my part 107, since lapsed) and then just sparingly since. Mostly because of negative people reactions when flying and always trying to time weather, locations, etc.
Primarily used for personal photography and video. The last few years I’ve done the same but from the ground more with my Sony A1 and acquiring a variety of useful but expensive lenses.

Fast forward to today. Read up on all the new laws and processes (including using Laanc to get approval in my blue circled area near at my home) Took out my Mavic Pro and loved it all over again (and now that my wife is involved and with me, I don’t get the negative reaction anymore (plus we fly early in the morning). But now that I’m taking high quality images and video with my mirrorless, pretty disappointed with the old Mavic in that capacity. I’m going to taking a vacation a few weeks in June to Alaska and would love to have upgraded drone images and video like what I’ve seen the M3 provide.

I’m wondering how much of an issue it really is on the Mavic 3 with acquiring GPS, and getting DJI unlock codes (I don’t need them today as my Mavic is free/bypassed of all that; I just go by the rules and fly when approved). And I’m going to spend 10-15 minutes on the ground just trying to get everything coordinated and hopefully to work??

Also, while nobody can predict the future it seems as though there are some upcoming rules, drone ID etc (end of 2022 with compliance set to 2023). What do you think that means for a drone not equipped with that like the Mavic 3??

Appreciate any feedback on this and experiences.
Hi. Well, the Mavic 3 is nothing like a mirrorless. You will still be disappointed if you expect that type of quality from it. Video looks pretty good though. For photo it is the best currently at that price, but nowhere near a mirrorless camera. The GPS issue is irritating compared to other DJI drones, but not a showstopper.
Hi. Well, the Mavic 3 is nothing like a mirrorless. You will still be disappointed if you expect that type of quality from it. Video looks pretty good though. For photo it is the best currently at that price, but nowhere near a mirrorless camera. The GPS issue is irritating compared to other DJI drones, but not a showstopper.

Agreed, but now that I’ve gotten into post processing with raw photos over the last few years, it’s absolutely amazing what you can do. I use a variety of software depending upon the need, but primary Capture One and Topaz AI products (mostly for Denoise and Sharpness). This should work with any Mavic but I do primary plan to use it for video. In addition, if I get this, I feel like I will get the Pro Controller, but still investigating. Appreciate all the feedback so far. Not a done deal at all, but I will have to make a decision soon as I want some time experimenting before going on vacation mid June.
The Mavic 3 is a great camera drone but the promises by Dji are lacking and spoiling this drone. If you are a patient man then I say get the Mavic 3 and hope Dji keeps their word or you can save money and get a fully capable Mavic 2 Pro which also has an amazing camera, not as big as the M3 but you won't notice any difference unless you prefer night shooting. The M2 flys for 31 minutes(about 23 minutes realistically) and the M3 flys for 46 minutes ( about 35 realistically). Both these drones have side sensors but the M2 has a bigger advantage as of this moment is that it gets GPS faster, can have NFZ unlocked via drone hacks, uses Dji GO4 app which has much more features compared to Dji Fly and GO4 is much more professional . But it is your choice and what's you really want to get. If I could go back in time and knew then what I know now, I would not have bought the Mavic 3 at all and just kept the Mavic 2.
Ditto, except I am very glad I bought the M3, and have M2P's as backup aircraft, which still haven't been needed since January. I fly at dusk and the M3 and the extra flying time is perfect for shooting lots of the HiRes spherical panos, after the sun has set. The 7x telephoto perspective is also a game changer for long range panos with a foreground subject and background skyline that gets pulled in! Don't sell your M2P's. Use them for backup birds!
Agreed, but now that I’ve gotten into post processing with raw photos over the last few years, it’s absolutely amazing what you can do. I use a variety of software depending upon the need, but primary Capture One and Topaz AI products (mostly for Denoise and Sharpness). This should work with any Mavic but I do primary plan to use it for video. In addition, if I get this, I feel like I will get the Pro Controller, but still investigating. Appreciate all the feedback so far. Not a done deal at all, but I will have to make a decision soon as I want some time experimenting before going on vacation mid June.
Another Capture One guy! I've been using C1 Pro since it came out (2002, I think). While I'm almost up to date on versions, my favorite version is C1P 3.x. Less features but lots faster. Back then when RAW was the only way to go because there was no automation for jpgs I could color correct about 1000 images/hr. I'm not so fast on the current versions. Alternately I've found On1Photo RAW to be very useful, similar to Lightroom and better in some ways.

