While I'm not sure what this means just yet, I can't think of much that it changes for me- mostly, just the continuing imperative to represent the drone flying community in a responsible and approachable manner.
400 feet is still high enough for me, I do fly beyond VLOS if I'm familiar with the area and know I won't be above people or disturbing them (keeping pretty high up usually).
One thing I hope to know is whether it's now okay to make a buck or two (spare change, seriously) helping a friend with real-estate photography for a proposed construction job. Because that could be nice. And I've already had to turn down requests to buy posters from people online.
And one more thing, not trying to be that guy, but the second your craft leaves VLOS, you now fall under 107, which requires a remote pilot license and restricts flying BVLOS without a waiver. So technically not legal there, but at least you are being cautious about it.