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How to Disable Skypixel Sharing in DJI GO


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2016
Hi, long time listener, first time caller. I have a new Mavic Pro, and installed DJI GO/registered with DJI for the first time. I recall being prompted to allow sharing to Skypixel during the app install or registration. I had no idea what this was at the time, but assumed this would just allow the ability to share to Skypixel, not always share videos to Skypixel as a one-time, irreversible, all-or-nothing decision, which AFAICT is what it actually it does. When I go to Edit a video then click the Share icon, Skypixel is checked by default and even if I check another service (e.g. Facebook), Skypixel remains checked:

If I click the Skypixel icon it says you agree to sharing your videos with all Skypixel subscribers, within only one button in Chinese text to accept (no option to not accept). Is the only way to disable sharing to Skypixel to uninstall and reinstall the app and not allow this option during initial setup? What if I later want to share a video to Skypixel? Do I need to reinstall the app again? Seems like I'm either missing something or this is just a terribly implemented "feature" (perhaps designed to unwittingly pump a bunch of videos into DJI's Skypixel service?). I've checked all the DJI GO settings, and my DJI account and Skypixel account (using my DJI login). I don't see any option to disable Skypixel sharing. Thanks in advance for your help.
Unless they changed something it doesn't share unless you tell it to on a per video basis.
The screen you are showing is the option screen, don't click the share button and it won't go to SP. Just back out of it.
Also, notice the section I circled in red...

By automatic, I mean when you Share a video to any service shown above (e.g. privately to Facebook or Instagram), DJI GO automatically shares the video publically to Skypixel by default and without the ability to disable it. I have a slightly different version of DJI GO that has Skypixel icon shown and checked automatically and if I click on it I see the exact text you have highlighted with the "I agree" button in Chinese. Sounds like it is the same behavior either way -- at least in the version I have it visually indicates that you are sharing to SkyPixel automatically. I'm still confused since it gave me the option to disable this during initial setup, but doesn't give me the option to change this behavior after installing the app. It definitely feels like they are trying to unwittingly share everything into their service given the unintuitive behavior of this benign setting and the difficulty to disable it. This just flies in the face of consumer choice and privacy. Given that "choice" I'm going to reinstall and disable it altogether, which seems silly that it's all or nothing and requires a reinstall to change. Thanks.
OK, it gets worse. I uninstalled the app, reinstalled the app and wasn't prompted to enable Skypixel, so apparently this was something I enabled during registration in app, and now that I've enabled Skypixel, I will forever and irrevocably be giving DJI permission to share any video I share from their app to their service. I understand I can simply chose to not Share videos from their app, which seems to be my only choice if I don't want to be forced to use their service. I'm just frustrated, confused, and dumfounded you have literally one chance to opt out of their service then are forever tied to it. Surely I'm missing something?

ETA: After talking with support, and based on response here, I've come to the conclusion "I'm holding it wrong". Apparently, my expectation that I should be able to simply share a video to a social media service directly from the app without sharing it to Skypixel is a misfounded expectation. I'm still 100% sure there was an option to opt-in to sharing videos with Skypixel when I first installed the app and registered my drone, but since I can't un-register my drone it's impossible to repro this and support told me that option simply doesn't exist and therefore there is no way to undo it. So, bottom line, you can't share videos directly from DJI GO to a social media account without also sharing the video publicly to Skypixel.
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Yeah, that's what I'll do. It's just silly they have this easy to use video editor, and just like any other iOS app you think oh, cool, I can just click share directly from the app and post it to Facebook, but then inadvertently (and unwittingly) post it publically to a service in China in the process, which completely defeats the usefulness of this feature IMO. I guess just no one uses it as a result, or doesn't care about sharing every video they post to social media to a public service as well. Even if you want to share videos to Skypixel, it's probably not the quick and dirty videos you create using the built in Editor but rather ones you do post-production on. You want to curate what you put in any public service. Just blinding dumping everything in there you share is just silliness. Seems like they are just desperate to create a Chinese video sharing service and are willing to usurp user privacy and opt-in permissions to do so.
I'm still 100% sure there was an option to opt-in to sharing videos with Skypixel when I first installed the app and registered my drone, but since I can't un-register my drone it's impossible to repro this and support told me that option simply doesn't exist and therefore there is no way to undo it.
If there was any consistency I'd expect the entire sharing function to be disabled until you accept anyway.
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Hi guys, i know this is an old thread but i might have the answer.
I knew i had video edited and shareable but today i created a video, shared it to skynet and couldn't find it on my phone to share normally. After some digging i realized the answer. Build your edits and get to the point where you are ready to upload. Flip to a folder program and find the directory in the dji directory named production. This is where the final copy is stored before upload.
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