As I mentioned in my previous post the calibration request wasn't due to the 30 day clock. There were no entries in the eventLog stream that looked likeBud: Up to this point, I've never needed to look at .DAT files so I'm a rookie with DATcon and CSView but first, it now seems like there are two folders on an iOS device, "FlightRecords" and "FlightLogs." I see only the encrypted .TXT files in FlightRecords and only .DAT files in FlightLogs but these data files are very small as in less than 1k.
However, there's a subfolder under FlightRecords that also contains .DAT files and these are probably what you want since they're much larger than the tiny .DAT files mentioned above.
In \..\FlightRecords\MCDatFlightRecords\ I have five .DAT files with yesterday's date. I don't know why the forum software will not accept the .DAT file extension for uploads but I have archived the first two (chronologically) .DAT files in the attached .ZIP.
Yes, the aircraft requested a calibration upon unpacking but has not asked again until yesterday. That initial cal was on 8/28 so having it pop up on 9/29 (I didn't fly on Day 30 due to rain so it was one day beyond 30 when it asked.)
If neither of these provides the info you need, holler and I'll zip up the other three. I did take a look at the exported .CSV for these two attached files and only see "False" in the different compass error fields.
34.367 : 1922 [L-COMPASS][mag_cali_pt] date_from_last 30|
But, there is an interesting wrinkle here. After the calibration the eventLog stream shows this
-50.549 : 18837 [L-COMPASS][scale cali(0)] estimation error:[31.0]
-50.549 : 18837 [L-COMPASS][scale cali(0)] succeed! bias:624.5 530.1 -601.6 scal:3.215 2.994 3.157|
-50.549 : 18837 [L-COMPASS]mag cali pos and time saved success!
-50.548 : 18837 [L-COMPASS][mag_cali_pt]lat:0.482559, lon:-1.698791
-50.548 : 18837 [L-COMPASS][mag_cali_pt]height:-3.7, date:20320214
Whereas my calibration showed this
-35.447 : 4531 [L-COMPASS][mag_cali_pt]height:480.2, date:20180928
and @sar104 's showed this
145.088 : 8407 [L-COMPASS][mag_cali_pt]height:2256.3, date:20180829
Looks to me like you're not going to be afflicted with the 30 day calibration rule. How come you're lucky and I'm not?