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Mavic 2 Pro (or Zoom) *.DAT Files


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2018
--- Finding *.DAT Files M2P ---

So far, I’ve not seen any follow on postings from the Mavic 2 series folks that they can’t find their *.DAT files on the iPad “Once” they follow the method prescribed by sar104 and BudWalker; How to retrieve a V3.DAT from the tablet

Having owned a Mavic Air and been an avid user of the data from the iPad’s Go 4 APP *.DAT files generated after each flight, I’ve upgraded to the Mavic 2 Pro.

Having done so, I can no longer locate the *.DAT files that I thought the Mavic 2 series should be generating. I’m able to find other files, lots of other files including the *.txt generated by my M2P.

I have a trouble ticket into DJI and they are looking into it.

If you have a Mavic 2 Pro or Zoom and you are able to locate the recorded (larger) *.DAT files on your iPad or iPhone (the files accessible using iTunes and the procedures described in “How to retrieve a V3.DAT from the tablet”) would appreciate comments as to where you are finding them.
I don't know if iPad has any of the DATE bugs reported but make sure you look thoroughly - they might have the wrong date rather than today's or other recent date.
The should be in FlightRecords/MCDatFlightRecords/. Is that directory empty?

Yes, its essentially empty because there are no new files from the Mavic 2 Pro only the one from Mavic Air.

Here is a snap shot of the current folder and subfolder.

M2P started flying on 10 March (Mavic Air stopped flying on 7 March). Any files after 8 March would be M2P files.

Note there is a *.DAT file in the FlightRecords/MCDatFlightRecords/ subfolder but its from my Mavic Air (Mavic Air went in the box for shipping on 7 March to its new owner). The Mavic Air file dated 2-16-2019. No other files have been recorded to that directory and have 17 flights on Mavic 2 Pro.

I do see the *.txt files in the FlightRecords folder from the Mavic 2 Pro. Dates and times are correct with time I flew.
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I don't know if iPad has any of the DATE bugs reported but make sure you look thoroughly - they might have the wrong date rather than today's or other recent date.

There is a problem if you have your File Explorer set up to show DATE and not DATE MODIFIED. Copied some files in from aircraft micro SD card and when they posted to my PC, the time was off by 6 hours AND it was under the header DATE. Looked at the properties and DATE was off from LOCAL time but DATE MODIFIED was exactly on the correct time I'd been flying. So made sure my File Explorer only showed DATE MODIFIED.

If your referring to date/time wrong and not in a certain folder. After 2 flights on 1 April, from the iPad I pulled every folder and subfolder to my PC. I looked in each one looking for the *.DAT files and found nothing (like I'm use to seeing from Mavic Air). See attached picture for all folder available for download from iPad.

Even if it were a date/time problem I'd expect to see the *.DAT files somewhere in the folder listings. Surprised me I can't find anything. Movies, pictures, logs, *.txt files all correlate to the M2P flight date/times

----Back to You All for more questions

All Folders.JPG
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Flew 2 more flights yesterday afternoon. Still no Mavic 2 Pro .DAT files to be found. It's recording the *.txt files.

Tried to REFRESH the firmware even though its flying the latest on equipment. Using DJI Assistant 2 software, tried 5 times and each time got a failed message. I'm guessing you can not refresh firmware even though that is a choice in Assistant 2.

Tested remote controller and aircraft together after the 5 failed attempts to be sure nothing was messed up by trying to refresh. Go 4 App said it was checking for updates, then said everything was up to date and it went right into the normal FLY mode where everything said it was normal.

So, last resort for me testing is to get my friend to fly it on his Android device and see if the *.DAT files show up. If they do, not going to switch to Android, it is just another piece of the puzzle to add to the open ticket with DJI Support.
Flew 2 more flights yesterday afternoon. Still no Mavic 2 Pro .DAT files to be found. It's recording the *.txt files.