Yeah... IMO the Smart Controller with the M3 is the only way to go, not necessarily because of the built in screens but the added control buttons.
Yeah... IMO the Smart Controller with the M3 is the only way to go, not necessarily because of the built in screens but the added control buttons.
For clarity, the RC-Pro is the correct name of new M3 upgraded controller, not to be confused with the old Smart Controller with which it is incompatible, and which was a huge disappointment because of the reduced range. The RC-Pro actually has 4x the power output of the stock M3 RC-N1 controller, for greater signal stability.
Another Capture One guy! I've been using C1 Pro since it came out (2002, I think). While I'm almost up to date on versions, my favorite version is C1P 3.x. Less features but lots faster. Back then when RAW was the only way to go because there was no automation for jpgs I could color correct about 1000 images/hr. I'm not so fast on the current versions. Alternately I've found On1Photo RAW to be very useful, similar to Lightroom and better in some ways.

Yeah... IMO the Smart Controller with the M3 is the only way to go, not necessarily because of the built in screens but the added control buttons.
Yup, I really like the layering/masking ability of Capture One. Been using since 2018 and found it very easy and SPECIFIC to whatever I need done to an image.

Regarding the Mavic 3. If you take out the DJI insurance, does that cover any crashes or actually loss? And if I find I’m not happy with the unit for whatever reason, can I return? I buy most of my photography equipment from B&H, so I assume the return is more whatever their terms are.
Regarding the Mavic 3. If you take out the DJI insurance, does that cover any crashes or actually loss? And if I find I’m not happy with the unit for whatever reason, can I return? I buy most of my photography equipment from B&H, so I assume the return is more whatever their terms are.
I too have recently been buying most of my stuff from B&H. Being from and area that assesses 10% sales tax that can be significant on $2000-$3000 purchases. I don't know how they get away with absorbing tax with their Payboo card, but I won't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Yeah, one has to also consider the care/refresh costs of the M3, but I also have my drones insured with State Farm for damage, loss or theft, including the accessories. The only drawback is that I must be flying recreationally at the time of the loss. But they will cover the replacement cost. Some folks say that after one claim they cancel you. But I'd take that chance on a $3000+ drone. Personally, I think DJI has overpriced the M3. In fact Drone Nerd was, at least until yesterday discounting the M3 by $150. I think DJI was doing the same thing, which might indicative of less than anticipated sales (?). For sure if I go with an M3 I'm going to wait until refurbished units are available. I did that with my M2P and ended up with it, including the FMC for $1500 delivered! Absolutely no difference than "new", including the packaging.
I too have recently been buying most of my stuff from B&H. Being from and area that assesses 10% sales tax that can be significant on $2000-$3000 purchases. I don't know how they get away with absorbing tax with their Payboo card, but I won't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Yeah, one has to also consider the care/refresh costs of the M3, but I also have my drones insured with State Farm for damage, loss or theft, including the accessories. The only drawback is that I must be flying recreationally at the time of the loss. But they will cover the replacement cost. Some folks say that after one claim they cancel you. But I'd take that chance on a $3000+ drone. Personally, I think DJI has overpriced the M3. In fact Drone Nerd was, at least until yesterday discounting the M3 by $150. I think DJI was doing the same thing, which might indicative of less than anticipated sales (?). For sure if I go with an M3 I'm going to wait until refurbished units are available. I did that with my M2P and ended up with it, including the FMC for $1500 delivered! Absolutely no difference than "new", including the packaging.
The B&H Payboo card tax refund has been discontinued, and was funded by Payboo, not B&H, hoping you wouldn't pay it off immediately, so they could charge you 26% interest on the unpaid balance. Payboo lost money on it over the last year because the interest charges on B&H purchases was a fraction of the tax refunds they gave out, so they have wisely discontinued it!

B&H runs all drone returns through a third party, and they will tell you to deal with DJI on any defects, rather than B&H replacing it. I do not recommend them for drone purchases. Amazon is a far better choice. No questions asked 30 day refunds! Without the Payboo tax refund, the price is the same. still doesn't charge sales tax on out of state purchases, but returns are not as easy as Amazon, but good if you are certain you intend to keep it, and are willing to deal with DJI on any defects.

