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Fake NLD (FCC Mode + Boost)

Today I tested the FCC mode and it's perfect! I flew over 5200m far, without any signal / picture issue (using the SC). Than I had to turn back, because the wind got stronger and I didn't want to push the batterie. I don't fly so far usualy, but it's good to know, I won't have any problem with the signal. On CE mode I had signal issue at 3400m..
Passed a small express test NLD MOD on the mavic 2 pro.
Installed the mod on a brand new smart controller and drove to the shooting.
Imagine my disappointment when, as usual, sitting in a car I caught a disconnect at 450 meters.
Prior to that, he shot at the same location while also sitting in a car and calmly flew 700-800 without any lags with an old remote control with Jackson mod on board.
In general, there were two more shootings that day - I damned everything .... either the mode somehow crookedly got up and neither the boost nor the FCC was activated (although judging by the signal reception schedule, everything is ok), or the smart controller is messing up, but the fact - flew like in CE.
All signs of an allegedly established NLD mod were present.

Can I please have the jkson boost program? I know the jkson 100% works on the Spark and the P4PV2.0 as the feed remains immaculate for hundreds and hundreds of meters but the jkson M2 boost I cannot find anywhere on the internet. :(
This mod only for Mavic PRO/Platinum (1.04.0300 and lower) and Phantom4Pv2 ( and lower)
yeah I know, but fcc works for what i want to use the drone for, better than ce, using boost in my view pushes the rf finals to ther limit so if I don't need it why use it

Hello raven,

I saw you mentioned rf finals and I was like, yeah, he's probably a ham (or an rf engineer) but then I saw your profile pic and that answered that...

I'm posting on this older thread because it seems more suited for what Im asking about, but these questions arose, partially, due to a recent post you made in the DJI forums thread "New Smart Controller firmware released (10-10-20)" regarding the newest .650 SC upgrade.

You mentioned that everything with SC seemed to be running good after the .650 update, with the exception of google play services being disabled.

First, let me preface this by asking how you installed NLD onto the Smart Controller, as I was under the assumption that the SC hadnt been cracked by NLD yet? nor was the patched Go4 app able to be installed onto the SC? >>> Am I wrong in this?

Based on your posts in this thread though, It sounds like you did get NLD on your SC, which allowed you to then, activate FCC mode (and Boost even though you chose to not use it. Neither would I... Finals, etc), which leaves me a bit confused.

>>> So, could you comment on whether or not the .650 SC update made your NLD mods malfunction or did it entire remove them?

Im looking to jump in with NLD on my M2 and SC (for reasons I'll state at the bottom of this post) and you seem to have enough experience to clarify a few things regarding NLD, Mavic2, and the SC? So, Im going to drop a few more questions. You only answer them if you have time and want to. No expectations here! I, and likely others, will appreciate it!

If I mistook your level of understanding of NLD and its use, then disregard, my bad!

1) After NLD is installed on my Mavic 2 AC, must I install NLD on all the RC I might use with that M@ (SC, but also Std RC) in order to avoid DJI from having the ability to ground my AC at some point in the future?

2) During fw upgrades, do you think DJI installs 'behind-the-scenes' code that might keep our AC on the ground, until official fw is installed?

3) During fw upgrades, do you think DJI slips in a timer countdown of last time the GO4 app has had internet connectivity, which if expired, would lock drone to ground until connectivity gained and likely update requirement to official fw? (ie: If I move to alaska for 2+ yrs, no internet, ever, would I find out, say a year from last connection time, my M2 would be grounded?

4) With Remote ID, in the US, coming very soon, do you forsee DJI implimenting behind-the-scenes new securities - in fw that will be releasing well before the actual Remote ID fw releases - that pre-emptively will prevent FW rollback options to prevent NLD use?

(Ive rolled my M2 fw back to .0300 in prep for NLD, but my SC is still on .530 and I'm hesitant to upgrade to .650, for the reasons above in #1- 4)?

At this point, It probably appears that Im very paranoid, and when it comes to DJI, and now FAA methods, procedures - I am! I simply want the aircraft, that I paid $ for, to work as long as its capable of flight, and not be grounded by some ridiculous software lock because it hasnt talked to its masters (dji servers) in months/years.

I've been frustrated with how DJI operates, how their software can arbitrarily ground your AC and how updates have a tendency to be forced, but my largest concern is the Remote ID thats coming soon. 99% of my flights are in areas w/o internet connectivity on location, (aka: scenic wilderness) but the FAA proposals state network connection will always be required for flight. Plus, Im soon to be moving to Alaska for a long period, and the area has zero connectivity. Not even Sattelite, so that makes me worry about DJI and their history of forcing FW on their customers (if you want to actually fly your otherwise expensive paperweight).
(Im glad you European folks have much more reasonable laws, but Im no expert and all i know is based on several videos).

Any information that you, or any other, can offer on this, would be most appreciated!

Sorry for the absurd length of this post, but I wanted to include some context.

Big thanks,

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NLD mod, which I only use for FCC, and that is installed on the drone not the controller, if you have the latest firmware on the drone your out of luck, some say you can downgrade using assistant 2 install the mod then upgrade to latest firmware, I was on lower firmware when I installed the mod and it stayed after upgrading to latest firmware, if your on .300 drone firmware from what I hear your good to go with FCC mod, I think your in the states so no need for FCC mod you should already be in FCC mode, I have no idea about the other changes you can do with NLD as I only wanted it for FCC. there are no NLD versions as yet that work on the smart controller, I cant answer the other questions, maybe some others can but I doubt they will slip in anything that will ground the drone, except the fly safe database upgrades, updating the smart controller had no effect on the NLD FCC mod as its installed on the drone. as far as I know any software/firmware update is optional your not forced to do it, I have a friend who got an M2pro a year ago and he has not updated/upgraded anything as far as I know.
have a read here as to downgrading,

sorry but that's all I can answer

73s Mick, SA4MDN.
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sorry but that's all I can answer

73s Mick, SA4MDN.

