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New Firmware . . . v01.03.0800

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Updated, get a chance to fly my mavic during lunch time. Flew the whole 27mins and couple hundreds meter, it fly fine with the distance limit notification earlier.

BUT now my vps error is back!!! Wth?!? The ac is still on fw400 and it fly perfectly before. FYI i updated the go4 app 2 weeks ago, and keeping the ac fw400 till now, how is this happened?? I now probably have to update the latest firmware.

I think i've got my self a lemon mavic.. i have a vps eror since day one 2016, and so glad when they fixed my problems on fw400 feb 2017. So i keeping the ac fw until today. And out of the blue it start the problem again this is frustrating..
Check all your settings in the App, some get reset. May need calibration.
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I'm not calling for a class action, I'm just expecting it based on past history and our overly litigious world. Software updates which fix problems and improve security is a completely different thing than changing features and adding limitations which did not exist when you purchased a physical product. Companies keep forgetting that when you buy their product it is yours, they would love to license you their product so that you can use it only the way they want. Courts have repeatedly shot that down and consistently siding with the consumer on those issues.

It might not be bad where you are however if you live in a highly populated area like LA or NYC, there are all sorts of zones for heliports everywhere on top of buildings. By implementing this functionality, DJI is taking responsibility of enforcing what governments of the world want. Eventually I see huge sections of states cordoned off where you will have to drive for hours to find a place to fly. They opened themselves up to taking away the responsibility from the user and being pressured by every government of the world to continually implement more stringent rules. There needs to be better clear cut rules for maximum altitudes in certain zones, not just deny all activity including flying at 8ft to take a selfy...
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Ok guys, here it is:
  • Update on iPad Retina took 17 minutes and had zero issues.
  • Various settings seem to have defaulted back to manufacturer defaults.
  • I am within 5 miles of several hospital landing pads and 1 airport. In .700, I had to turn off the GEO System in order to take off from my home.
  • After an initiated take off, everything seemed ok except that the MP seemed to be a bit unstable in zero wind conditions while hovering. Nothing major but just a bit off. Hard to explain.
  • After take off, I attempted to switch to 4K filming but there was no option for it. I'm assuming there's a setting I have wrong and will look for it.
  • While flying, I attempted to switch to sport mode but was unable. See the attached photo.
  • While flying, I also received the attached message when returning home. This didn't display during takeoff.
  • The various modes seem to be ok so far.
  • Massive concern is that the MP is definitely less responsive. Braking took a subjective 10-15ft to stop in zero wind conditions. When yawing right or left, it took approximately 5-10ft to stop. There was a definite delay not in response to the command/controls but in order to come to a stop. Before the update, it was at least half that distance. I almost crashed when coming in to land as wasn't prepared for it. I'm hoping it's a setting as well.
  • The responsiveness and speed in regular mode seems to be dialed down as well. Again, not sure how to explain except to say it's not as "Snappy" as it used to be.
Hope that helps as I'm headed back out. Let me know if there are any questions or things you want tested.

You said seemed a little sluggish and that Various settings seem to have defaulted back to manufacturer defaults.
Did you happen to check sensitivity? Yaw, pitch etc. Did those settings get changed by chance. Just a thought.
Sorry for being late to this post but are you saying you can see your Mavic at 1640 in altitude? If so thanks for being a jerk and flying 4 times the legal height. If I have that wrong I apologize.
The legal limit where? Can i enlighten you and explain the the world is slightly larger than the USA. This globe actually has many countries with many different sets of rules and regulations.

Where I live (Switzerland) there is no limit for drone flying in the law. They ask you to use common sense and stay under 150m above rural areas and under 300m above urban areas as that is the lowest heights aircrafts are allowed to fly at. Nothing, except common sense, stops you from going higher.
hmm, seems to be some chicken littles on this forum. I live 4 miles from a Class "C" airport. The upgrade took less than 30 minutes. Started the RC then the bird, launched GO4. Home point appeared and the Class C warning. Checked both boxes confirmed, and took off. Same as it always has. Whats the problem??
Just spent 40 minutes connected to DJI Assistant2 upgrading firmware.
Program said upgrade successful (to .800).
Swapped batteries (all 5 of them) and each did upgrade.
Turned off Mavic. Closed DJI Asst.2
Re-turned on to check. All firmware latest.
Disconnect from PC.

