I turned on the 2S then connected and secured the battery. After verifying all was safe I took off.
The SC read 96% for 10 minutes of flight time. Flight Performance was equal to original, though I had some minor descending at first (I assume it was compensating for weight). The motors made a little more noise as I would expect when carrying any payload. This battery is supposed to weigh 201 g. I flew around with no issues, even did screen recording and went up to 400 ft.
I came down to get more pics of the setup and did some quick moves to verify flight performance and battery security (secured by Velcro). All was well and I clearly hadn’t even gone through the 2250mah battery yet. I turned on the light and decided to do some higher altitudes stuff to judge performance further. This is when disaster struck.
Around 120 feet and climbing, I glanced down at my smart controller and saw a descent beginning even though I was 100% up on the left stick. Then it increased velocity. In a few seconds it crashed into my back yard.
Damage report: No structural damage. Gimbel was behaving oddly but I finally got it straightened out. Front left leg was slightly bent at the joint…front left light still functioning. So far the LED bottom light is not working. It crashed on the belly so I’m wondering what happened there. It could simply be a heat issue. I did take off again once verify everything else is OK and it seems to fly normally. StartRC Battery connector was damaged at the contacts. Third party battery fell off but didn’t come off the connector.
What I think happened: When the second battery depleted, it didn’t properly draw on the DJI battery. I think the drone lost power or thought it lost power and went down. UPDATE: I’m now questioning whether or not I turned on the DJI battery before connecting a third-party battery. I’m starting to wonder if it never had a chance because the DJI battery was off the whole time. I know I tried to turn it on but it did it actually activate? I just don’t know. I think it did because the display kept telling me it was at 96% the entire time.
Moving forward: I’m bummed after such a promising start. I likely won’t be repeating this project. If I do, I’ll be more cautious and merely do low hovering just in case. I’m also wondering what I’ll need to do to get my $1k drone back to 100%.