First, thanks for all your trouble on getting the .txt file. When I get .txt files from my ios device I just copy and download all the files from the FlightRecord at once and overwrite the same folder on the pc. It's maybe a 3-5 sec process.
This is a free offline converter that is updated frequently. You will not have to login online to use. Works great if you are out flying some where and want to review data in the field.
[TOOL][WIN] Offline TXT FlightRecord to CSV Converter
Phantom 4 Pro and Mavic have a different battery system. Because of this, there is no "Center_Battery" data available with either of these A/C's. So, there is no Temp reading as you mentioned. I completely forgot about this prior to asking for the .txt file.
However, there is Battery Temp data on the .dat file. There is also a free offline converter for the .dat files called DatCon. Locate here
CsvView/DatCon and search Download in menu on the left. The CsvView is also a great tool to use!
The 3 links I provided above are to the best of the best. Not only are they the best, but they are free.