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Official Mavic Pro Range Leaderboard!

Found the AC. ESC status error on 4. No sig structural damage.
Glad you found it amstar!
I think what is mean of record is how oir drone safe back to home matter how far it fly, if u dont touch home point it no record... That my oppinion

I’m not claiming a record. My longest successful flight all stock so far has been 25880 ft.
Found the AC. ESC status error on 4. No sig structural damage.

How much drama was it getting it out of the tree?
You should definitely try IMU calibration
to clear that error, it probably won't work, but it did work one time for me
How much drama was it getting it out of the tree?
You should definitely try IMU calibration
to clear that error, it probably won't work, but it did work one time for me

Actually not much, was pretty low, it saved a ground impact. Will go through all calibrations, compass also needs one. Thx.
Since it seems that this board is no longer tended to, I have posted the following:
11 - 42,599 - mlash Post #2119
6 - 25,908 - amstar Post #1985

Top Modified
1 - 58,919 ft - Unknown Caller - Battery Mod, Terminator Extreme
2 - 54,596 ft - lolo780 - Battery Mod, Maxx UAV EvoLite Kit Plus
3 - 54,350 ft - CyberNate - Battery Mod, RexUAV CP, Boosted
4 - 48,151 ft - beanbubba - Battery Mod, Birdside Amplifier
5 - 47,751 ft - **mick** - Battery Mod, Titan Cyclone
6 - 46,213 ft - Japtastic - Battery Mod
7 - 46,128 ft - digdat0 - Battery Mod
8 - 45,084 ft - in10s - Battery Mod, Maxx UAV EvoLite Kit Plus
9 - 43,343 ft - Ed209 - Battery Mod
10 - 42,762 ft - Gh0stxSinghx - Battery Mod, 4Hawks SR
11 - 42,599 ft - mlash - Battery Mod, Titan Cyclone
12 - 42,570 ft - TheLightSpeed! - Battery Mod, Titan Cyclone
13 - 41,282 ft - marcini - Battery Mod, Modified Antenna
14 - 40,549 ft - dirtybum - Battery Mod
15 - 40,011 ft - Maclak - Battery Mod, Maxx UAV EvoLite Kit Plus
16 - 37,306 ft - Phxbird57 - Battery Mod
17 - 37,057 ft - DBS - Battery Mod, ItElite Atlas
18 - 36,053 ft - cderoche - Battery Mod
19 - 32,808 ft - WillemH - Battery Mod, ItElite Nano Sync
20 - 26,216 ft - Natedoggz - Battery Mod, 6dBi Antenna

Top 20 Stock
1 - 30,308 ft - lolo780
2 - 28,193 ft - Unknown Caller
3 - 27,643 ft - dirtybum
4 - 26,464 ft - fredz
5 - 26,161 ft - DomoDan
6 - 25,908 ft - amstar
7 - 25,210 ft - Phxbird57
8 - 24,126 ft - LGV850
9 - 23,151 ft - Duse
10 - 22,965 ft - Jack
11 - 22,775 ft - PhelipeFleury
12 - 22,604 ft - CyberNate
13 - 22,360 ft - Fanti
14 - 22,134 ft - liberatecuba
15 - 22,097 ft - RAMJET-1
16 - 21,505 ft - TheLightSpeed!
17 - 21,401 ft - Jamison74
18 - 21,345 ft - Jacknet007
19 - 21,217 ft - Cameron1991
20 - 21,059 ft - Ozziebattler
It does need to be updated @JakeMaxxUAV,
And on your stock board here Number three spot dirtybums, I never actually made it back so you can erase that one and then #1 stock that fight was not actually with a stock aircraft. I don't personally want the responsibility, but is time to ask and if somebody else wants to start a new leaderboard thread and actually upkeep it, and see if the moderators will close this one. Since the OP is no longer a participant
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Test flight tonight in 1c temps, fog, and crosswinds. Batteries were cold so pretty much horrible conditions but still went 38,131m down to 2%. 45:08 flight time and still on the same Thunderpower 4500/3500 combo, bottom mounted. 1036g RTF with FPV camera, T motor 9x3 front and APC 8x4.5 rear props. At 0% the TP packs will still fly another 1km easily so this setup will be good for over 40km considering the energy wasted turning around plus the wind.

Thunderpower has shipped my 4 new batteries out today so I'll finally be able to try twin 4500s.

Edit: I just noticed that I only went 255m in the first 100 seconds as I was checking things over. That would have added ~1500m. Then the last 100 sec only covered 314m flying slow over the home point. Easily lost 1300m there so this flight should have been around 41km.


View of the fog from 800ft. Mavic came back covered in water droplets.
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If we keep this thread I suggest we go to something like this. I think that we could still use it (for ease of transferring to a new thread) even if this thread is closed because it points to the full link. I know that a couple of people have mentioned having it like this before for convenience.

Not trying to offend anyone but there are a couple post that need some attention. I put a notation beside it. Let me know if I'm wrong and I will edit.

Just click the "post #" to go to the actual posting.