Connect Android phone to RC.
Turned on RC & MP.
DJI GO4 starts up and asks me to update DMZ - go ahead and download & update.
Then GO4 tells me I don't have the latest firmware and prompts me to upgrade firmware.........
I believe it's just going to do a check, see it's latest and skip over it.....

I'm now going through a complete firmware upgrade again....?!?
(Actually I think the AI in GO4 detected I had plenty of time on my hands and I really like watching the upgrade so thought it would give me a treat and do it again....
That's why I never bother going through Assistant.
Have always done all together by Wi Fi
RC and MP get done at same time through Go 4
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Where I live (Switzerland) there is no limit for drone flying in the law. They ask you to use common sense and stay under 150m above rural areas and under 300m above urban areas as that is the lowest heights aircrafts are allowed to fly at. Nothing, except common sense, stops you from going higher.

That's my promised land where authorities trust in common sense and citizens don't give them arguments to stop trusting... I wish I could live in such place and I can only wish you a future without idiots who ruin this equilibrium...
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Nothing changes i reach 500m altitude the only thing annoys me is the blinking rc icon on the app coz even rc is just 3m it keeps on blinking you have to restart all just to get rid of that :(
I've done the upgrade and flown (briefly) without issue. What is annoying is the disclaimer window comes up every time the Go4 app is launched and connected to the remote and needs to be accepted. I'd expect that once you agree, you agree...
This is sad really, but predictable. What happens if you don't want to use the app anymore and just want to use the goggles? Can anyone confirm that you have flight restrictions when only using the remote and goggles??

This is a very important issue for me also. I will either be buying a proper phone, or the goggles, and it will depend on whether or not I have to have a phone running GO app or not.

Someone suggested the goggles itself has its own app, so there is hope.

The Mavic is a great flier, and I hope this gets straightened out for those that now can't fly in their area without going through hoops.

DJI is in effect protecting all of us, by making honest flyers request clearance to fly near airports. We all know that if the dishonest flyer wants to fly illegally, he will find a way. This all ends really fast when some meth head gets a hold of a drone and flies it into an airliner while screaming Hola Snackbar!
I've done the upgrade and flown (briefly) without issue. What is annoying is the disclaimer window comes up every time the Go4 app is launched and connected to the remote and needs to be accepted. I'd expect that once you agree, you agree...

I suspect it will go away before long, but some people are still claiming they have not seen any warnings about the new firmware, I find that really hard to believe given how diligent DJI have been about showing that pop-up...
This is a very important issue for me also. I will either be buying a proper phone, or the goggles, and it will depend on whether or not I have to have a phone running GO app or not.

Someone suggested the goggles itself has its own app, so there is hope.

It does have its own cut-down version of the app, but it doesn't have the ability, or requirement, to log in to that app and of course has no internet access that would allow that to take place, without a smart device being connected...

I know that one of the DJI reps is raising this with DJI, but personally I'm not hopeful.

Aside from that, you can't set all the options from the goggles, so you are going to need something capable of at least running the Go 4 app well enough to do that, and if you have such a device then you can use the same thing to 'authorize' the flight...
Everything seems OK but they made a crucial error:

Contrary to when it was launched and what was advertised then, the system now needs a mobile device to work with, otherwise it will be altitude/range limited.

This is the Achilles's heel of this whole process, the one that will warrant asking for your money back upon returning the device or even large-scope legal action.

The fact that this particular FW upgrade is not mandatory will not cover them because present and future FW enhancements will only be made available to those customers who have forcibly accepted the new conditions.

If I know the US market (...and I think I know a bit, how litigious it can be ...) they are in for a world of pain.

Contrary to when it was launched and what was advertised then, the system now needs a mobile device to work with, otherwise it will be altitude/range limited.

