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I was honored to lay my first bronze star on his grave in 2006 as a token of a job well done. All gave some, some gave all.


It just turned midnight here, and I dont remember a more awesome end to a Memorial day than reading what you just wrote.

Maybe awesome was the wrong word. Somber is more fitting.
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I was honored to lay my first bronze star on his grave in 2006 as a token of a job well done. All gave some, some gave all.

This is EXACTLY what we, as Americans, forget far too often.............what it costs to be free.
The Sons and Daughters from the war to end all wars to the very next minute anywhere on the globe are making a contribution and a sacrifice that we just do not understand.

Freedom is a given element in America
but It doesn't grow in the soil or fall from the rain.

Freedom , American freedom, grows in the hearts , the soul and the love of country that, to the benefit of us all instills a spirit and dedication in the Sons and Daughters of America to go forward on our behalf.

I am sometimes asked where / when I served when i run off at the mouth like I do here.

My answer is always the same........I am not a Veteran , I did not wear the colors of my country or offer my time and life in service this great country. But to no diminished degree I am the beneficiary of all who did and do so today. And for this I will never forget........I GET TO BE HERE BECAUSE YOU WERE THERE FOR AMERICA.
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Needed to mention, if there wasn't psychotic US government one after another and another and another so many young lives could be speared ( such a shame). Fight for freedom???????
Tomorrow is Memorial Day in my beloved country of America
The day we remember all the Sons and Daughters of Freedom who protect the great freedom and opportunity America offers to not only all Americans but to all who wish to share what we cherish so much...... Freedom . This is a tribute to all Veterans especially all who have gone forward and not returned to the land they so dearly loved are not forgotten .

No disrespect to my colleagues around the globe we all love our home land this is simply my thank you to my country men & women who have fought and died in the service to America and in many events over the years around the globe. I thank you , I remember you, and I will never forget that I get to be here in America because you were there for my freedom.
THANK I woke up in the America free because of your service.
Thank you all for who have served to protect our freedom and for those who continue to do so my my children’s and grandchildren freedom. God bless.
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