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DJI forces you to login or else you cannot fly your drone above 50ft and 50 ft away??? What?

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Active Member
Jun 21, 2024
DJI, frankly, to be restricted to 50ft merely because I'm not logged in is completely unacceptable.

If there is no way in DJI app to disable this ridiculous feature, my DJI is functionally useless whenever I'm out of
internet range, which is a lot of places. Besides which, as a matter of principle, the FAA doesn't require this, so I
find it patronizing and intrusive. Why DJI is sucking up to FAA??????

Is there any way to fly the drone without this stupid app?
You do not have to log in frequently. Perhaps once every three months (I think). That said, I have never been logged out therefore never needed to log back in.
Wrong. You must log in every flight if you are not in G airspace
No You’re wrong. I fly daily in various airspace and never-never have to log back in. What device are you using with the fly app?
DJI, frankly, to be restricted to 50ft merely because I'm not logged in is completely unacceptable.

If there is no way in DJI app to disable this ridiculous feature, my DJI is functionally useless whenever I'm out of
internet range, which is a lot of places. Besides which, as a matter of principle, the FAA doesn't require this, so I
find it patronizing and intrusive. Why DJI is sucking up to FAA??????

Is there any way to fly the drone without this stupid app?
All you have to do is log in once you have wifi internet access and don't log out and you are free to fly wherever you wish whether the internet is available or not. if you are inadvertently logged out, you'll need to log back in but this shouldn't be happening "every day". Perhaps it is happening every 90 days?

DJI requires you to use the app and get logged in else you face restrictions and you are correct, they were not ordered to so by the FAA. Not everything DJI seeks approval from the FAA nor do they need to, in fact, I would prefer that they didn't meaning I wouldn't want the FAA to tell DJI *everything* they have to do or don't do.
All you have to do is log in once you have wifi internet access and don't log out and you are free to fly wherever you wish whether the internet is available or not. if you are inadvertently logged out, you'll need to log back in but this shouldn't be happening "every day". Perhaps it is happening every 90 days?

DJI requires you to use the app and get logged in else you face restrictions and you are correct, they were not ordered to so by the FAA. Not everything DJI seeks approval from the FAA nor do they need to, in fact, I would prefer that they didn't meaning I wouldn't want the FAA to tell DJI *everything* they have to do or don't do.
So thats what I am asking. I dont want to be tracked, I do not have RID. Whats the point of their small stinking drones if they track you anyways?
DJI, frankly, to be restricted to 50ft merely beca ................
This isn't DJI's forum, if you want to 'speak' to DJI then post on DJI's own forum.

I rarely fly with an internet connection, my screen devices are phones with no sim card and wifi is normally switched off.

There is no way around this automated log out other than to intermittantly connect to the internet within the prescribed 90 day period. You had to log in initially so why object to having make a connection intermittantly.

How do they track you to any greater extent than any other app on your phone etc. ?

From the behaviour of my own phones I suspect that merely connecting the device that 'hosts' the app is sufficient connection to rest the clock but that is just my suspicion.

One other point, if you have the Fly app installed on multiple devices and they all use the same DJI account, a log out on one device will be communicated to the internet when that device connects to the internet.
From there the log out will be passed ont o the other devices, as and when they connect to the internet, and you will be logged out of those apps too.

If you can't live with that then ..... get a Go4 drone or perhaps a DJI pilot drone but you will still have to log in initially..
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my DJI is functionally useless whenever I'm out of internet range, which is a lot of places.
Calm down .. things aren't as bad as you are saying.
I always fly without internet connection and manage without the issues you have imagined.
I dont want to be tracked, I do not have RID. Whats the point of their small stinking drones if they track you anyways?
You are imagining things that are not happening.
DJI isn't tracking you.
Perhaps drone flying isn't for you.
You should give up your mobile phone and look for another hobby.
If you feel so strongly about it (and if they smell so bad).... just get rid of the drone.

Problem solved!
Calm down .. things aren't as bad as you are saying.
I always fly without internet connection and manage without the issues you have imagined.

You are imagining things that are not happening.
DJI isn't tracking you.
Perhaps drone flying isn't for you.
You should give up your mobile phone and look for another hobby.
Cut the BS. This tracking is with your consent unlike phone tracking (which you can turn off the GPS on)
Calm down .. things aren't as bad as you are saying.
I always fly without internet connection and manage without the issues you have imagined.

