Well-Known Member
Have you flown much around your building (and other buildings) ?
I’m thinking it could be wifi hell for mini signal.
Also wind problems for the mini at 4th floor level or higher clearing local buildings might be worth keeping in mind.
Hope you can fly around like you say, keeping in mind local regulations etc, though I think Bulgaria is fairly lax in their drone regulations.
We do have regulations hey.

here they are...... note it says nothing about weight - so I think Mini is counted as a drone hey!
General Rules for Flying a Drone in Bulgaria
Based on our research and interpretation of the laws, Bulgaria does not yet have a system of regulations in place for drone operations. For the moment, the only way to fly a drone in Bulgaria is to obtain permission directly from the Civil Aviation Administration (DG CAA).
Here is the process:
- Applicants must request permission to fly their drone by submitting a letter to the Directorate General “Civil Aviation Administration” (DG CAA) at least eight days in advance of drone operations. Here is an example letterprovided by BULATSA.
- The letter must describe the activity, the necessary zone/zones, date of the activity, beginning and end hour, responsible person during the activity, and mobile telephone number for contact with him / her.
- A scanned copy of the obtained permission by the DG CAA along with the original letter sent to the DG CAA (the letter is also referred to as the “Application for Use of Airspace” on the BULATSA website) must then be emailed here: [email protected], or faxed here: +359 2 945 91 80 at least 8 calendar days before the planned use of airspace.
- If the application is approved, the Airspace Management Cell produces a NOTAM message. After its publication the message is sent to the applicant along with other pertinent information about their approved flight.
I have to clear one parking and one street and I'll basically be over the stadium, its at night that I was wanting to fly over there, so no people in the parking that I'll be flying over and then when at the stadium I'll watch out and not fly near people at all. I'm too scared and I'm pretty sure that I won't do it. If I do I'll make a video of me doing it just in case!
On this page you can get the necessary forms to fill in to apply for the registration and what not: Drones
There is also this....................
- Not used for commercial purposes
You must:
- Abide by the "Ordinance No. 2 of the Ministry of Transport of 10 March 1999 on flight rules”
- Must request through a letter to the Directorate General “Civil Aviation Administration” (DG CAA) permission to fly
- Obtain the permission by DG CAA and inform the Air Navigation Service Provider at least 8 calendar days before your flight
We recommended having private insurance covering recreational drone activities
You must not:
- Interfere with manned aircraft
- Fly in clouds or restricted areas
and lastly there is...................
UAV Laws
Under Article 61 of the Bulgarian 2007 Civil Aviation Act, unmanned aircraft are sanctioned by the authority specified in Article 50, Paragraph 4 of the same document, which states: “The right to carry domestic state traffic by aircraft shall be granted by the Head of the Civil Aviation Administration.” No more specific regulations pertaining to civilian UAV usage are known to exist at this time.
So there really is not much rules but there is the fact you should let the CAA (DG Civil Aviation Administration) know over a week prior, so plan 8 days ahead at least!