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DJI offered 70€ off replacement mavic mini that flew off, good deal?


New Member
Jun 7, 2022

My Mavic mini 1 decided to fly off into the sunset without so much as saying goodbye.
I contacted DJI, who have kindly offered me 70€ off a new/replacement drone (including the Mavic mini 3).

Is this a good deal? (I appreciate its better then nothing) however funds are short so paying for a new drone at the moment will be difficult but its 10% off, is it worth upgrading to the mini 3, and finally, what can I do with the now non-required controller/batteries etc,. of my old mini 1.

appreciate your thoughts
Your right they could have just said tough luck , but without being able to prove it wasn't your fault 70 quid off is fair. Personally , if it was me I'd try for a second hand mini 2 , there's great deals to be had will the release of the mini 3 , lot of mini 2 owners upgrading and selling on and if I am not mistaken the mini 2 uses the same batteries and controller as the mini 1. Mini 3 is a great drone but with the fly more kit your looking at well over 1000 quid

My Mavic mini 1 decided to fly off into the sunset without so much as saying goodbye.
I contacted DJI, who have kindly offered me 70€ off a new/replacement drone (including the Mavic mini 3).
Drones don't just "decide to fly off" and there is always a cause for lost drone incidents.
Did DJI look at your flight data and give any explanation for the incident?
There are members here who can look into recorded data from lost drone incidents and often find the cause.

If you want to find out more post the recorded data from the incident.
Go to DJI Flight Log Viewer | Phantom Help
Follow the instructions there to upload your flight record from your phone or tablet.
That will give you a detailed report on the flight data.
Come back and post a link to the report it provides, or just post the .txt file here.
Aside from, as suggested, posting the flight log, I'd look for a second hand Mavic Mini on the likes of ebay, they seem to be selling from the low £200's upwards for a combo.
Saying funds are short at the moment and considering a Mini 3 seem to be mutually exclusive.
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Bluntly, funds are always short; waiting for the funds to be plentiful won't get what you want. Budgets generally have room for adjustments.
You didn't have Care Refresh and it would have expired anyway. Of all those years I assume you did not pay for Care Refresh so it was money "saved".
You'll likely never know why the drone fly off and it wouldn't solve your dilemma even if you did, other than for the satisfaction of knowing. It would have been out of warranty.
All you can do now is look forward and make decisions on your current and future expectations. Getting a new drone is likely a good idea rather than an old used drone. Figure out what you really want and then figure out how to get it. Or, maybe any drone flying is realistically out of your financial situation now.
You'll likely never know why the drone fly off and it wouldn't solve your dilemma even if you did, other than for the satisfaction of knowing.
If he posts the flight data, there's a very good chance that the cause of the incident could be identified.
If it can be, that information is very useful to avoid similar events in future
If he posts the flight data, there's a very good chance that the cause of the incident could be identified.
If it can be, that information is very useful to avoid similar events in future
And that's the satisfaction of knowing.
Actually, the first thing I would have done is look at the flight data txt record on my phone, uploaded to AirData. Even though it wouldn't recover the done, I'd just want to know all the details available for future information or to just know b because I want to know. I also keep track and analyze flight data from every flight, including winds aloft.
And then move on when there is no chance of recovery.
Actually, the first thing I would have done is look at the flight data txt record on my phone, uploaded to AirData. Even though it wouldn't recover the done,
Analysis of flight data often finds lost drones
70€ seems like a great deal in a budget conscious situation.
That's around AU$104, or just under GBP60.

Although the mini (1) is fairly obsolete and outdated, they are still fine for a lot of pilots to have some fun and get some decent photos / video.

If you upgrade, you might find some mini pilots on here that would like a spare controller and batteries etc.

Post the flight logs if interested in a remote possibility of having a search area, a lot will depend on signal loss point, altitude the mini was at, wind etc, but posting the flight log will give you a better chance (like 100% better) at perhaps finding it than not bothering.
Now that would suit a budget restrained situation even better.

Section 3 . . .

Analysis of flight data often finds lost drones
Good idea; I didn't think of that as I just routinely evaluate flight data after each flight.

My Mavic mini 1 decided to fly off into the sunset without so much as saying goodbye.
I contacted DJI, who have kindly offered me 70€ off a new/replacement drone (including the Mavic mini 3).

Is this a good deal? (I appreciate its better then nothing) however funds are short so paying for a new drone at the moment will be difficult but its 10% off, is it worth upgrading to the mini 3, and finally, what can I do with the now non-required controller/batteries etc,. of my old mini 1.

appreciate your thoughts
Not a great offer. How much did you pay for the drone? I guess the dji offer is better than nothing but by no means impressive. As far as the extras, I would either try to sell them privately or to a used drone brand.
Best of luck and sorry about the fly away

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