I always thought these settings were for the distance limit. I thought some of the title or descriptions made what they did seem obvious but I really didn’t know.
g_config_rc_lost_search_enable – 0
g_config_rc_lost_search_p2p_dis – 5 , I thought this was the one for the distance limit…..
g_config_rc_lost_search_retry_times – 1 , How many attempts the program makes to reconnect after signal loss….
g_config_rc_lost_search_search_vel – 2 , how fast the mav flies while waiting to reconnect…
What i was thinking was a signal from the rc to the bird or vis versa or both or whatever was timed and when the time got too great the signal would be lost or disconnect. So, say at 10000 ft it would take 1ms for a signal to travel from the rc to the bird and at 60000 it would take 5ms. If the signal took longer it would disconnect. But I think a rf signal travels at the speed of light, no? could a difference in a signals time be measured or detected at 10000ft vs 60000ft? isn’t it too fast for a difference to be measured with this equipment? I don’t know, all I know is I messed with the “psp dis” parameter many times and it didn’t seem to do anything. I decided to mess around with “g_config_rc_cfg_rc_vib_enable 1” just to see if I could have ANY effect on the rc. I think it is pretty obvious what this should do, right? so I changed this to 0 and started the mav and the rc instantly vibrated which made me quit trying everything with the rc.
It used to drive me nuts!