I have been flying the heck out of my new Mavic since I received it less than a week ago. It has been flawless and performs amazingly. It's a total game-changer for me since filming in remote mountain locations is my thing. This was my high altitude and cold temperature test of the Mavic. This was taken just above 14,000 ft msl (4267 meters) below the summit of Mt. Democrat in Colorado. I wasn't really going for good video and was mostly testing out the DJI Mavic to see how it would perform at 15 degrees F (-9 centigrade) and 14,000 elevation (it was amazingly stable). The Mavic was very stable so you'd have no clue that it was flying in a somewhat gusty wind based on the video. I ran it through Power Director to pull out the clip and add some music but other than that it was raw footage with the default video settings on the Mavic. I am still learning but I am delighted at how well this performs. I kept the Mavic, cell phone, and controller warm inside my pack and used the formed materials from the orginal Mavic retail box to protect the quad and the controller. A warmed up gel pack and a down jacket kept everything warm on the eight hour hike. Once the Mavic started flying at the low temps it generates its own heat so it was still reasonably warm when it landed.