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Good job dji, NFZ

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Knowing their have been post with NFZ issues...

Daily I fly with airport approval, (my letter of agreement/notification and returned airport tower from my home within controled airspace, 3.8 miles from airport tower.

Due to area air show in conjunction with Unlimited Hydroplane race. A TFR zone is in affect.

To know how Mavic would respon, indoors I started Mavic and immediately "You are in a NFZ" message and instantly Mavic shut down.

I don't mind sharing my home air space with Air Force Raptor.
Good job dji, very effective!
Yup good job, DJI trying to save our hobby (and themselves, and the industry) from the idiot minority. I'm fine with that.
If a goose can take down an a320 to crash land in the Hudson river a drone could do the same.
There are already idiots flying in nfz's and right next to flight paths. Do I need to post videos of examples??
Let's just hope our loved ones and family aren't onboard when the next idiot chooses to do this and circumvent restrictions.
It's pretty simple..kinda like the military. You know what to it's up to the individual to make the decision. Join or not and fly or not. As for recording flights and info...I'm assuming its like a security camera...ya don't really look at the footage unless something happened. As for downloading or the fear of personal information being assimilated from your phone while its hooked up to the controller, go the stand alone rout. I just hooked up a CrystalSky monitor. My USAA mobile app and any other info is no where near in danger.
Side note, being military myself...if you have any sort of clearance...your being tracked none the less. Just sayen.

Bad example, people purchased the drone and then DJI made the changes. Its funny, guys jumped down my throat for comparing the drone industry to the automotive industry but now you're equating buying a toy to joining the military! Hahaha!
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Yup good job, DJI trying to save our hobby (and themselves, and the industry) from the idiot minority. I'm fine with that.
If a goose can take down an a320 to crash land in the Hudson river a drone could do the same.
There are already idiots flying in nfz's and right next to flight paths. Do I need to post videos of examples??
Let's just hope our loved ones and family aren't onboard when the next idiot chooses to do this and circumvent restrictions.

Um geese can fly over 20,000 feet high... So we're back to my example of the auto industry. Since some choose to drive 100 mph in a 70 mph zone, all cars should be regulated to not drive over the speed limit right? All cars should be equipped with a breathalyzer to keep drunks off the road and cell phones should go into a car mode the minute you get in, right? I just don't like the world some of you are being herded into. No it's worse than that, you're helping the rancher build the pens and sharpening his sheep shears for him.
Um geese can fly over 20,000 feet high... So we're back to my example of the auto industry. Since some choose to drive 100 mph in a 70 mph zone, all cars should be regulated to not drive over the speed limit right? All cars should be equipped with a breathalyzer to keep drunks off the road and cell phones should go into a car mode the minute you get in, right? I just don't like the world some of you are being herded into. No it's worse than that, you're helping the rancher build the pens and sharpening his sheep shears for him.

The kind of world where people aren't accidentally killed by idiots, as a matter of routine, is my kind of world, actually. Technology should be used to stop people being stupid. You should sell up and jog on.
The kind of world where people aren't accidentally killed by idiots, as a matter of routine, is my kind of world, actually. Technology should be used to stop people being stupid. You should sell up and jog on.

So you want every aspect of your life controlled by the government and corporations because you aren't capable of making that decisions yourself? Or are you one of those elites that believe you're not one of those "idiots" you refer to? I'm stupid for wanting to make my own decisions and being capable of handling my own responsibilities? I was responsible enough to be put in charge of a system that could kill thousands of people but I'm not responsible enough to fly a toy drone?

I still say that a better approach would be to educate those that need it instead of penalizing everyone for the alleged actions of a few. Today there're regulating 5 miles from anything that even resembles an airport but they still let you fly up to 1500 feet. Tomorrow it'll be 10 miles and 400 feet until you wake up and find that they're illegal all together.

Oh and I don't know where you are but I'm an American and I'll buy whatever I want and sell it if I choose to. I own several drones and I like the Mavic for its portability. Neither my Solo or Karma suffer from corporate restrictions so I'll just use them for any "idiot" flights I want to make.
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So you want every aspect of your life controlled by the government and corporations because you aren't capable of making that decisions yourself?.

