How do you figure that?
The GPS sats stay up in the sky even when the stars come out.
Either that's a typo or you need to check again.
This is what your manual says:
Smart RTH, Low Battery RTH, and Failsafe RTH follow this procedure:
1. The aircraft adjusts its orientation.
2. a. If the aircraft is further than 20 m from the Home Point it ascends to the pre-set RTH attitude and then flies to the Home Point.
b. If the aircraft is between 5 m and 20 m from the Home Point it flies to the Home Point at the current altitude, unless the current altitude is less than 2.5 m, in which case the aircraft ascends to 2.5 m and then flies to the Home Point.
c. If the aircraft is less than 5 m from the Home Point it lands immediately.
3. The aircraft lands and stops its motors once it reaches the Home Point.
If he launched before recording a home point, the Mavic would record a home point when it got a GPS location fix, and that would have been very shortly after launching.