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Mavic Pro has a very sharp camera


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2017
I've read a lot about how bad the Mavic's images are, but I think it is just down to processing and the huge difference between RAW/JPEG. The JPEG quality of the Mavic is very poor due to its poor in-camera processing, but not the RAW.......

If you know how to process the RAW DNG files properly, you can get astoundingly sharp images. Adobe Camera RAW is very good in this respect.

Here is a 100% crop out from a larger picture. Just a crop cut-out. The roof tiles and wires all can be seen clearly.

It reminds me of medium format cameras. The only downside to the Mavic's images is the frequent over-exposure (plus color intensity and accuracy is lacking - trees look artificially green, etc).

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Here's another good example of another 100% crop out. Very sharp! Just look at the tree leaves and wires....incredible. It's so sharp that there is a moire effect on the wires and roof tiles. 0018-crop.jpg
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Here's another good example of another 100% crop out. Very sharp! Just look at the tree leaves and wires....incredible. It's so sharp that there is a moire effect on the wires and roof tiles. View attachment 25275
You only got the golden hour for the pic as we all know it.
Nothing can compare to the P4P’s at this time.
The sensor size makes all the difference.
Although, I have got good results from the MP.
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Good light is crucial, dull winter days it can be disappointing.
Like smartphone shots the overall impact can be good but if you have other more serious cameras to compare with the shortcomings are soon found.
Agree entirely with using RAW, the JPGs are more like video screenshots (which are actually not bad especially from 4K recording)

You only got the golden hour for the pic as we all know it.
Nothing can compare to the P4P’s at this time.
The sensor size makes all the difference.
Although, I have got good results from the MP.

I'm not saying the Mavic sensor is better or worse than others. Although I concede the colors are showing the weakness of the small sensor (they lack body and punch) and sometimes you can see bluish-purple patches among the greens.

Just merely showing how sharp the Mavic can be. This is not limited to just these samples. I've got plenty of really gorgeous landscape photography showing trees below, and I was really surprised that the Mavic could show such great, fine detail. When enhanced with smart post processing, the results are startling for what some call a "smartphone camera".

In fact, I tried to do some tests (probably very unscientific) with other similar panorama shots from standard dedicated APSC cameras whenever I could find them online, by downsizing their RAW files to be the same resolution as the Mavic, but somehow.....shots from the Mavic still seem's like the camera was made to capture landscape shots from the air and display as much detail as possible. It's no wonder there are so many No Fly Zones now...j/k

Here's a crop from a shot at about 15 meters up in the air.

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Sharpness is "ok" (unless you get hideously soft edges like a lot including mine suffer from). The main issue is the noise and the dynamic range is terrible on the mavic camera. P4P is in a different league.
Its also nowhere near the same quality as an APS-C sensor for sharpness, chromatic aberration, colour rendition, dynamic range or noise.
Good light is crucial, dull winter days it can be disappointing.
Like smartphone shots the overall impact can be good but if you have other more serious cameras to compare with the shortcomings are soon found.
Agree entirely with using RAW, the JPGs are more like video screenshots (which are actually not bad especially from 4K recording)

Rosedale? Nice. I'm near Castle Howard. Off-topic, but I still hven't managed to cycle up Chimney Bank - my real reason for being on this thread is moire!
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I too am not impressed with the Mavic Pro's camera quality, especially the colors. I have a P3S and with everything set to default I get beautiful brilliant color contrast JPEG or MP4.
I too am not impressed with the Mavic Pro's camera quality, especially the colors. I have a P3S and with everything set to default I get beautiful brilliant color contrast JPEG or MP4.
You have got to be kidding me... I had both, hell I had the p3a as well and the have nothing on Mavic in terms of video quality. You must be doing something wrong. What settings do you use. What filters etc?
processing has a lot to do for the image as well, i use luminar for my mav pro raw files and its superb, the micro contrast and micro structure really make the lines sharp. then i finish it off in noisless to get rid of any noise and helps smooth any overly sharpened lines,
You have got to be kidding me... I had both, **** I had the p3a as well and the have nothing on Mavic in terms of video quality. You must be doing something wrong. What settings do you use. What filters etc?
OK I guess I have to finagle the camera settings unlike the P3S which all settings are pretty much default / auto.
Yes. Mav isn’t the greatest shooter out of the box, but it doesn’t take a genius to watch a couple of tutorials on YT. That’s what I did at the beginning. I do have some old files knocking about from my phantoms 3 and the video quality and pictures taken on out of the box auto are pretty shocking.
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