Hi everyone,
I own Mavic Pro for a while and for the first time I experienced Downlink data connection lost message. The Mavic lost connection with the RC and returned to home for three times. I was flying in a very wide area in a green field, surrounded by a rock and hills, but I didn't flew over or lost sight. I can't imagine what happened to it since there weren't any object between me and the Mavic.
I digged into the log files but just found the Downlink data connection lost for xxx seconds. There are some errors found on Airdata (maximum of 632.7 minor signal errors found on Airdata sensors tab). I also uploaded records in PhantomPilotsHelp
DJI Flight Log Viewer - PhantomHelp.com
Ayone can please help me undestand what happened?
Problem? aircraft with downlink data connection errors
Was unit in a crash? no
What have you tried so far?: Landed, restarted and tried to fly again.
What device are you using? Motorola Z2 Play
What firmware are you running ( aircraft, remote controller)? v01.04.0100
What Go app version are you using? 4.2.4(516-googlePlay)
Any modification? its all a stock unit
Did you change anything or install any apps? No
Do you have a video or pictures of the problem? Not applied.
I own Mavic Pro for a while and for the first time I experienced Downlink data connection lost message. The Mavic lost connection with the RC and returned to home for three times. I was flying in a very wide area in a green field, surrounded by a rock and hills, but I didn't flew over or lost sight. I can't imagine what happened to it since there weren't any object between me and the Mavic.
I digged into the log files but just found the Downlink data connection lost for xxx seconds. There are some errors found on Airdata (maximum of 632.7 minor signal errors found on Airdata sensors tab). I also uploaded records in PhantomPilotsHelp
DJI Flight Log Viewer - PhantomHelp.com
Ayone can please help me undestand what happened?
Problem? aircraft with downlink data connection errors
Was unit in a crash? no
What have you tried so far?: Landed, restarted and tried to fly again.
What device are you using? Motorola Z2 Play
What firmware are you running ( aircraft, remote controller)? v01.04.0100
What Go app version are you using? 4.2.4(516-googlePlay)
Any modification? its all a stock unit
Did you change anything or install any apps? No
Do you have a video or pictures of the problem? Not applied.