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NFZ Limit Cannot Take Off After .600 Firmware


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2017
I am attempting to fly in multiple places that I have flown over the past three weeks since acquiring my Mavic. None of which are NFZ's though they do fall in and around Geo green circles. I pushed the .600 update today, and on my first flight the controller indicated NFZ Limit for a few seconds and then went away. I went into the app to check the map for the green circles and none were there. I checked in the settings and I have no GEO option. I then went home to test. I turned the Mavic on in my house (which I've done many times before) and was presented with NFZ Limit and Cannot Take Off. I let the Mavic sit on the table while typing this and mid post it went into GPS mode and no longer displays NFZ Limit. Any ideas? Essentially I'm locked out of flying in a bunch of places that aren't red zones and I have no Geo options in the app.
I am attempting to fly in multiple places that I have flown over the past three weeks since acquiring my Mavic. None of which are NFZ's though they do fall in and around Geo green circles. I pushed the .600 update today, and on my first flight the controller indicated NFZ Limit for a few seconds and then went away. I went into the app to check the map for the green circles and none were there. I checked in the settings and I have no GEO option. I then went home to test. I turned the Mavic on in my house (which I've done many times before) and was presented with NFZ Limit and Cannot Take Off. I let the Mavic sit on the table while typing this and mid post it went into GPS mode and no longer displays NFZ Limit. Any ideas? Essentially I'm locked out of flying in a bunch of places that aren't red zones and I have no Geo options in the app.
But you say the warnings go away after awhile? Could it just be updating ?
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But you say the warnings go away after awhile? Could it just be updating ?
They do go away. I will take a video of it soon. I do not think so, this behavior is like nothing I've seen before. It acts like it's in a NFZ where it never had issues before and then changes its mind. I have flown here every day for the past 4 weeks and never had an NFZ error until this evening after updating firmware.
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The noose is only getting tighter with each update. Going from .400 to .550 I was suddenly locked out of flying at my father's house in Clearwater, FL. I'd flown there numerous times. But last week, on .550, I was forced to verify using a CC or SMS to unlock the restriction. I have not been there since going to .600, but after upgrading, and trying to fly here at home, I had a box pop up telling me to download the latest NFZ data. I skipped it.
I keep worrying that DJI is going to update the Mavic to the point that it becomes useless. Why don't they add things people want like screen recording so we don't have to use 3rd party apps. Also fix the android crashing issue and the Maps!
Here Maps and Apple maps suck when compared to Google.

I have the exact same problem after updating to .600
As soon as I turn on Mavic indoor, "NFZ limit" shown up immediately and it won't go away. I cannot take off indoor any more.
When I go outside to get GPS signal, it seems to go away and I can take off.

I will try again after recharging my controller.
I have the exact same problem after updating to .600
As soon as I turn on Mavic indoor, "NFZ limit" shown up immediately and it won't go away. I cannot take off indoor any more.
When I go outside to get GPS signal, it seems to go away and I can take off.

I will try again after recharging my controller.
I'm assuming you'll have to downgrade firmware to solve the problem but let me know if you find a solution.
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Same here,
Live in the countryside in northern Spain, nothing close, within 100 miles from the nearest airport and as soon as I updated to .600 I also got the NFZ warning on my screen for a while. Restarted the drone, got the same message, but this time I let it stand as in the above video and it cleared just the same way. Took off for a very short flight 10 ft from the ground, just in front of me, tested all my controls and MV movements and it all behaved perfectly. One thing though, as the new firmware was installed and being at home with my wifi signal, the DJI Go app asked me to update the NFZ map, which I accepted, so now I don't know if the glitch is firmware related or new NFZ map.....
Spanish Flyer
Same here,
Live in the countryside in northern Spain, nothing close, within 100 miles from the nearest airport and as soon as I updated to .600 I also got the NFZ warning on my screen for a while. Restarted the drone, got the same message, but this time I let it stand as in the above video and it cleared just the same way. Took off for a very short flight 10 ft from the ground, just in front of me, tested all my controls and MV movements and it all behaved perfectly. One thing though, as the new firmware was installed and being at home with my wifi signal, the DJI Go app asked me to update the NFZ map, which I accepted, so now I don't know if the glitch is firmware related or new NFZ map.....
Spanish Flyer
Mine was updated with DJI Assistant and I was never prompted for NFZ map updates but I see other people have been.
If I had to guess, it would seem that until GPS is locked, the MP now defaults to NFZ. In the past, if you were in a genuine NFZ (say, at Walt Disney World), you could fire up and even fly until the GPS established your location, then lights out. Now, it would appear you're grounded until the GPS says it's clear. That would really suck for indoor use.
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If I had to guess, it would seem that until GPS is locked, the MP now defaults to NFZ. In the past, if you were in a genuine NFZ (say, at Walt Disney World), you could fire up and even fly until the GPS established your location, then lights out. Now, it would appear you're grounded until the GPS says it's clear. That would really suck for indoor use.
This does seem pretty plausible and also pretty crappy.
Hello .. Soory for me bad english .But i have Same problem.I live in Bulgaria. .after firmware update and dji go 4 update yesterday .Every time when i power on Mavic .phone says Cannot take off ..And in RC display write NFZ Limit .
in new feature find my drone .i see that aircraft is in China (Chenzen) ..And can take off.. till Not have good GPS and till aircraft not display in my real position in Bulgaria ?? May be this is some bug in DGI Go 4app ??
Did this can resolved ??? Thanks
If I had to guess, it would seem that until GPS is locked, the MP now defaults to NFZ. In the past, if you were in a genuine NFZ (say, at Walt Disney World), you could fire up and even fly until the GPS established your location, then lights out. Now, it would appear you're grounded until the GPS says it's clear. That would really suck for indoor use.

I don't know at what point you guys will realize you should be rushing back to .400
I assume the big oh crap moment will be when DJI removes that version and people are stuck.
Ask yourself what features does .600 have that .400 does not have?

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