Mini 2 only has a few Critical areas when it comes to flying in the Rain.
and being submerged in the Water : The Esc Module is very weak, as is the Mother Board.
Thus protecting the Open Ports on the back are critical to protect the ESC and Mother board.
The Open Motors are prone to being blocked with Sand / Salt and stones so the Prop Covers help with that despite that they can negotiate the water so well.
The Bottom Surge Mask protects the Sensors from getting compromised as the Mini Starts to spiral out of control when
they get wet .
The Back battery Lid on the Back of the
Mini 2 is very fragile and the Back Cover helps seal it along with the Compression bands .
The Side Panels allow you a secure and Safe Grip on the drone to hand catch / Launch
The more videos you watch of the Mini in action the more you can see how everything comes together as you
cannot land on the Water with a Mini Rescue Jacket without a Mini Wet Suit to Protect the Power Button and the Open Ports.
Gear to fly in the Rain and Land on the Water.