As promised my first of several test updates on this antenna mod. Let me first start with a reminder disclaimer! I am a complete newbie to the drone world with a whopping 21 now flights under my belt. lol Second and Most importantly, I am Not looking to impress anyone with my achievements or reporting ability. I am in a Really crappy area with intense mature tree cover and wifi up the wazoo! As mentioned before my Record is a pathetic 1950 feet (plus minus 25') depending on how daring I wanted to get with this expensive toy! After that point, both HD signal and transmitter logo (thing?) would go to no bars and RTH would activate while I clenched my butt cheeks. I promise most will Not be impressed with my area results but here they are! First note, I still haven't figured out how you guys take those awesome screen captures or vids so I did my best to iPad double button capture which I am sure is not right?? This first flight was simply to remain a man of my word to fly today. However, I need to do more testing later or tomorrow because from take off to flight I was constantly getting the "Extreme Wind Warning" so my confidence was Extremely cautious to go outside my lack of knowledge comfort zone!! First flight was Exactly the same as the one I do each time. 390 feet elevation Straight north. No deviation and from my 2 story home back yard. While not impressive to some I made it to 3941 feet with virtually the same signal I had the entire trip. For me, that is over Double the distance I was ever able to go so color me impressed so far. Again, not much to write home about but double anything in life is good by most standards. I feel fairly confident I can (and Will) go much further in the days to come but with the drone flying virtually sideways in the wind I just didn't have the marbles to test my lack of flying skills on this day! In closing, for visual my area (Chicago burbs area) I am flying from a mature heavily wooded area with trees roughly 125 plus feet in height. Older neighborhood with above ground power lines across the entire grid including my take off yard. Hope this helps someone, I will answer what I know if asked.