Hey, no sorry needed mick, that helps more than I had hoped for. I was very confused about NLD and whether or not all the equipment (AC, plus RC, Go4, etc) required NLD install for it to work. The rest of that was just some of my more paranoid curiosities...

I want NLD so Im not in the DJI firmware push, which might not happen alot now, but will soon as Remote ID comes online.

Anyway, Im very thankful for your time.
Im not an amateur yet, but I have a few friends who are and we work on there radio gear sometimes as well as scan the bands. Its fun as you likely know!

Hope to hear u on the waves one day!

73, JD
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Hey all!
I want to chime is, cause I’m the same boat.
I’m in US... keep in mind. I was on current FW and just rolled back to 0300. I was able to apply NLD patches for sport mode, normal mode, and FCC. Being that I’m US, it uses FCC, but from what I get from NLD is to enable this anyways to force it and make sure it takes advantage of the full power. (Read NLD site they said that as well and verbal) I wanted to NFZ back to 100 but I started on 3 so that’s as far as I can go. NLD is having a hard time rolling back FW. But the DJI Assistant can do this, if you upgraded with it.
I’m on 0300 right now and don’t want to fly with that firmware, so, I’m gonna roll forward to 0400 and check things out.
Far as I know, the patches will stay! Tho, I don’t know how to check this for accuracy’s.
Hey all!
I want to chime is, cause I’m the same boat.
I’m in US... keep in mind. I was on current FW and just rolled back to 0300. I was able to apply NLD patches for sport mode, normal mode, and FCC. Being that I’m US, it uses FCC, but from what I get from NLD is to enable this anyways to force it and make sure it takes advantage of the full power. (Read NLD site they said that as well and verbal) I wanted to NFZ back to 100 but I started on 3 so that’s as far as I can go. NLD is having a hard time rolling back FW. But the DJI Assistant can do this, if you upgraded with it.
I’m on 0300 right now and don’t want to fly with that firmware, so, I’m gonna roll forward to 0400 and check things out.
Far as I know, the patches will stay! Tho, I don’t know how to check this for accuracy’s.

I'll have to be brief (which as you mayve noticed above, isnt a usual issue I have). I have gotten to the bottom of this, with help of raven and others, including NLD themselves (w/o any great news)...

So, if you up/downgraded firmware using DJI (Assistant 2 or Go4) AFTER a July 2019 (forgot exact day, its shown in Assistant 2 next to fw version), then youve introduced anti-rollback code into your AC.
All three versions of fw (.0300 thru .0510 for AC) ALL have anti-rollback, snuck in by DJI in July2019.
They modified the fw already available and added it to upcoming fw.

Pull up the firmware release notes from DJI, have a look at the date of release on the .0300 (and maybe the .0400 fw) then look at the dates next to fw version on Assistant 2... The dates shown in Assistant 2 show July, whereas the dates on the release notes show the actual release date of the original fw (no anti-rollback).

DJI did this quietly to keep you and I, and others from doing exactly what we were trying to do.

While this sucks, NLD themselves say, the only thing you miss out on is the .0100 NFZ, which can only be obtained if your last upgrade was before July 2019.

As far as I understand it, All the mods available for M2 are still available thru modclient with stock M@ fw. This is because the mods are applied via the ADB debug function which is also accessed via an older v1.1.2 Assistant 2 version.
After you upgrade to .0400 or .0510, then you'll likely have to reactivate mods, but they will work on stock fw
(Correct me if this is wrong)

NLD says your not doing yourself any favors by staying on .0300, unless you prefer it, as they are focusing on unlocking .0510 (however I feel it seems unlikely without M2 root, which we probably wont see for awhile still?)

I reupgraded to .510, but I wont be upgrading beyond that, at least until all sneaky additions to DJI fw are WELL known.

OK, so not so brief. ehhh
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Finally! The information I was looking for! Thanks! In the back of my head, I figured this to be the case! But, as noted I can do the other mods... For me in the USA does not amount to much at this point. But, as it’s stated in the NLD page, to do the Boost... No matter what. This I’ve done.
As well, introduced the sport + and Normal + modes.
Also good information about moving back to firmware .510

I was going to fly yesterday, but got busy. I left my AC on .400 for now.
Did they give you any way to confirm that the hacks stay on firmware .510?
Has anyone tried to redo it on .510 after being at .400 to see if it will still function!?
I got from an ebayer in the states my M2P weeks ago but it's the CE version with the .0510 firmware update.. I wasn't able to activate FCC mode and/or the Boost with NLD. However.. I was able to do it using Drone-Hacks..
Yesterday firmware version ending with ".0670" came out westerday and without upgrading, i can't fly me drone...

My 2 questions are:

What can i use to measure the power from the antennas?
I understand it'll stay on FCC mode, but will i loose the boost if i upgrade?

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I had the old NLD FCC Mod but I just updated to 670 and lost the mod so can't use NLD anymore for FCC.i tried the Drone-Hacks FCC Mod cost uk £18.89 and all working again :) if you already got NLD FCC Mod and don't want to lose it don't update to new 670 firmware ....
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Well.. i was unable to take off anyways so i had to upgrade... went back to drone-hacks and reapplied the boost.. All good now... thanks Zappy54!!

Still wish to know how to, or what to use to measure the power from the antennas...
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