Here’s the vid (2 in 1!) of Exocomp’s first flight. Exo is my new Mini-SE.
Warning Note: Don’t attempt this unless you have a reasonable amount of drone time, and drone wind flying. Build up your wind flying skills incrementally.
22-04-08 Exo First Flighs.mp4
The wind was highly questionable for this test flight, as you’ll soon see. But with the forecast the way it was, it was either do it this day, or wait a week. I figured I’d go out and see what it was actually like, and decide from there.
One of my “missions” with this flight was to debunk the myth that the Mini-SE/Mini-1 can’t handle even a slight breeze. In that sense…Mission Accomplished! But the wind was far too strong and squirrely for me to actually go anywhere.
Takeoff: Check out the wind in the pine tree in the upper left.
00:18 This is my secondary camera, which I set up to film this flight. I’ve included that camera’s vid, at the end of this combined vid.
00:44 Pulled Exo back to the wind protected area next to the garage, where I was sitting.
00:57 Second take-off, more wind.
01:16 Exo dances around a bit in the wind, and I pull her back
01:30 Timid trip part way out the driveway
03:00 Vid from the second camera starts. Exo shows a bit of wind-wiggle, but not close to out of control.
03:48 You talkin’ ta me?
04:00 Note wind and lack of lack of control
04:48 Wind gust, just for context
07:04 Note the motion of the SE during the wind gust. Not a wind environment for the timid, but not close to out of control either.
End: Exo exits stage left to complete her timid mission to go out to the end of the driveway and back, 3 -4 ft off the deck, which she did.
The moral of the story is, if you’re considering getting a Mini-SE, ignore the scare stories that you’ll sometimes see here about the Mini-SE being unusable except in no-wind conditions. That notion is a total myth, and today, I’m the Mythbuster!

Here’s the vid (2 in 1!) of Exocomp’s first flight. Exo is my new Mini-SE.
Warning Note: Don’t attempt this unless you have a reasonable amount of drone time, and drone wind flying. Build up your wind flying skills incrementally.
22-04-08 Exo First Flighs.mp4
The wind was highly questionable for this test flight, as you’ll soon see. But with the forecast the way it was, it was either do it this day, or wait a week. I figured I’d go out and see what it was actually like, and decide from there.
One of my “missions” with this flight was to debunk the myth that the Mini-SE/Mini-1 can’t handle even a slight breeze. In that sense…Mission Accomplished! But the wind was far too strong and squirrely for me to actually go anywhere.
Takeoff: Check out the wind in the pine tree in the upper left.
00:18 This is my secondary camera, which I set up to film this flight. I’ve included that camera’s vid, at the end of this combined vid.
00:44 Pulled Exo back to the wind protected area next to the garage, where I was sitting.
00:57 Second take-off, more wind.
01:16 Exo dances around a bit in the wind, and I pull her back
01:30 Timid trip part way out the driveway
03:00 Vid from the second camera starts. Exo shows a bit of wind-wiggle, but not close to out of control.
03:48 You talkin’ ta me?
04:00 Note wind and lack of lack of control
04:48 Wind gust, just for context
07:04 Note the motion of the SE during the wind gust. Not a wind environment for the timid, but not close to out of control either.
End: Exo exits stage left to complete her timid mission to go out to the end of the driveway and back, 3 -4 ft off the deck, which she did.
The moral of the story is, if you’re considering getting a Mini-SE, ignore the scare stories that you’ll sometimes see here about the Mini-SE being unusable except in no-wind conditions. That notion is a total myth, and today, I’m the Mythbuster!