You are imagining things that are not happening.
DJI isn't tracking you.
Perhaps drone flying isn't for you.
You should give up your mobile phone and look for another hobby.
You so got that right,please move on.
DJI does NOT track its customers while they fly!!
(Why on earth would they spend money to do that and please stop reading articles from the pro DJI ban community). DJI is "Tracking" you to provide service and also to send you junkmail- yes they do keep a record of your flights somewhere so you can retrieve it. they are busy building drones and have no time to "Track" your movements around town.
You are not being logged out after every flight due to DJI. Carefully check ALL of your settings. ( I have flown DJI Drones for some time now I have never been logged out by their server unless i havnt flown in many months).
Drones that do not use apps are widely available. If you want a drone that does not require an app to use, You will need to get a drone from a company such as GepRC, IFlight, or others. They are not nearly as easy to fly as say a DJI Drone BUT You just need a controller and a Drone oh and a monitor or goggles OR both. -- NO APP.
I along with many of my friends fly non DJI Drones as well, and its a different world really. Not to mention the learning curve you will need to go thru to fly. and there's the extra money. ( These Drones aint cheap. and you will pay far over DJI prices to get the whole setup.
DJI is selling a very unique piece of tech pretty cheaply. They DO NOT care about pleasing the FAA ( except where rules are involved of course).
You will not be "tracked if you have RID. RID is simply a unique number your Drone transmits-Nothing More!
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You so got that right,please move on.
Yeh.... as in any community we are what we are but we compain about the 3 letter agencies
DJI does NOT track its customers while they fly!!
(Why on earth would they spend money to do that and please stop reading articles from the pro DJI ban community). DJI is "Tracking" you to provide service and also to send you junkmail- yes they do keep a record of your flights somewhere so you can retrieve it. they are busy building drones and have no time to "Track" your movements around town.
You are not being logged out after every flight due to DJI. Carefully check ALL of your settings. ( I have flown DJI Drones for some time now I have never been logged out by their server unless i havnt flown in many months).
Drones that do not use apps are widely available. If you want a drone that does not require an app to use, You will need to get a drone from a company such as GepRC, IFlight, or others. They are not nearly as easy to fly as say a DJI Drone BUT You just need a controller and a Drone oh and a monitor or goggles OR both. -- NO APP.
I along with many of my friends fly non DJI Drones as well, and its a different world really. Not to mention the learning curve you will need to go thru to fly. and there's the extra money. ( These Drones aint cheap. and you will pay far over DJI prices to get the whole setup.
DJI is selling a very unique piece of tech pretty cheaply. They DO NOT care about pleasing the FAA ( except where rules are involved of course).
You will not be "tracked if you have RID. RID is simply a unique number your Drone transmits-Nothing More!
You are very naive. I am saying it in a good way. There should be people like you to make the human race kinder.
Few points for you to consider.
1. These agencies to everything for one reason and one reason only - control. Drug control, food control, gun control.... it's not about drugs, food, guns. It's about the second word of the sentence.
2. Any tracking and IDs help a lot with control.
3. If information is recorded or stored somewhere it should be used ESPECIALLY if you are forced to provide it "or else...." if it is a free service I can choose to use it or not.
4. They don't have time to deal with tracking.... tell that to facebook that didn't have time to store information until it sold it to the highest bidder.
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The BS is all coming from a fact-challenged individual - you.
You don't understand how your drone works, what it can and cannot do.
There is no way DJI can track you.
Get back in your bunker.
I am a VP of Software Engineering. I know exactly how it can be done. Sorry to bring it but also my high school son that is not technical at all.
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I personally don't think anyone is "watching" you and I do think it is possible there are so many of us that it's not worth anyone to focus on any particular individual. However, I am sure of a couple of things: there is no such things at too much data to store or analyze, and with the powerful computers they have now along with AI, it's takes less than 5 second to figure out and know whatever they want to know whenever they decide to know it. If you did something awfully wrong and came into the spotlight, all of a sudden you would sudden see with your own eyes everything they do know and you would be shocked to say the least. It's 2024 let's not pretend it 1994 and no one has yet figured out how to do stuff; not everyone has been stuck in place for the last 20 years.
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I personally don't think anyone is "watching" you and I do think it is possible there are so many of us that it's not worth anyone to focus on any particular individual. However, I am sure of a couple of things: there is no such things at too much data to store or analyze, and with the powerful computers they have now along with AI, it's takes less than 5 second to figure out and know whatever they want to know whenever they decide to know it. If you did something awfully wrong and came into the spotlight, all of a sudden you would sudden see with your own eyes everything they do know and you would be shocked to say the least. It's 2024 let's not pretend it 1994 and no one has yet figured out how to do stuff; not everyone has been stuck in place for the last 20 years.
You said it better than me!
Of course no one is sitting and actively watching. But it's a Pandora box waiting to be opened.
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