This morning my Mavic 2 Pro said it wanted a compass calibration. It wasn't preventing the motors from being started. I couldn't imagine why a calibration was being requested. But, I went ahead and calibrated anyway.
After looking at the .DATs it would seem that the reason was that it had been 30 days since the initial calibration. There were several of these today from the eventLog stream
-47.676 : 3918 [L-COMPASS][mag_cali_pt] date_from_last 30|
But, none in the eventLog stream from yesterday.
Also, the results of the calibration didn't change significantly. From 30 days (2018-08-29, August has 31 days) the calibration gains and offsets
-35.448 : 4531 [L-COMPASS][scale cali(0)] estimation error:[15.0]
-35.448 : 4531 [L-COMPASS][scale cali(0)] succeed! bias:238.9 -148.1 -1314.6 scal:3.239 3.169 3.356|
From today after the calibration
-106.155 : 11073 [L-COMPASS][scale cali(0)] estimation error:[16.8]
-106.155 : 11073 [L-COMPASS][scale cali(0)] succeed! bias:235.1 -137.2 -1277.7 scal:3.210 3.154 3.280|
I received my M2 Pro very early. It'll be interesting to see if others start to see their Mavic 2 requesting a calibration after 30 days.
After looking at the .DATs it would seem that the reason was that it had been 30 days since the initial calibration. There were several of these today from the eventLog stream
-47.676 : 3918 [L-COMPASS][mag_cali_pt] date_from_last 30|
But, none in the eventLog stream from yesterday.
Also, the results of the calibration didn't change significantly. From 30 days (2018-08-29, August has 31 days) the calibration gains and offsets
-35.448 : 4531 [L-COMPASS][scale cali(0)] estimation error:[15.0]
-35.448 : 4531 [L-COMPASS][scale cali(0)] succeed! bias:238.9 -148.1 -1314.6 scal:3.239 3.169 3.356|
From today after the calibration
-106.155 : 11073 [L-COMPASS][scale cali(0)] estimation error:[16.8]
-106.155 : 11073 [L-COMPASS][scale cali(0)] succeed! bias:235.1 -137.2 -1277.7 scal:3.210 3.154 3.280|
I received my M2 Pro very early. It'll be interesting to see if others start to see their Mavic 2 requesting a calibration after 30 days.