And yet another fallacy. What I want is people like you controlled, because, well, you need to be.
And yet another fallacy. What I want is people like you controlled, because, well, you need to be.

Context, I said you're willing to have every portion of your life controlled because some people can't control theirs, right? Well I'm not. We'll agree to disagree because you're going to call me "stupid" or infer I'm an idiot one time too many and I'm gonna go full flame on you!
Context, I said you're willing to have every portion of your life controlled because some people can't control theirs, right? Well I'm not. We'll agree to disagree because you're going to call me "stupid" or infer I'm an idiot one time too many and I'm gonna go full flame on you!

I'm so scared, no, really, I am.
You 2 want to carry on in a conversation have at it other than that it stops here . I have done ask you guy's to be civil and your not listening .
That's your best reply? Oh dear, it's obvious you feel you can't make any logical points but the recycled Drone Police propganda.

I asked you some questions in my reply to you comment. Can you back your statements and foster more dialogue with anything else other than "oh dear"?

Can you tell us all how you, presumably an American, are ok with a shady Chinese corporation telling you when and where you can fly your legally purchased toy after said purchase?

Can you tell us what Laws your inferring we're breaking. Can you name or site a single drone statute that has been passed by the single Law making body of the United States?

Can you tell us what law Congress has passed that refers to drone regulations? Not your tiredly and overly mentioned "guidelines" that are being challenged and stuck down in courts?

Please take the time to enlighten us all with your unequaled knowledge on the subject.

We are simply not satisfied with "oh dear".
Um geese can fly over 20,000 feet high... So we're back to my example of the auto industry. Since some choose to drive 100 mph in a 70 mph zone, all cars should be regulated to not drive over the speed limit right? All cars should be equipped with a breathalyzer to keep drunks off the road and cell phones should go into a car mode the minute you get in, right? I just don't like the world some of you are being herded into. No it's worse than that, you're helping the rancher build the pens and sharpening his sheep shears for him.
No bro you're going about this all wrong. All we have to do is regulate all geese and that will solve the issue and make all little girls and boys sleep soundly in their beds.

Just don't use any sort of critical thought and mindlessly capitulate to every irrational fear that some display here.

All the "what ifs" in their little World haven't added up to a single drone fatality. Fact is there are a billion more geese and other birds than any drone on Earth.

Why aren't planes falling out of the sky more often with all these dangerous birds and incredibly fragile passenger aircraft up there? It's simple statistics right?

If it truly that simple for a 2lb piece of flying plastic to take down a 200 ton multi engine triple redundancy modern airliner than I will no longer fly.

ISIS no longer needs weapons and explosives because they can just buy a bunch of cheap Mavics instead of trying to constantly circumvent our security.
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That's your best reply? Oh dear, it's obvious you feel you can't make any logical points but the recycled Drone Police propganda.

I asked you some questions in my reply to you comment. Can you back your statements and foster more dialogue with anything else other than "oh dear"?

Can you tell us all how you, presumably an American, are ok with a shady Chinese corporation telling you when and where you can fly your legally purchased toy after said purchase?

Can you tell us what Laws your inferring we're breaking. Can you name or site a single drone statute that has been passed by the single Law making body of the United States?

Can you tell us what law Congress has passed that refers to drone regulations? Not your tiredly and overly mentioned "guidelines" that are being challenged and stuck down in courts?

Please take the time to enlighten us all with your unequaled knowledge on the subject.

We are simply not satisfied with "oh dear".

These hardcoded 'restriction' don't affect me. What are you being stopped from doing that you want to do?
Hi Wavy510.
I find your posts somewhat aggressive and unhelpful. I'm reticent to make a reply as I feel you will fail to read my posts properly and misinterpret what I say. However, whilst I honestly have better things to do I will address your post but don't expect another reply as I feel this subject has been exhausted and is beyond civil debate. What you read will annoy you and cause more angst.

That's your best reply? Oh dear, it's obvious you feel you can't make any logical points but the recycled Drone Police propganda.

That's your interpretation; you don't know how I feel.

I asked you some questions in my reply to you comment. Can you back your statements and foster more dialogue with anything else other than "oh dear"?
I'm not obliged to answer your questions and felt there was nothing I could respond to that would make for constructive dialogue.

