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Flying Dreams


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2017
New York
I'm wondering if I'm alone on this (and I'm betting I'm not):

Throughout all of my life (50+ years), I've had recurring dreams where I could fly without a plane. I would swoop under telephone lines and down streets with the greatest of ease. They were always adventurous, exciting dreams and I loved the feeling, and envied the birds...

I've only been involved in this hobby for the past few months, but equipped with my MPP and Moverios in the Solitaire enclosure in FPV, I've got to say, I'm experiencing those very same feelings of freedom and excitement as my dreams. It's an amazing feeling and I'm completely hooked.

You too?
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I'm wondering if I'm alone on this (and I'm betting I'm not):

Throughout all of my life (50+ years), I've had recurring dreams where I could fly without a plane. I would swoop under telephone lines and down streets with the greatest of ease. They were always adventurous, exciting dreams and I loved the feeling, and envied the birds...

I've only been involved in this hobby for the past few months, but equipped with my MPP and Moverios in the Solitaire enclosure in FPV, I've got to say, I'm experiencing those very same feelings of freedom and excitement as my dreams. It's an amazing feeling and I'm completely hooked.

You too?

I used to have those dreams too, even after becoming a private pilot and discovering RC and drones. Now not so frequently, but even better is the fact that my dream has become reality and I can now control my reality of flying. I still get the same freedom of feeling of flying, but I find drones to be a safe way to get my jollies, and alot cheaper, safer and more convenient than flying a Cessna.
Ive had them too. Only difference is i was always holding a stick...sort of flying the way a witch does on her broom lol
I used to have those dreams too, even after becoming a private pilot and discovering RC and drones. Now not so frequently, but even better is the fact that my dream has become reality and I can now control my reality of flying. I still get the same freedom of feeling of flying, but I find drones to be a safe way to get my jollies, and alot cheaper, safer and more convenient than flying a Cessna.

Yup...ditto...and what you said.
The 150, 152 and a Cherokee 140 (with the horrible yoke pull but built like a tank.)
120 mph VNE's in the stall & spins, shondelle hammerheads and 17 mph maximum crosswind landings. Trying to fill the dream.

All gone, saving money and having a better time with the quads (drones is a public panic word!).
Had better results doing FPV fixed wing than actual flying which became a bore at 5000ft 'cause everything turns brown and dull. Never mind the expense.
The dreams are still there but to fulfill them is impossible for me. Flying cameras in FPV on FW and quads is the closest I've come to the adventure aspect of those dreams.
Bit of a rant...sorry.
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That’s interesting,
I would dream of having my own personal helicopter and would hover it around. I too would fly under power lines. Not sure what that means. I woke up in the morning only to be disappointed that the helicopter was not in my garage. Sometimes I could levitate and float around, or other times I could flap my arms and fly around in my dreams also. Started flying simulator’s since 1997 and later purchased a 450 size RC helicopter in 2009. Taught myself how to fly, but crashed a lot. So I had enough spare parts to build myself a backup. Now I have 4 RC helicopters. Built my first quad copter from a kit in 2012 and now have 1 hex and 2 home built quads, also I have added 2 Mavic Pro's, 1 Spark and a Phantom standard 3 to my collection. Flying is a very therapeutic for those of us with OCD.
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I would fly like superman in my dreams, it was great. Growing up, I also wanted to learn to fly an airplane, never did, then I got my MP and it felt like my dreams came true.

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