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Litchi: Aircraft constantly rotates during waypoint missions


Mar 26, 2017
I am new to litchi and have watched several training videos. When I program a mission using interpolate my aircraft starts a slow rotation and does it throughout the mission.
Mission Setting:
Finish= Back to 1
cruising speed= 6mph
curve size=80%
default gimble pitch= interpolate
rotation=managed (I have tried both managed and manual, same result on both)

I have set my POI for each WP

Any help is appreciated
Change Mission Setting:
default gimble pitch = interpolate
default gimble pitch = Focus POI

then in each WPT Setting check that
Gimbal pitch mode = Focus POI
as well as Point of interest is set to POI that you want & not None.
Just tried it and it is still constantly rotating. Makes no sense to me.
Hmm ... what firmware are you running? be sure to NOT have .500 or .550 on your Mavic.
Post a screenshot of your mission on the map in Litchi, so we can see your POI and where the waypoint headings are pointed.
The current on everything. Going out to try again soon.
Did you ever get this issue resolved? I am now having the same problem even though I have used Litchi for many many missions. Thanks
I am new to litchi and have watched several training videos. When I program a mission using interpolate my aircraft starts a slow rotation and does it throughout the mission.
Mission Setting:
Finish= Back to 1
cruising speed= 6mph
curve size=80%
default gimble pitch= interpolate
rotation=managed (I have tried both managed and manual, same result on both)

I have set my POI for each WP

Any help is appreciated
If you set each waypoint with a different heading other than the direction the AC is flying, it will rotation to that position by the time it reaches that next waypoint. Say WP1 is set to 0 degrees (north) and WP2 is set to 180 degrees (south). When the AC leaves WP1 it will be heading north but by the time it get to WP2 it will be turned (heading) south to meet that waypoint's heading.
Let's say in the above scenario you wanted the AC to point N at WP2, then make WP2 0 degrees so when it reaches it, it is pointing in that direction. Also, there is a setting in Litchi that tells the AC which direction to rotate, including always clockwise or whichever way is closest to the next waypoint heading.
Remember too, if you have curved paths set up in your mission settings, then waypoint actions (excluding 1st and last waypoint) will be ignored. I don't think you're doing that, but in case you are...
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