DJI runs promotional discounts on all new products within 6 months of release. M3 sales are just fine!

Refurbs are an excellent way to go. By the time they are available, all the bugs have been worked out, and you save money! Same warranty as a new unit, as I recall, and Refresh is also available on them.

State Farm's personal articles policy includes drones, everywhere except in CA! Go figure! Get it if you can!
The B&H Payboo card tax refund has been discontinued, and was funded by Payboo, not B&H, hoping you wouldn't pay it off immediately, so they could charge you 26% interest on the unpaid balance. Payboo lost money on it over the last year because the interest charges on B&H purchases was a fraction of the tax refunds they gave out, so they have wisely discontinued it!

B&H runs all drone returns through a third party, and they will tell you to deal with DJI on any defects, rather than B&H replacing it. I do not recommend them for drone purchases. Amazon is a far better choice. No questions asked 30 day refunds! Without the Payboo tax refund, the price is the same. still doesn't charge sales tax on out of state purchases, but returns are not as easy as Amazon, but good if you are certain you intend to keep it, and are willing to deal with DJI on any defects.

DJI runs promotional discounts on all new products within 6 months of release. M3 sales are just fine!

Refurbs are an excellent way to go. By the time they are available, all the bugs have been worked out, and you save money! Same warranty as a new unit, as I recall, and Refresh is also available on them.

State Farm's personal articles policy includes drones, everywhere except in CA! Go figure! Get it if you can!
I'm not sure you're correct. While B&H discontinued the original Payboo card with Synchrony Bank, they teamed up with another bank (I forget) but I applied for their card and think the 10% is still in play with the new card. Edit: I just checked and their new Payboo partner is Comenity Bank. I didn't remember, but when I applied I wanted to make sure payments went to the right place, so I sent them 25¢ to verify. I do realize that the Synchrony partnership probably dissolved for the reasons you stated. I didn't want to get into the terms of paying on time, the excessive interest rates, etc, so I made it a point to pay the bill in full a day or two after the charges posted.

Secondly, when I bought my Mini 2 originally the first one I received was defective. I elected to send it to DJI, but my B&H rep said I should have sent it to them and they would have exchanged it immediately rather than me going 2+ weeks waiting for a replacement from DJI.

I wanted to verify if you were correct on the new Payboo card so went to the B&H site just this moment. Here's a screenshot.

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I'm not sure you're correct. While B&H discontinued the original Payboo card with Synchrony Bank, they teamed up with another bank (I forget) but I applied for their card and think the 10% is still in play with the new card. Edit: I just checked and their new Payboo partner is Comenity Bank. I didn't remember, but when I applied I wanted to make sure payments went to the right place, so I sent them 25¢ to verify. I do realize that the Synchrony partnership probably dissolved for the reasons you stated. I didn't want to get into the terms of paying on time, the excessive interest rates, etc, so I made it a point to pay the bill in full a day or two after the charges posted.

Secondly, when I bought my Mini 2 originally the first one I received was defective. I elected to send it to DJI, but my B&H rep said I should have sent it to them and they would have exchanged it immediately rather than me going 2+ weeks waiting for a replacement from DJI.

I wanted to verify if you were correct on the new Payboo card so went to the B&H site just this moment. Here's a screenshot.
Thanks for the update. It appears B&H found another sucker! 🤣 Yeah!
I had a new M2P battery fail, leading to a crash. The battery inside the brand new M2P was from the separately purchased FlyMore kit instead of the original M2P purchase. Both purchases were part of the same order from B&H, and it happened within 10 days of purchase. After getting an RMA and returning it, B&H refused to replace it, claiming they couldn't read the .DAT files, despite the fact I could still read them when they returned it! They clearly never tried! They told me I needed to go through DJI. They sent it back to me, after wasting 30 days evaluating it. A $500 Mini 2 may be handled differently than a $2,000 M2P/FlyMore sale. Amazon would have accepted it for refund without question. Not a fan of B&H drone sales any more, but I have spent some $30,000 with them on camera gear over the last two decades, before they started charging sales tax! Always a fan previously, but you find out who your real friends are when you need their help!
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