What? Are you claiming these reports are coming exclusively from New Jersey?
Didn't you post this video only an hour and half before that? This video, from TEXAS?
This is what I didn't say: "Drone reports are coming exclusively from NJ." that would be a stupid statement.
Here's what I did say:
Why aren't people in Chicago, Atlanta, Los Angeles, and other big city busy airports not calling in fake drone sighting when planes from those areas line up in formation like they've done for years? Why didn't people in NYC airports report the same last year?
Ok I get it; you don't have an answer so you pretend like you didn't understand the question. You cannot claim NYC airports are the only airports in the country that cause nearby residents to become alarmed at the traffic and start report manned aircraft as drones because the airport is super busy. Not a single busy airport elsewhere in America have residents who live nearby have mistaken the landing aircraft for drones; that just isn't a thing. Does it happen? Sure. But that's not what is going on here. Don't you think "airport landing light syndrome" would affect at least one other busy airport somewhere else in the country?
... when
YOU watch that cellphone video recorded by the officers, do
- recognize those lights as the exact FAA-mandated lighting required for every normal airliner, or
- see those lights and instantly identify that as one of them "mystery drones", or
- would YOU [like Chief Chris Cook being interviewed] say, "We just don't know"?
It's not important what I would do. What is important with video clip and the point that I was trying to make is the police chief did not choose #1. Please tell me why not? The reason why he did not is because he has seen airplanes landing in his AO for years and he has seen a 1,000 but when he saw this one (1,001th) it didn't click for him.
You keep wanting to critique a video clip (which is why you ask me to comment on the video clip) but the important piece is what you see with your own eyes while on scene. The person who took that video also most likely saw it with their own eyes and therefore the reason why they hesitate on the video is because they couldn't confirm with their own eyes. Therefore it would be silly of me to watch a video clip and conclude it's a manned aircraft and then try to claim if I saw it with my own eyes, I would conclude the same. that's where you are getting caught up....trying to back into this. It's almost better off there is no video clip and therefore you can only go with what a person sees with their own eyes and even then (without a video clip), I bet you would still try to convince everyone you know what that person saw.
How about you show us a video clip of a drone in the distance? There isn't one because a clip of a drone in the distance is not a thing and will not be obvious to anyone. At night, that far away....there's never going to be a 50/50 collection of video clips. They will *all* look like manned aircraft on video. The only way to think it's a drone is to be there and see it with your own eyes and gather more info than a single video or photo can capture. Doesn't mean it's a drone but it means you'll do what this Chief did which is #3.
Authorities doing #3 early on hurts the country.
Let's me know when you are ready to move past the video clips; they're irrelevant at this point. Everyone has already agreed some of these are drones whether they are captured on video or in photos....or not. There were drones and apparently quite a few of them. When you are ready to talk about those, let me know. I know your obsessed with the amateur photos and the poor quality videos, etc but you really need to look past that because we are already beyond that and there's important things to discuss one you get onboard with the rest of us who already know there were drones flying around the NJ area recently (along with manned aircraft; they were not exclusively manned aircraft) that weren't there this summer, or last year, or whenever.
Sorry you won't be able to sweep this under the rug. Trust me, I wish they would drop this and forget the upcoming legislation but I'm trying not to get caught flatfooted like you will be when there is new drone legislation and you're still talking
"What drones? Manned aircraft are landing at the airport and you want to put up a TFR or pass new no fly zones or hand over drone enforcement to police just because planes want to land at the local airport? Nobody saw any drones and I have a thousand pictures of airliners to prove it." That's a losing strategy my friend. Learn to read the room. They're coming for your drones....in a big way; bigger than the DJI ban. We were probably one step away from mass confiscation and we didn't even know it.