Ugh... I've been loving my MavicPro and have flown it safely for about a month now. I made such a rookie mistake last night. My Dad asked me to bring it over to fly above his house to check something on his roof. I flew up and was only looking at my phone screen/camera view, and started backing up to get a better view of the house, right into the top canopy of the trees behind his backyard. And I watched it fall from limb to limb all the way to the ground. It seemed to fall kindof gently through the leaves and limbs into pinestraw on the ground. I inspected it thoroughly and the only damage I see are a few blades have some cracks. I pray that's all that is wrong. I was mainly concerned if the gimbal was damaged but it looks normal. After cleaning it up I turned it back on after 10 minutes to see if it had any issues connecting or turning on. It turned on fine but it wouldn't connect to the camera. In other words, my RC was on, and drone was on, but when I clicked "Enter Device", it would go to the camera screen, but not show any live feed, just a black screen. So I thought I was screwed. I turned it off and tried again 5 mins later, and thankfully it connected and I could see out of the camera again. I did some of the calibrations, compass calibration, etc, etc. Gimbal did the normal twisting and rotating at power on, so it seems normal. But I won't know until I get some new blades and try to fly again.
Sorry for the rant. My Question to you all is.......
Are there any "must-do" steps after a crash?
Are there any tests I should run to make sure it is not damaged?
Is there anything specifically I should be looking at?
I admit I'm a newb hence my rookie mistake. So please tell me anything you can about what my next steps are. I'd appreciate it a lot!
Totally not worth inspecting my Dad's roof. Hope I don't have to send it in for repairs or anything.
Sorry for the rant. My Question to you all is.......
Are there any "must-do" steps after a crash?
Are there any tests I should run to make sure it is not damaged?
Is there anything specifically I should be looking at?
I admit I'm a newb hence my rookie mistake. So please tell me anything you can about what my next steps are. I'd appreciate it a lot!
Totally not worth inspecting my Dad's roof. Hope I don't have to send it in for repairs or anything.