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Nov 20, 2017
Hi everyone,

I bought a Mavic Pro three weeks ago and what an amazing bird! I took the time to read a lot of things about it, how to set it, to calibrate it, to use it the right way..And people from this forum helped a lot! I didn't want to crash it or to miss something from the config.

During those 3 weeks, everything was fine. Flew a lot, never had any issue.

This week end, I decided to update the drone (firmware, RC and battery). I did the update from the app without any issue. It took some time (maybe 40 min, it failed one time during the download).

My current state is:
- Drone: 1.04.0000
- RC: 1.04.0000
- DJI Go App: 4.1.18

After the update, I went to a big park near my place where I usually train to fly, to check the drone and unfortunately I noticed multiple issues:
  • The video feed is very very bad. The two thirds of the screen is black, very pixelated, can't see anything (see photos below). I double checked the transmission signal between RC and Aircraft, everything looks fine,
  • I have an error message when the drone takes off saying "Error code 110: failed to take off, please contact DJI Support", but the drone is taking off without any issue and I can control it without any problem. Just after the warning message, I have another message (green) saying "takeoff successful",
  • I lost the signal between RC and Aircraft randomly.
I tried different things like switching batteries, switching devices...still the same. I also took pictures and videos with the drone and everything is ok on the SD Card.

I use a dedicated Nexus 7 2013 to fly. I'm on Android 6.0.1(Marshmallow). Before installing the app, I've done a factory reset of the tablet. So, the DJI Go app is the only app running on it.

I read a lot of threads about that kind of issue and I'm not sure about what to do or where to start. I'm thinking about:
  • Downgrading the app to 4.1.10? I saw on different forum that people have issue with the latest version on DJI Go app,
  • Doing a factory reset using DJI Assistant 2? Will it rollback to the firmware installed on the drone when I bought it? I'm not sure if it will work, lots of people are saying it changes and/or does nothing,
  • Downgrading the firmware to a previous version using DJI Assistant 2? If so, which one? If I do that, do I have to downgrade the RC to the same exact firmware?
  • I’m on the latest (and buggy) 1.04.00000 firmware now, but is there a way to know what was the previous one, before the update? I forgot to note the previous version..
So yeah if some people have some suggestions/ideas/tips/anything for me, it will help a lot...I saved a lot of money to offer myself this drone and now I'm kind of disappointed, not sure if that update was a good idea...

Thanks a lot in advance.

Versions All

Blurry/black video feed screen:
Bluerry Screen 02
Bluerry Screen 01

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First I would reset factory defaults using DJI Assistant. I don't recall if you need to run Assistant in developer mode or not to do so, if you do you can find more info here: howto:parameterhacks []

Next I would downgrade GO app. You can find old versions of the app by doing a google search of 'DJI GO APK'. I stopped upgrading the app at 4.1.3

After doing those things you might consider downgrading the firmware.
Try a different USB cable first will be my advice
Hi Haloweenhamster,
Thanks for your reply.
I tried different cable but it didn't help. I always used the one provided with the mavic. So yeah that's a good idea, maybe I will retry with a brand new one if I have the opportunity.

First I would reset factory defaults using DJI Assistant. I don't recall if you need to run Assistant in developer mode or not to do so, if you do you can find more info here: howto:parameterhacks []

Next I would downgrade GO app. You can find old versions of the app by doing a google search of 'DJI GO APK'. I stopped upgrading the app at 4.1.3

After doing those things you might consider downgrading the firmware.

Hi Pathogen,
Thanks a lot for your reply. Yeah I think I will follow your advice, but I have a question for you, what is the difference between the factory reset and downgrading the firmware here?
I switched from 1.03.XXXX (the FW version when I bought the drone) to 1.04.0000 (after update), so if I do a factory reset, my understanding is I will jump back to 1.03.XXXX which is a FW downgrade, right? Or I'm missing something somewhere..

Thks you both of you for the help.

