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Controller Calibration - how?


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2017
My mavic has developed a constant, slow, smooth left yaw. IMU, compass and other calibrations are good.
In the controller config i can see a slight left bar from the top of the square so its leading me to believe i need to calibrate the controller.
The problem is, i can't....

Controller is powered on, connected to the device, ive hit calibrate, controller makes a noise, sticks are centred and responsive when i move them as the dot reacts.
However the instructions tell me to move the controls in the direction pointed (i assume to line the blue dot up with the empty circle it show).
I do this and eventually the empty circle moves from the centre top to the top right on both joysticks.
Then it just sits me, it never moves any further down and eventually just times out resetting the original calibration.
I've tried this on my nexus 7 2013 tablet and my nexus 5x phone and identical behaviour. Both use the latest DGI go app (4.1.3?). Controller and mavic firmware are on the latest .900 as well.
Any idea what im doing wrong here or is there any way to calibrate with DJI Assistant 2? (i looked but couldnt see any).

I don't think you are doing anything wrong, the app is just trash, you have more success with controller calibration than I ever did, in fact I cant even see the right stick entirely, but yea, it does not react to stick movements, then suddenly one time it did wildly.
I have the same exact problem, but one time the dots filled in erratically and completed the calibration. Now it won't fly forward, and I can't get it to calibrate without timing out.
If you or someone figured this out I'd like to know so I can fly again.
I have the same exact problem, but one time the dots filled in erratically and completed the calibration. Now it won't fly forward, and I can't get it to calibrate without timing out.
If you or someone figured this out I'd like to know so I can fly again.
Just do it again until eventually it will succeed.
Don't forget you have to do the gimbal wheel at the end to complete.
I've done it at least 20 times so far, it timed out every time but one weird time.
I tried it on two different devices.
I called DJI support, told them what was going on,they said send it in.
So,I sent the controller to DJI for repair after trying to find a fix for three day with no luck.
I tried the controller calibration about 10 times today for the first time. Yikes, "Time Out" every time. Then I was afraid, even as it said it was "resetting" that I had induced some sort of offset.

But I was encouraged by reading this thread. Since someone had been able to complete it I approached it like a game and the "Boss" fight was getting to the Gimbal Wheel calibration at the

Here's how I finally got it to complete. First of all, make sure you are pushing the sticks all the way over to 100%. You'll see a readout on the screen. If it's something other than 100% you'll Time Out. Move fast but try to be accurate. Once on the 'blue circle' pause for an instant and then, staying at 100%, move slightly ahead and behind the blue circle, like painting it back and forth until it moves. When it does, let go of the sticks to center and head back out. Paint again. If the blue circle doesn't move don't linger, center the sticks and go back, always going to 100% over. I finally got it to complete after about 3 tries using this technique.

Good luck.
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I tried the controller calibration about 10 times today for the first time. Yikes, "Time Out" every time. Then I was afraid, even as it said it was "resetting" that I had induced some sort of offset.

But I was encouraged by reading this thread. Since someone had been able to complete it I approached it like a game and the "Boss" fight was getting to the Gimbal Wheel calibration at the

Here's how I finally got it to complete. First of all, make sure you are pushing the sticks all the way over to 100%. You'll see a readout on the screen. If it's something other than 100% you'll Time Out. Move fast but try to be accurate. Once on the 'blue circle' pause for an instant and then, staying at 100%, move slightly ahead and behind the blue circle, like painting it back and forth until it moves. When it does, let go of the sticks to center and head back out. Paint again. If the blue circle doesn't move don't linger, center the sticks and go back, always going to 100% over. I finally got it to complete after about 3 tries using this technique.

Good luck.
You are brilliant, I have tried at least 50 times and never once has it worked. Your method worked 2nd try. The first try was as close as I ever got. Thank you
Your method worked 2nd try.
Ah, nice. Glad it worked for someone else. The feature needs some work and hopefully, they'll improve it. But at least you were able to get it to complete. Thanks for letting me know. Throw me a "Like" if you think it's worth it.
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