Well-Known Member
1 and 2, above, are identical, and refer to "the flight", not "all flights". That's why it says "the flight".
sorry we got off track there a bit. "the flight' is not part of the language, but "strictly / solely" is part of the language. again, not trying to argue the point, as i've said it's just my opinion, but i only bring it up because i believe the industry has derived this concept out of convenience but in fact, there is no faa regulation to support it. i think you can do this and get away with it just because it's all so subjective but don't be surprised when hobbyist do the same thing. nothing else on paper that i'm finding support this concept "by flight" and so far, nobody has shown otherwise. can a hobbyist fly under 107 by flight? no. one more time, i understand you guys have said it's so...i can see i'm not going to convince this leaving it for now. maybe the faa will clear this up later or maybe they'll say it's ok. until then, it up for interpretation i guess.