Tried to REFRESH the firmware even though its flying the latest on equipment. Using DJI Assistant 2 software, tried 5 times and each time got a failed message. I'm guessing you can not refresh firmware even though that is a choice in Assistant 2.

Tested remote controller and aircraft together after the 5 failed attempts to be sure nothing was messed up by trying to refresh. Go 4 App said it was checking for updates, then said everything was up to date and it went right into the normal FLY mode where everything said it was normal.

So, last resort for me testing is to get my friend to fly it on his Android device and see if the *.DAT files show up. If they do, not going to switch to Android, it is just another piece of the puzzle to add to the open ticket with DJI Support.

It's not going to be a firmware issue - the DAT files are created by the DJI GO 4 app. I would delete the app and reinstall.
UPDATE but not fixed....

Sar104, Tried your suggestion this afternoon:

Backed up my flights from the iPad to the cloud before a complete Uninstall DJI Go 4 APP on iPad.

Confirmed that no DJI Go 4 App existed using iTunes and saw a large reduction in the stored data size on the iPad (double check).

Reinstalled DJI Go 4 App and confirmed that NO flight data resided in any of the folders using iTunes data extraction procedures.

Then did two separate RC/Aircraft power ups and motor spin up tests (hand held indoors because it’s raining outside). Between first and second test, downloaded/reviewed each folder & subfolder from iPad to PC using iTunes procedures.

First test, \FlightRecords\MCDatFlightRecords folder on PC was completely empty, no *.DAT files.

Conducted the second full up (handheld) flight test with video recording ON this time. Again downloaded/reviewed each folder from the iPad to the PC (storing each downloaded folder from iPad to PC in a new PC folder).

Second test, \FlightRecords\MCDatFlightRecords folder on PC was completely empty, no *.DAT files.

\FlightRecords did contain both of the new *.txt files corresponding to each test.

For first test, ran the Video Transmission Live View Quality at 1080p@30fps (which is reported that it may limit the range of the drone due to higher data rates from drone to remote controller at extended ranges. According to DJI web site: The all-new OcuSync 2.0 provides a 1080p video transmission signal up to an astonishing eight kilometers away {Mavic 2 - See the Bigger Picture – DJI}. OK, will take that data point with same confidence of 31 minute flight times according to DJI. Its physics, it is what it is.

For second test, changed the Video Transmission Live View Quality to 720p@30fps

Thought that maybe it was a bandwidth issue. Remember I’m testing indoors so RANGE is not an issue. No noticeable differences and no *.DAT files collected so will switch back to 1080p live video feed (that is nice view on an iPad).

Checked computer to assure that Hidden Files and Folder were visible.

At this point, don’t know what else to check.

Submitted trouble ticket on 23 March to DJI. Got an email today saying they were still reviewing my trouble ticket.

Sar104 and BudWalker have been very helpful in providing info and ideas, thanks

---- Any ideas, please chime in.

---- Anyone with a Mavic 2 Series that are recording the *.DAT files they can download from the iPad/iPhone, would be interested to hear from you. I’m flying a Mavic 2 Pro but Mavic 2 Zoom may not be any different from the data collection standpoint.
UPDATE but not fixed....

Sar104, Tried your suggestion this afternoon:

Backed up my flights from the iPad to the cloud before a complete Uninstall DJI Go 4 APP on iPad.

Confirmed that no DJI Go 4 App existed using iTunes and saw a large reduction in the stored data size on the iPad (double check).

Reinstalled DJI Go 4 App and confirmed that NO flight data resided in any of the folders using iTunes data extraction procedures.

Then did two separate RC/Aircraft power ups and motor spin up tests (hand held indoors because it’s raining outside). Between first and second test, downloaded/reviewed each folder & subfolder from iPad to PC using iTunes procedures.

First test, \FlightRecords\MCDatFlightRecords folder on PC was completely empty, no *.DAT files.

Conducted the second full up (handheld) flight test with video recording ON this time. Again downloaded/reviewed each folder from the iPad to the PC (storing each downloaded folder from iPad to PC in a new PC folder).