Can you tell us all how you, presumably an American, are ok with a shady Chinese corporation telling you when and where you can fly your legally purchased toy after said purchase?
I chose to buy the Mavic based on advice and research. I don't find DJI "shady" or the fact that they are a Chinese company makes them so. Xenophobic comments like this are distasteful. Your use of the word "toy" is condescending. Why do you assume I am an American? Every post I've made shows I'm in the UK. You've failed to see that, as I believe you've failed to read my posts properly and misinterpret what I have written, whether that be by design or ignorance. The world is a big place. America is a great democratic country but there are other countries outside the USA that dont share the same politics or culture. DJI are a Chinese based company that have developed a world wide market and are trying to address the issues that effect its customers wherever they are.

Can you tell us what Laws your inferring we're breaking. Can you name or site a single drone statute that has been passed by the single Law making body of the United States?
I could "Google" current US law but have no need to. I don't live in the USA but if I was visiting I would make sure I knew current legislation laws on flying a drone in your country, and individual states that may have certain by laws. I did this recently on a vacation to Greece. I am unaware of what laws you ("we're") are breaking as I don't know you. I believe you are a law enforcement officer so I assume you aren't breaking any laws. But youve asked for an example so I guess flying a drone over the grounds of the Whitehouse or a military installation or an air field would probably be a criminal offence.

Can you tell us what law Congress has passed that refers to drone regulations? Not your tiredly and overly mentioned "guidelines" that are being challenged and stuck down in courts?
Not off hand but see above. The bigger picture has to considered by DJI who have to work with countries around the world whose laws are varied. At least international aviation rules have some unilateral conformity which is why NFZ's are easier to manage.

Please take the time to enlighten us all with your unequaled knowledge on the subject.
Just my opinion, but thanks for the compliment.

We are simply not satisfied with "oh dear".
Who is "we"?

Like I said, this reply will not satisfy you and I apologise to all members, yourself included, for any offense this post will cause. My posts in this thread have been about the concern of the actions of the minority who flout the rules/regs/guidelines and laws, call them what you will. To address this issue on an international level is extremely difficult, but I believe DJI are doing what they can to protect their interests by working with the authorities in the many countries around the world that they do commerce with. If you are concerned that a Chinese company have restricted your product, which in my opinion is done to stop breaches of safety and to protect future sales, then go ahead and jailbreak your drone or fly one that has no restrictions. If you're worried that a Chinese company can see flight data from your drone that could lead to a prosecution in your own country then use another drone. If you're worried that a Chinese company can monitor the data from your drone that compromises the internal security of your country then don't worry, they have satellites that do that far better as well as IT departments that trawl through far more sensitive issues than to worry about some guy in Wisconson flying a drone over a lake.
No bro you're going about this all wrong. All we have to do is regulate all geese and that will solve the issue and make all little girls and boys sleep soundly in their beds.

Just don't use any sort of critical thought and mindlessly capitulate to every irrational fear that some display here.

All the "what ifs" in their little World haven't added up to a single drone fatality. Fact is there are a billion more geese and other birds than any drone on Earth.

Why aren't planes falling out of the sky more often with all these dangerous birds and incredibly fragile passenger aircraft up there? It's simple statistics right?

If it truly that simple for a 2lb piece of flying plastic to take down a 200 ton multi engine triple redundancy modern airliner than I will no longer fly.

ISIS no longer needs weapons and explosives because they can just buy a bunch of cheap Mavics instead of trying to constantly circumvent our security.

I literally laughed for a solid minute! I had a similar argument about the 400' rule. I'm like, commercial aircraft fly between 20 and 40,000 feet in the air. How can me flying a toy 401 feet in the air affect them? Then it went to small passenger aircraft... Then helicopters... could you imagine what it would be like if a 747 flew over your house at 400'?
I literally laughed for a solid minute! I had a similar argument about the 400' rule. I'm like, commercial aircraft fly between 20 and 40,000 feet in the air. How can me flying a toy 401 feet in the air affect them? Then it went to small passenger aircraft... Then helicopters... could you imagine what it would be like if a 747 flew over your house at 400'?

