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In Sport mode and obstacle avoidance during RTH


Oct 21, 2016
Oslo, Norway
I have a hypothetical scenario I wasn't able to find a clear answer for in the manual, or by googling.

1. On the Mavic, the Forward Vision System is Enabled and your RTH Altitude is set to 30 meter/100 feet ( yes, low)
2. You're goofing around in Sport Mode in an urban area. (Forward/downward Vision System is the disabled)
3. You fly behind a tall building (let's say 50 meter/160 feet), losses connection and Failsafe RTH initiates.
4. Your Mavic ascends to the RTH Altitude 30 meters, and begins the travel back to you.
5. On the path back to you, this tall building is in it's way, now what happens?

A) Does the RTH re-enabled the Forward Vision System sensors, and takes the predefined measures when the building is sensed? (stops and ascend)

B) Or does it just smashes into this building, because the RTH "came from" sport mode where the sensors is disabled? And should there be any differences on the RTH modes? Failsafe/Smart/Low battery...

If this is stated clearly in the manual, please let me know where: :)
The manual clearly states on page 11 that the Forward Vision System is disabled in Sport Mode. In your scenario above, you're still in Sport Mode when you lose signal, so you're definitely going to crash into the building!
So scenario, drone kick the RTH while you are in sport mode.. and after minute or so you switch from sport mode while drone caming back.. does mavic turn on the sensors in that case? fRee and fLy..
So scenario, drone kick the RTH while you are in sport mode.. and after minute or so you switch from sport mode while drone caming back.. does mavic turn on the sensors in that case? fRee and fLy..
Provided you originally had them switched on in P mode, they should now be working again. You can check in the top bar of the app to make sure.
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The manual clearly states on page 11 that the Forward Vision System is disabled in Sport Mode. In your scenario above, you're still in Sport Mode when you lose signal, so you're definitely going to crash into the building!

Yes, as I'm stating in point 2, it's disabled in Sport Mode. The question I'm asking is if the initiating of RTH Failsafe isn't considered as a change of Mode, and thereby re-activating obstacle avoidance, that is active in other modes (like normal P-mode)
Failsafe RTH is just giving the Mavic an instruction to head back to the's not changing modes. Obstacle avoidance won't be enabled.
If you want to check it out, start a flight in P mode with the sensors turned on, and then change to Sports Mode, The symbol on the top bar off the app will turn red, showing the sensors are disabled. Turn your controller off, which will start a Failsafe RTH. Turn the controller back on, and check the symbol in the top bar. (Obviously you need to be in a wide open space to do this!).
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This scenario shouldn't occur if you complete your flight prep. If you want to send your mavic around buildings etc and out of sight, you should set your RTH accordingly to your surroundings and then turn on sport mode. RTH will then rise to a safe altitude and hopefully land safely. During it's flight back signal should return unless your rc battery has died and you can take control again

Sent from my SM-G935F using MavicPilots mobile app
Failsafe RTH is just giving the Mavic an instruction to head back to the's not changing modes. Obstacle avoidance won't be enabled.
If you want to check it out, start a flight in P mode with the sensors turned on, and then change to Sports Mode, The symbol on the top bar off the app will turn red, showing the sensors are disabled. Turn your controller off, which will start a Failsafe RTH. Turn the controller back on, and check the symbol in the top bar. (Obviously you need to be in a wide open space to do this!).

Thanks for your contribution rockydog, but I don't think this is correct. I found the following thread regarding this case:

From DJI-Mindy regarding Mavic: "If forward vision system is enabled and the lighting conditions are sufficient, it will avoid obstacles when fail safe RTH is engaged even if you were flying in Sport mode."

From DJI-Tim regarding Phantom 4: "If you are flying in sport mode and press RTH it will get back home in usual P mode and will be able to avoid obstacles."
Thanks Jsun, it's important to know this especially with the whole OA and sun issue during a RTH.

I wish the weather was better I could test this, I'll have it on my to do list.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This scenario shouldn't occur if you complete your flight prep. If you want to send your mavic around buildings etc and out of sight, you should set your RTH accordingly to your surroundings and then turn on sport mode. RTH will then rise to a safe altitude and hopefully land safely. During it's flight back signal should return unless your rc battery has died and you can take control again

Sent from my SM-G935F using MavicPilots mobile app

Setting a high/reasonable RTH altitude kind of undermines the point of this scenario, but I agree to your points.
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It's according to what you have the RTH settings at in the setup menu . You can enable/Disable Obstacle Avoidance for regular flight and you can ALSO enable/Disable OA separately for RTH . If you have OA Enabled in RTH setup then it will have OA no matter what mode you were currently flying in as RTH is a separate flight mode .
Thanks for your contribution rockydog, but I don't think this is correct. I found the following thread regarding this case:

From DJI-Mindy regarding Mavic: "If forward vision system is enabled and the lighting conditions are sufficient, it will avoid obstacles when fail safe RTH is engaged even if you were flying in Sport mode."

From DJI-Tim regarding Phantom 4: "If you are flying in sport mode and press RTH it will get back home in usual P mode and will be able to avoid obstacles."
I hope you're right and I'm wrong on this one. There seems to be a degree of confusion between what DJI-Tim has said in the post you linked to, and the information in another thread on this topic Turn on Obstacle Avoidance during Return To Home . If you follow the link from that thread, it would seem to indicate that in Sports Mode obstacle avoidance was disabled.
All of those posts were last year, so maybe DJI has listened to people and made things foolproof since then. I'll have to try doing what I suggested in my post and find out for myself....but I hope you're right!
If you follow the link from that thread, it would seem to indicate that in Sports Mode obstacle avoidance was disabled.

When "You" are flying in Sport mode ,OA is disabled . When the Mavic has control in RTH it will do whatever you have told it to do in the RTH setup menu . To use Obstacle avoidance for RTH or not .
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Hi All,

I a new to the forum, but not new to quads/drones. This is my first RTF (ready to fly) drone, I have built 3 on my own. Tehy did not have obstacle avoidance, so I started to read. I've read that the sun can mess up the front sensors and make them think that there is an obstacle ahead. I have used different flight controllers in the past and RTH is a mode, like P-mode and S-mode. Therefore if you are in S-mode and RTH kicks in (and default setting for obstacle avoidance is ON) then it will try to use the sensors.

So, if the RTH route is towards the sun, the Mavic might stop, ascent, stop ascend, because it thinks that the sun is an obstacle. It will land at then end and hopefully there is not water there.

There are two things you can do.

- turn off obstacle avoidance in the app.
- pause RTH and fly towards the home point.

If your app crashes (like mine in Android), don't panic, you can see the distance, altitude changing on the controller and you can make sure you are heading in the right direction until you restart the app, or just stop in S-mode, hover (if battery allows) until you have the app online again.

Hope this helps. Just plan ahead, plan every wrong scenario, what you'll do in those situations and you will be fine. Learn to fly with only the controller. The phone is just an extra feature, you don't need it to fly.
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