I'm past due for a new phone and thought I was getting an XS Max last month, but that doesn't seem to be happening. The battery was replaced in this one two years ago. It blows my mind that the current batch of large screen iPhones are $1000-$1500. It wasn't that long ago that they were around $300, even if subsidized by carriers. But the carries got smart and stopped doing that, so instead provide small incentives. I just saw an ad for "Fi" Google's entry into the cellular carrier market. They're offering $300 of an Android- but not Apple. And right now I'm paying for two other family members' phone service. Perhaps that will change soon and they'll carry me for a time?Vindibona1:
Before you spend any money, call Apple Care! 1-800-275-2273. Follow the prompts. You will be asked what device you are calling about. Hopefully, they will be able to help. I have done this for years without a service agreement. Be prepared to give them the IMEI number of your phone. Settings>General>About>IMEI
They may also ask for your device Serial Number. Also Settings>About>Serial Number
Ask the online tech to do a screen share with you. They will ask for your e-mail and voila! You will see their little red arrow on your screen. They will help you identify any data that can be discarded to free up some memory. Hope this helps.
I've just been told that my daughter-in-law just broke her XR, got a 12 pro max and the XR could be repaired for about $100. I think I'm going to be getting that one and I'll be happy to pay for the repairs.