GA aircraft fly in uncontrolled airspace above 500ft, hence the 100ft separation between them and drones. Can you really not see the danger inherent in allowing unqualified drone operators up above 500ft?
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Hi Wavy510.
I find your posts somewhat aggressive and unhelpful. I'm reticent to make a reply as I feel you will fail to read my posts properly and misinterpret what I say. However, whilst I honestly have better things to do I will address your post but don't expect another reply as I feel this subject has been exhausted and is beyond civil debate. What you read will annoy you and cause more angst.

That's your best reply? Oh dear, it's obvious you feel you can't make any logical points but the recycled Drone Police propganda.

That's your interpretation; you don't know how I feel.

I asked you some questions in my reply to you comment. Can you back your statements and foster more dialogue with anything else other than "oh dear"?
I'm not obliged to answer your questions and felt there was nothing I could respond to that would make for constructive dialogue.

Can you tell us all how you, presumably an American, are ok with a shady Chinese corporation telling you when and where you can fly your legally purchased toy after said purchase?
I chose to buy the Mavic based on advice and research. I don't find DJI "shady" or the fact that they are a Chinese company makes them so. Xenophobic comments like this are distasteful. Your use of the word "toy" is condescending. Why do you assume I am an American? Every post I've made shows I'm in the UK. You've failed to see that, as I believe you've failed to read my posts properly and misinterpret what I have written, whether that be by design or ignorance. The world is a big place. America is a great democratic country but there are other countries outside the USA that dont share the same politics or culture. DJI are a Chinese based company that have developed a world wide market and are trying to address the issues that effect its customers wherever they are.

Can you tell us what Laws your inferring we're breaking. Can you name or site a single drone statute that has been passed by the single Law making body of the United States?
I could "Google" current US law but have no need to. I don't live in the USA but if I was visiting I would make sure I knew current legislation laws on flying a drone in your country, and individual states that may have certain by laws. I did this recently on a vacation to Greece. I am unaware of what laws you ("we're") are breaking as I don't know you. I believe you are a law enforcement officer so I assume you aren't breaking any laws. But youve asked for an example so I guess flying a drone over the grounds of the Whitehouse or a military installation or an air field would probably be a criminal offence.

Can you tell us what law Congress has passed that refers to drone regulations? Not your tiredly and overly mentioned "guidelines" that are being challenged and stuck down in courts?
Not off hand but see above. The bigger picture has to considered by DJI who have to work with countries around the world whose laws are varied. At least international aviation rules have some unilateral conformity which is why NFZ's are easier to manage.

Please take the time to enlighten us all with your unequaled knowledge on the subject.
Just my opinion, but thanks for the compliment.

We are simply not satisfied with "oh dear".
Who is "we"?

Like I said, this reply will not satisfy you and I apologise to all members, yourself included, for any offense this post will cause. My posts in this thread have been about the concern of the actions of the minority who flout the rules/regs/guidelines and laws, call them what you will. To address this issue on an international level is extremely difficult, but I believe DJI are doing what they can to protect their interests by working with the authorities in the many countries around the world that they do commerce with. If you are concerned that a Chinese company have restricted your product, which in my opinion is done to stop breaches of safety and to protect future sales, then go ahead and jailbreak your drone or fly one that has no restrictions. If you're worried that a Chinese company can see flight data from your drone that could lead to a prosecution in your own country then use another drone. If you're worried that a Chinese company can monitor the data from your drone that compromises the internal security of your country then don't worry, they have satellites that do that far better as well as IT departments that trawl through far more sensitive issues than to worry about some guy in Wisconson flying a drone over a lake.

You may not read this post but considering DJI's level of control of their products, I would think it would be child's play to configure each drone to follow the laws in whatever country the operator happens to be in. Like I've said repeatedly, offering the "safety" guidelines that some of you want is perfectly okay with me. I just want the ability to turn them off if I choose. The auto industry provides seat belts, if you don't wear them they can't be held responsible, right?

Let me try another tact, what if DJI decided tomorrow to keep all of their drones in beginner mode until it had been flown 100 hours? Now that would be a very safe thing to do wouldn't you agree? So if you only have 50 hours on it now, you'd have to fly another 100 batteries worth before you could fly in normal mode. Then if they REALLY want to protect us, they'll make you have another 100 hours before you can use sport mode. Now that would be a company that has our and the drone industries best interests at heart!
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