Thank you for the patronizing response. I did read the document and you should too.
Thank you for you patronizing reply. I did read the document and concur with DJI’s assessment of the proposal and most of the drone community that wholeheartedly disagree with you and your position on this.
Thank you for you patronizing reply. Respectfully, I did read the document and concur with DJI’s assessment of the proposal and a vast majority of the drone community that wholeheartedly disagree with you and your position on this. This can be seen by the overwhelming negative comments to the proposal which closed at well over 50,000 responses.
Under the FAA proposal, if drone operators want to operate freely, they (meaning through the drone and not the cell phone attached to the controller) would have to both broadcast their identity on a radio frequency that can be monitored nearby AND simultaneously upload the information via the internet. You fundamentally misunderstand this and it’s implications.
No - you have still misunderstood the proposal. There is nothing in it that requires the drone to have direct internet capability without going via the mobile device. But feel free to quote the section that you think says that.