...my drone suddenly became unstable...
...A wind warning was issued, despite winds being not that strong, and the drone became jumpy when coming back
...On landing, it would not stop the motors, so I had to stop it with CSC.
Any ideas as to what could have caused it?
The wind was affecting your craft more than you think ...
This was the wind speeds your
MA2 faced up there ...
Looking closer into the return path where you said you experienced the problem with instability (along the red arrow in the sat pic.)
As seen here below your
MA2 was fighting a strong headwind coming in from the front right ... the pitch angle is really close to the maximum 35 degrees the whole way back & rolling nearly 15 degrees to the right to arrest a course drift... so pitch & roll together is on & sometimes exceeding the max TILT angle specified.
This is the wind & tilt spec. for a
MA2 ... meaning that your
MA2 was utilizing full S mode tilt even though it was in N mode.
As seen from the graphs the flight was stable ... so craft movements wasn't the reason if the gimbal was moving uncommanded.
The strong wind + that your gimbal was on the HW stop (see pic below) was most probably the reason for any erratic gimbal movements.
With a gimbal on 0 degrees it will reach the HW stop on approx. a craft pitch of 24 degrees (probably a bit more as the 24 is max manual range).

So yeah ... that problem was most probably due to the wind, nothing else.
Then the landing ...
It was dark ... the VPS sensor couldn't work properly & you commanded the
MA2 during the landing with your CSC command (which won't work when the craft is airborne or aren't in a (DJI defined) critical state. The CSC command instead made your
MA2 yaw CW, descend, go sideways to the left & backwards ... so it's not strange that the landing became rough as the craft had a horizontal speed the whole way down. The landing sequence was actually initiated during your not applicable CSC by that you held the throttle down far enough & over the threshold needed for initiating the landing.
So bad lightning, & a craft still moving horizontally made you get problems during the landing & the rougher touch down made your gimbal overload.