Second test, \FlightRecords\MCDatFlightRecords folder on PC was completely empty, no *.DAT files.

\FlightRecords did contain both of the new *.txt files corresponding to each test.

For first test, ran the Video Transmission Live View Quality at 1080p@30fps (which is reported that it may limit the range of the drone due to higher data rates from drone to remote controller at extended ranges. According to DJI web site: The all-new OcuSync 2.0 provides a 1080p video transmission signal up to an astonishing eight kilometers away {Mavic 2 - See the Bigger Picture – DJI}. OK, will take that data point with same confidence of 31 minute flight times according to DJI. Its physics, it is what it is.

For second test, changed the Video Transmission Live View Quality to 720p@30fps

Thought that maybe it was a bandwidth issue. Remember I’m testing indoors so RANGE is not an issue. No noticeable differences and no *.DAT files collected so will switch back to 1080p live video feed (that is nice view on an iPad).

Checked computer to assure that Hidden Files and Folder were visible.

At this point, don’t know what else to check.

Submitted trouble ticket on 23 March to DJI. Got an email today saying they were still reviewing my trouble ticket.

Sar104 and BudWalker have been very helpful in providing info and ideas, thanks

---- Any ideas, please chime in.

---- Anyone with a Mavic 2 Series that are recording the *.DAT files they can download from the iPad/iPhone, would be interested to hear from you. I’m flying a Mavic 2 Pro but Mavic 2 Zoom may not be any different from the data collection standpoint.

Right - that is very strange. My M2P records DAT files - iPhone 7, iOS 12.1.4. At this point I'm not sure what to suggest other than trying a different mobile device.
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I running IOS 12.2 on both iPad and iPhone. Going out this afternoon with a friend. I'll try iPhone (just wiped DJI Go 4 app off it and reinstalled in iPhone. Also will try to fly my M2P on my friends Android set up and will try to fly my friends Mavic Air on my set up. Was able to capture my Mavic Air *.DAT files before I sold it so flights this afternoon will help point to the most likely culprit.
Interesting results from today’s flights trying to discover why I cannot record the .DAT files from each flight. Tested the follow scenarios:

  1. My Mavic 2 Pro & Remote Controller connected to friends Android device running Go 4 App
  2. My Mavic 2 Pro & Remote Controller connected to my iPad (IOS 12.2) running Go 4 App
  3. My Friends Mavic Air & His Remote Controller connected to my iPad (IOS 12.2) running Go 4 App

  1. Expected to find the *.DAT files in directory \FlightRecords\MCDatFlightRecords on Android from this flight. It did not record a .DAT file. It did record a .TXT file along with the other typical files. This was a surprise as I expected to find the elusive file this time.
  2. Same results, No .DAT file recorded in \FlightRecords\MCDatFlightRecords folder
  3. OK, so this was also not expected. Flew friends Mavic Air and his Remote Controller on my iPad (IOS 12.2). In the folder in my iPad \FlightRecords\MCDatFlightRecords I found the .DAT file I’ve been hoping to find. Ran it through DATCON to generate .csv and there it was. Checked dates and times and they corresponded to the time I flew his Mavic Air w/RC on my iPad. Also in the .csv file showed the aircraft type (Mavic Air) and his Mavic Air’s serial number.
So conclusion from this test:

  1. Go 4 App and my iPad are recording the .DAT files (I would like to find for my M2P) when flying his Mavic Air.
  2. My Mavic 2 Pro’s .DAT files were not recorded on either the iPad or the Android device.
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sar104 -

post #11, you said your M2P is recording the .DAT files. So we know they can be generated and recorded. There is a difference somewhere, but where ???. I rand through all the setting on the app last night with RC and aircraft both ON and connected. Nothing I looked at that can be changed in the menus made any sense it would have any effect on data telemetry from AC to RC/iPad.

The fact that my iPad/GO 4 app connected to my friends Mavic Air recorded the .DAT file right where it should be stored. I was not sure the Mavic Air .DAT files would record if M2P files are not getting stored.

