I am sure this has been covered before, here goes anyway, GPS accuracy is dependent only many factors, including the GPS system itself & the quality of the recievers.
Your mobile device will also record a home position for you, based on its view of the GPS constellation, assuming your device has GPS capability and record this in the app as your position. All being well they will co-incide, but it is possible they may be off. I have seen posts where the user reports his position being several miles from the drones HP, usually this is down to the handheld device not having GPS and resolving its position based on access to Wi-Fi, iPads do this if they are not the cellular variety.
This is why your App lady tells you 'Your home position has been recorded, please check it on the map' as a prompt to verify you are happy with the recorded point and its accuracy, its one of the last checks I do before departing, if its wrong, or inaccurate then a loss is a very likely outcome. The real important bit is that the drone is shown in the right place on the map as that's where he is going if he gets separated from your controller. You position is largely irrelevant, unless you use dynamic home position (If you're a moving target, boats and the like).
Don't forget, you can manually record a new home position in the app if you are not happy with the one captured, ultimately that is where your MP is going to go if a RTN event occurs. Its worth checking its OK before you fly off. Just record it while it hovers and acquires the image of the take off point that it will use to precision land later (Rapid flashing green 'tail light').