Well-Known Member
I wasn’t criticizing I was just trying to educate.Ok... Again, I'm a relative newbie to video. I rely largely on my photography/Photoshop skill set to hack my way through video things right now as I learn.
The very first thing I shot with my M2p in August was this Bahai project. I started in Normal mode and a bit into the project switched to D-Log, but all shot in 4k. I have no idea why I settled for a 1080p setting, just not knowing any better, I initially rendered the entire project in 1080. At that time I bought the Neat Video amateur plug-in which is what was used for the original. Later on (October) I decided that there was no reason to limit that project to 1080, so I deleted the source files in the master bin, keeping the timeline intact, reset the project to 4k, then reimported and re-linked the source files with the timeline and re-rendered it all in 4k. The thing is, that Neat Video Amateur, if trying to render above 1080p only de-noises the center of the image. No good. So what I did was I went to the original 1080p file, and rendered it as a 4k file (I think). Then I imported that rendered file into the 4k version of the project which is what you see. I don't think it did a half bad job considering it was a cheat.
As far as retiming things in Neat Video... Until this moment I didn't even know that was an option/thing/setting/adjustment. As I said... I'm hacking my way through a video education. But I love continuously learning new stuff... It just keeps getting harder with age. I now know what my dad meant when he said he forgot more than I ever knew. I can say that to my kids now... cause it's true! ?
In that situation I would try the superscale function in your shiny new Resolve Studio edition.
This video should be 10 seconds long but it was the shortest one I could find. However, he says 4k is 2x the resolution of 1080p, however, that is wrong it’s 4x.
Right click on a video and go to clip attributes.
Go to superscale and change to 4x,is all this video needed to say.