I'm flying the latest updates on the DJI side (according to DJI update page).

You know, when this finally gets resolved its going to be such a simple thing that made the difference. Its got me stumped for now
sar104 -

post #11, you said your M2P is recording the .DAT files. So we know they can be generated and recorded. There is a difference somewhere, but where ???. I rand through all the setting on the app last night with RC and aircraft both ON and connected. Nothing I looked at that can be changed in the menus made any sense it would have any effect on data telemetry from AC to RC/iPad.

The fact that my iPad/GO 4 app connected to my friends Mavic Air recorded the .DAT file right where it should be stored. I was not sure the Mavic Air .DAT files would record if M2P files are not getting stored.

I'm flying the latest updates on the DJI side (according to DJI update page).

You know, when this finally gets resolved its going to be such a simple thing that made the difference. Its got me stumped for now

Those observations appear to rule out everything except the aircraft. I haven't seen any other reports of the same problem.
Aircraft or Controller, I was flying with friends controller and aircraft. If I come across someone with a M2P that is recording the .DAT files and is willing to rebind remote controllers and aircraft could narrow it down to controller or aircraft.

I've got a trouble ticket into DJI, Pointed them to the conversations here for more info. Will see if they respond and whether its helpful or not.

So far, I've not noticed any problems flying. Have 4 hrs 31 min and about 26 miles so far spread over 22 flights. Flew this afternoon and had solid HD video downlink the while time. I'd like to review the engineering details from time to time but that will have to wait.

Thanks for helping work through this issue.
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Heard back from DJI support yesterday, They suggested I uninstall DJI Go 4 App and reinstall. Told them I already did that and it did not work. Asked them to GO back to the drawing board and think about it some more.
In conversations with sar104 and trying to figure out what the issue might be with recording the *.DAT files on the iPad/iPhones we have run across one difference.

sar104 has a Mavic 2 Pro (M2P) and is currently generating and reading the *.DAT files found in ..\FlightRecords\MCDatFlightRecords (as we have been use to doing). In our conversation, trying to understand why my system will not record the *.DAT files while his system will record them, we discovered that sar104 is on firmware version v01.00.02.00 and has not upgraded to v01.00.03.00 where the Waypoints were made available to Mavic 2 pilots.

We are suspicious that this difference in firmware versions could be the culprit in this great *.DAT dilemma.

Question 1: If your are running firmware version v01.00.03.00 on your Mavic 2, are you able to record (and use) the *.DAT files in folder
on either your iPad or iPhone (running Apple version 12.2)?

Question 2: Have you ever rolled back a firmware version from the latest release version to an older version? Did you encounter any problems in doing so?
In conversations with sar104 and trying to figure out what the issue might be with recording the *.DAT files on the iPad/iPhones we have run across one difference.

sar104 has a Mavic 2 Pro (M2P) and is currently generating and reading the *.DAT files found in ..\FlightRecords\MCDatFlightRecords (as we have been use to doing). In our conversation, trying to understand why my system will not record the *.DAT files while his system will record them, we discovered that sar104 is on firmware version v01.00.02.00 and has not upgraded to v01.00.03.00 where the Waypoints were made available to Mavic 2 pilots.

We are suspicious that this difference in firmware versions could be the culprit in this great *.DAT dilemma.

Question 1: If your are running firmware version v01.00.03.00 on your Mavic 2, are you able to record (and use) the *.DAT files in folder
on either your iPad or iPhone (running Apple version 12.2)?

Question 2: Have you ever rolled back a firmware version from the latest release version to an older version? Did you encounter any problems in doing so?

I'll add to @RedBird2020's observation that I don't even see an option to upgrade to 0300 - DJI GO 4 reports up to date on 0200.
I'm running v01.00.03.00 on the M2 as well as the controller. Just now tried turning on the battery and the .DAT is there

The Go App version is 4.3.12
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