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Connection interrupt while updating Mavic Pro Platinum to 1.04.0500 : Cannot update


Active Member
Feb 14, 2019
Hello fellow pilots!

Ran into an issue updating my Mavic Pro Platinum from 1.04.0300 to 1.04.0500:

During flashing the battery gave up creating a sudden stop in flashing.
This resulted in the Mavic not completely getting through it's initialisation and firmware start-up.

The lights flash, the motors do initialise as well as the gimbal but from there it stops: connection via USB disconnects and reconnects as if caught in a steady loop, the bird is never able to get through the connection process. Update via USB hence fails. Updating via the Remote Controller is blocked due to not being able to connect and bind... What can i do to clear the Flash and reconnect?

Thanks for your suggestions!
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@SpinItUp: Thanks for your feedback, that was my second option i explored but like i mentioned: the bird seems to be caught in some initialization-loop: it connects and disconnects it's USB interface constantly...
No way to acces via USB, no way to access via Remote Control or WiFi...I was hoping for some clearing procedure via the main board or even via the intelligent Battery as that has a switch on it....I see no other option than to send it to DJI...
Your cable?
Check you use a good 1 (I recommend ANKER cables) just had to refresh my controller fwDSC_1284.JPG
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Tried various cables, same result: cables show a-periodic disconnections if they fail, in this case the disconnection is very rythmic, it's caused by some loop in the software caused by the interrupted install.
flashing is always dangerous as it sounds like you may have bricked it unless there is a way of defaulting it to a factory setting?
Have you tried the default setting with Assistant?
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flashing is always dangerous as it sounds like you may have bricked it unless there is a way of defaulting it to a factory setting?
Have you tried the default setting with Assistant?

Yes, certainly, i performed the default setting just before i ran an update on the firmware ( all via the DJI Website, all official ).
After defaulting it, i downgraded to V01.04.300 and from there back to V01.04.0500 for a reason:
after defaulting it, the version could no longer be read by the Website software.
After the last update to V01.04.0500 the firmware went ballistic on me, the bird was no longer accessable.

So, answering your question: the same result as these services/applications all run their comm to the bird via either WIFI or USB, which both stalled after the last update...
flashing is always dangerous as it sounds like you may have bricked it unless there is a way of defaulting it to a factory setting?
Have you tried the default setting with Assistant?
I have taken THE step ;-) I have called our local DJI Service Center and UPS will pick-up the bird on Monday: as it is still fresh ( serial number checked by DJI ) it's warranty.

I must say the person i had on the phone knew pretty well what i was telling him, conclusion: firmware error, customer can't help it... send it, we will reset it. nice, they got me an
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Sorry I haven't got the fw releases in front of me but is there a jump of 1 when you downgraded as it can be best to not do a jump and do them each by their fw step/release...oh good news
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Sorry I haven't got the fw releases in front of me but is there a jump of 1 when you downgraded as it can be best to not do a jump and do them each by their fw step/release...oh good news

I see your point, yes, might be root-cause of why it took so long and drained my bird's battery ??? ( Although ... i checked after downgrade and it was fully functional...
I did skip a version when upgrading to the latest....)
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