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Mavic and waypoints and active track questions


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2016
Hi all, I am currently working away over Christmas and new year while my mavic languishes in the house. I want to get some things right in my head before I come home to fly her more!

  1. I tried filming my first bit of mountain bike footage before I left and found it quite difficult because we were in a rush and I couldn't get active track to work properly. When selecting a rider with active track they would register on the screen. When tapping on them to initiate tracking the drone would acknowledge the command but when the rider set off the box grew in size and the drone did not move. When testing on myself walking one day this was not the case and I could also set the area of the frame I wanted to be in when being tracked. I could not achieve either when out with the bikes. Anyone have any ideas?
  2. I did not realise the mavic can use active track. Can anyone give me details on how it works with the mavic in terms of tracking a moving subject? I believe I can control the speed with the right stick but the camera heading is completely locked? As you can imagine, a moving subject would maybe be better captured if I could alter the camera yaw not just pitch if possible. Any input here would be appreciated
Cheers guys! :)
My understanding of active tracking is that you can control the altitude and the orbital (left/right) orientation of the object that you're tracking. At the times that I used the feature, I lock on to the subject and I let the Mavic follow. Only adjustments I made during the flight was altitude.
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My understanding of active tracking is that you can control the altitude and the orbital (left/right) orientation of the object that you're tracking. At the times that I used the feature, I lock on to the subject and I let the Mavic follow. Only adjustments I made during the flight was altitude.

Thanks for your input,

When I tried adjusting mavic position having just drawn a box the drone temporarily stops tracking until the control inputs stop then it reestablishes tracking but the whole time the drone stays stationary.

When I adjusted the drone position after drawing the box and clicking it the drone can be moved but I can't remember how it affected it. I do believe it didn't work as expected...
Dougie, you can find some videos showing the various tracking flight modes here.
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Dougie, you can find some videos showing the various tracking flight modes here.

Thanks mate, I should have said, I'm on a drilling rig so I haven't got the capability to watch video at the moment otherwise I would be knee deep in youtube where all the answers seem to lie!
My understanding of active track is that it would follow you and track you at the same time but only going forward. However when I was testing active track my mavic would drift around and sometimes fly sideways.. which causes a chance of running into something since there's no obstacle avoidance in the side....

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My understanding of active track is that it would follow you and track you at the same time but only going forward. However when I was testing active track my mavic would drift around and sometimes fly sideways.. which causes a chance of running into something since there's no obstacle avoidance in the side....

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk

I'm not sure about that. I set mine to the side on the 2 occasions it worked and it followed side on. Maybe it will move forward and side to side to track? There is a menu option to go backwards on active track I think.
I'm not sure about that. I set mine to the side on the 2 occasions it worked and it followed side on. Maybe it will move forward and side to side to track? There is a menu option to go backwards on active track I think.
I know there is a setting for it to go back, but it was going sideways which was a little bit worrying... I will have to give it a bit more testing when it's not so cold out :)

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I know there is a setting for it to go back, but it was going sideways which was a little bit worrying... I will have to give it a bit more testing when it's not so cold out :)

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Get the batteries in your pocket and give her some stick. She will soon have her cockles warm haha
Get the batteries in your pocket and give her some stick. She will soon have her cockles warm haha
She's not the problem, it's my fingers that doesn't want to preform in the freezing cold [emoji14]

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My understanding of active track is that it would follow you and track you at the same time but only going forward.
ActiveTrack has a few different modes:

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ActiveTrack has a few different modes:

View attachment 2523

That's helpful, thanks. I guess somehow I managed to adjust the framing without using the stick before activating the mode after drawing the box.

More testing in open ground required to see how she behaves in different scenarios I think.
Wouldn't using the left stick in spotlight mode be yawing the craft then? The left stick side to side is yaw.
I'm not sure yawing would be helpful here since the aircraft needs to face the subject in order to track it.
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