That isn't a change, you have always required a smart device to deactivate beginner mode, and beginner mode is more restrictive than the current limits if the flight is not authorized.
I really wonder how the engineers in DJI can build such a fine piece of equipment (their drones) and in the same time, being such morons as far as firmware updates can be!
I mean, I upgraded firmwares for many equipment in my electronic life, ranging from cameras to computers to I can't think what else, but their process is the most ****** I ever saw!
This DJI Assistant, on Mac, is just a piece of crap, their update through Internet is so badly programmed that it never works alright, you need to start again and again a process that is so badly explained in the scarce dialogs they allow you to see on their software, and even after, when you —finally— think you're ok, it's only to see your drone fail to log into the DJI GO app and you have, again and again, to start all over.
I mean, come on guys, give us a brake here: why don't you let us download the upgrade file and let us install it, offline, when it's entirely loaded, as everybody else in the world ususally do?
And I say that as I'm on a brand new fiber Internet line, so with plenty of bandwidth to —normally— being able to d/l correctly.

I'm really pissed now with this DJI crap! :(
Call me paranoid if you wish but I believe there is a hidden authority with significant power that dictates to DJI what to do.
I mean these machines are quite capable.
Can you imagine the risk to some of the government's lies with filming from above?
That's why the controls are being restricted.
You only have to see some of the bs pilot reports that are thrown on the news to smell a rat.
Put your equipment in a bubble and stay away from the Internet.
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Maybe it is already answered but >

For increased safety, the flight is restricted to a height of 30 m and distance of 50 m when not connected or logged into the app during flight, including DJI GO 4 and all apps compatible with DJI aircraft.

once i log in and then
I installed .800 at home and made sure i was logged in. Then I went outside in the fields with no internet connection on my iPad. I could fly without a problem to hundreds of meters away and to more than 120m altitude. I then switched to Litchi mid flight and it all still worked flawlessly.
I flew three batteries so the mavic was powered down a few times. Things were working without a problem and without any internet connection. I even noticed that the NFZ that was too big just near my house now has the right size. When I walked into it it gave me a warning but that is all. And I can still disable the Geo setting and the warning disappears.
So in short here in Switzerland all is well with .800 :)

Thanks for this :)
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That isn't a change, you have always required a smart device to deactivate beginner mode, and beginner mode is more restrictive than the current limits if the flight is not authorized.
No. You have required it once, now you need it every flight.
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There is nothing particularly hidden about the motivation for the recent changes, the Chinese authorities have required more accountability to link drone flight to individuals and within China the app will require frequent logins to refresh that accountability.

Outside China we just see a fairly light version of what has changed.
I don't understand how so many fail to understand what is so clear and simple. I'm really wondering if people generally are just dumb and granite.

I've read a few posts across two threads, and that was all I needed to get the complete, accurate picture, which I will summarize here:
  • .800 implements the flight restrictions that have consumed this forum for the last few weeks.
  • With .800, all users must use at least GO4 version 4.1.0 or later (4.0.8 might be okay, but I'd ignore it)
  • After updating to .800, users outside the US must be connected to the internet with their smart device, and log in to their DJI account through the GO4 app after connecting to the aircraft in order to lift the 30m/50m alt/dist restrictions. This is necessary only once outside the US; for China users, login will be required every 3 months.
  • Each time the aircraft is powered on, it must connect to the GO4 app to disable the flight restrictions. However, an internet connection, and login to DJI account is not required so long as the user did not log out in the app.
  • To use third-party apps, the aircraft must first be connected to GO4 to disable flight restrictions. Then GO4 can be exited, and the third part app can be connected and used, provided the aircraft is not power cycled.
  • NFZ behavior is also updated/changed; at least one users has reported that some of the NFZ problems seem to have been fixed/improved
That's basically it. Wasn't hard to distill from the postings. Not sure why people have so much trouble "getting it". Perhaps they aren't bothering to read anything in these threads before they spout off?

Me? I'm staying right where I am on .400 for the foreseeable future.
I don't think your in a position to be calling people dumb and granite mate!
Some people like me are new and need things explaining a bit more (age is also a factor sometimes) so if you feel bitter about helping people out and feel the need to judge then don't bother as it makes people like me afraid to ask as experienced people act like bullies.
I don't like bullies mate, know what I mean??
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