Factory update won't effect the fw, it just resets parameters & settings

You also have fw refresh option where it reloads the current fw on the drone

you can load 1.3.1000 in assistant 2 if you wish
Factory update won't effect the fw, it just resets parameters & settings

You also have fw refresh option where it reloads the current fw on the drone

you can load 1.3.1000 in assistant 2 if you wish

Thks Haloweenhamster for your reply,

Maybe a fw refresh could be interesting if the updates was a bit chaotic.
Before loading an old fw version, I will try a factory reset (I don't expect anything from that, resetting param and settings won't change or fix something in my opinion) and downgrading the app (I think it is the key here).

If nothing work, I will downgrade the FW.

Is there a way to know what was the previous FW on the drone? Or the FW installed on the drone when I bought it?

Thank you very much.
I will try a factory reset (I don't expect anything from that, resetting param and settings won't change or fix something in my opinion) and downgrading the app (I think it is the key here).
Resetting the parameters is not intended to fix the problem (although that is possible), it is intended to prevent any failures when downgrading the firmware, which can happen sometimes. Good luck!
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Resetting the parameters is not intended to fix the problem (although that is possible), it is intended to prevent any failures when downgrading the firmware, which can happen sometimes. Good luck!

Thanks a lot Pathogen for the clarification.
I will try that and will update the post later with the result of the operation.

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Thanks a lot Pathogen for the clarification.
I will try that and will update the post later with the result of the operation.

Hey man, what's the news? I have the exact same issues. Almost lost my drone today as i couldn't see where is the drone in really high mountains and i really strong wind. Luckily i made it back.
I tried updating all to the newest versions but it doesn't work.

Thanks for advice.
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Hey man, what's the news? I have the exact same issues. Almost lost my drone today as i couldn't see where is the drone in really high mountains and i really strong wind. Luckily i made it back.
I tried updating all to the newest versions but it doesn't work.

Thanks for advice.
Hi matejcharvat, thks for your post,
You tried to fly with you drone even if you don't have a good video feed! You like to live dangerously :)

I didn't have the time to do anything yet.
I will probably start tonight and I will keep you in touch here.
I will try:
- factory reset + tests
- downgrading the app + tests
- downgrading the FW + tests

Out of 2 mavics one is doing this after updating to 1.4.0100 so it appears to be the mavic not app or rc

Hey Haloweenhamster,

If the 1.04.0100 is available maybe I should consider trying updating to that version first.

Cheers guy

I have a workaround for the video feed issue.

Switch to custom for transmission
Make sure 20mhz is selected
Slide the box all the way to the left

Rock solid video feed, even in 28 degrees. Just did a nice night flight, and the feed is as good as it was before.

I have a workaround for the video feed issue.

Switch to custom for transmission
Make sure 20mhz is selected
Slide the box all the way to the left

Rock solid video feed, even in 28 degrees. Just did a nice night flight, and the feed is as good as it was before.

Hi Craigmediaproductions,

Thanks a lot for your reply.

I already tried that kind of modification but it was not successful for me.. I will retry for sure. Will keep you in touch!

Out of 2 mavics one is doing this after updating to 1.4.0100 so it appears to be the mavic not app or rc

Hey. I'm thinking it's the mobile app, not sure tho.
It started to me after updating the app in my phone, i didn't touch fw in mavic or rc at that time.

I'm a bit confused tho to be honest. I really don't know why dji let it be like this.. It's thousands of people around the world. Not just a few of them.
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I'm a bit confused tho to be honest. I really don't know why dji let it be like this.. It's thousands of people around the world. Not just a few of them.

The Mavic was originally called Maverick. It seems the name of the drone isn't the only thing that gets the roll-back treatment. It would appear that DJI wants to have its cake and eat it too, that is, making ludicrously fantastic devices, and then crippling them.

It may well be good practice to hold off doing upgrades just to get a few new features (that often can be had from 3rd party apps). The most recent firmware introduces aggressive anti-rollback technology, while offering almost nothing new to justify upgrading. DJI has steadily been shifting its energy from developing powerful fun technology, to developing ways to interfere with and restrict use of its own technology, since about the time the iOS 408 app was born. This is not to mention their own utter incompetence in protecting user data and personal information during that same time.
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