Top Modified
01 - 58,919 ft - Post #1756 - Unknown Caller - Battery Mod, Terminator Extreme
02 - 54,596 ft - Post #1688 - lolo780 - Battery Mod, Maxx UAV EvoLite Kit Plus
03 - 54,350 ft - Post #1068 - CyberNate - Battery Mod, RexUAV CP, Boosted
04 - 48,151 ft - Post #1882 - beanbubba - Battery Mod, Birdside Amplifier
05 - 47,751 ft - Post #1760 - **mick** - Battery Mod, Titan Cyclone
06 - 46,213 ft - Post #1083 - Japtastic - Battery Mod
07 - 46,128 ft - Post #632 - digdat0 - Battery Mod

?? - 45,084 ft - Post #276 - in10s - Battery Mod, Maxx UAV EvoLite Kit Plus-------Never made it home according to this Pilot's post (I might be wrong)
08 - 44,063 ft - Post #643 - in10s - Battery Mod, Maxx UAV EvoLite Kit Plus-------This is the farthest distance I could find for this Pilot (I might be wrong)

09 - 43,343 ft - Post #1190 - Ed209 - Battery Mod
10 - 42,762 ft - Post #1829 - Gh0stxSinghx - Battery Mod, 4Hawks SR
11 - 42,599 ft - Post #2119 - mlash - Battery Mod, Titan Cyclone
12 - 42,570 ft - Post #1248 - TheLightSpeed! - Battery Mod, Titan Cyclone
13 - 41,282 ft - Post #1357 - marcini - Battery Mod, Modified Antenna
14 - 40,549 ft - Post #464 - dirtybum - Battery Mod
15 - 40,011 ft - Post #1097 - Maclak - Battery Mod, Maxx UAV EvoLite Kit Plus
16 - 37,306 ft - Post #1621 - Phxbird57 - Battery Mod
17 - 37,057 ft - Post #36 - DBS - Battery Mod, ItElite Atlas
18 - 36,053 ft - Post #1881 - cderoche - Battery Mod
19 - 32,808 ft - Post #988 - WillemH - Battery Mod, ItElite Nano Sync
20 - 26,216 ft - Post #446 - Natedoggz - Battery Mod, 6dBi Antenna

Top 20 Stock

01 - 30,308 ft - Post #1591 - lolo780
02 - 28,193 ft - Post #1781 - Unknown Caller
03 - 27,643 ft - Post # - dirtybum----------Post #387 is the closest I could find. (I might be wrong)
04 - 26,464 ft - Post #29 - fredz
05 - 26,161 ft - Post #196 - DomoDan--------One way according to his post (I might be wrong)
06 - 25,908 ft - Post #1985 - amstar
07 - 25,210 ft - Post #130 - Phxbird57
08 - 24,126 ft - Post #1670 - LGV850
09 - 23,151 ft - Post #1025 - Duse
10 - 22,965 ft - Post #43 - Jack
11 - 22,775 ft - Post #64 - PhelipeFleury-----According to Healthy Drones posted by Pilot "Max Distance = 8,034" (I might be wrong)
12 - 22,604 ft - Post #70 - CyberNate
13 - 22,360 ft - Post #22 - Fanti
14 - 22,134 ft - Post #1008 - liberatecuba
15 - 22,097 ft - Post #139 - RAMJET-1
16 - 21,505 ft - Post #966 - TheLightSpeed!
17 - 21,401 ft - Post #87 - Jamison74
18 - 21,345 ft - Post #980 - Jacknet007
19 - 21,217 ft - Post #59 - Cameron1991
20 - 21,059 ft - Post #45 - Ozziebattler

If you find any errors I will edit this post if you want me to.
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Reactions: lolo780
If we keep this thread I suggest we go to something like this. I think that we could still use it (for ease of transferring to a new thread) even if this thread is closed because it points to the full link. I know that a couple of people have mentioned having it like this before for convenience.

Not trying to offend anyone but there are a couple post that need some attention. I put a notation beside it. Let me know if I'm wrong and I will edit.

Just click the "post #" to go to the actual posting.

Top Modified
01 - 58,919 ft - Post #1756 - Unknown Caller - Battery Mod, Terminator Extreme
02 - 54,596 ft - Post #1688 - lolo780 - Battery Mod, Maxx UAV EvoLite Kit Plus
03 - 54,350 ft - Post #1068 - CyberNate - Battery Mod, RexUAV CP, Boosted
04 - 48,151 ft - Post #1882 - beanbubba - Battery Mod, Birdside Amplifier
05 - 47,751 ft - Post #1760 - **mick** - Battery Mod, Titan Cyclone
06 - 46,213 ft - Post #1083 - Japtastic - Battery Mod
07 - 46,128 ft - Post #632 - digdat0 - Battery Mod

?? - 45,084 ft - Post #276 - in10s - Battery Mod, Maxx UAV EvoLite Kit Plus Never made it home according to this Pilot's post (I might be wrong)
08 - 44,063 ft - Post #643 - in10s - Battery Mod, Maxx UAV EvoLite Kit Plus This is the farthest distance I could find for this Pilot (I might be wrong)

09 - 43,343 ft - Post #1190 - Ed209 - Battery Mod
10 - 42,762 ft - Post #1829 - Gh0stxSinghx - Battery Mod, 4Hawks SR
11 - 42,599 ft - Post #2119 - mlash - Battery Mod, Titan Cyclone
12 - 42,570 ft - Post #1248 - TheLightSpeed! - Battery Mod, Titan Cyclone
13 - 41,282 ft - Post #1357 - marcini - Battery Mod, Modified Antenna
14 - 40,549 ft - Post #464 - dirtybum - Battery Mod
15 - 40,011 ft - Post #1097 - Maclak - Battery Mod, Maxx UAV EvoLite Kit Plus
16 - 37,306 ft - Post #1621 - Phxbird57 - Battery Mod
17 - 37,057 ft - Post #36 - DBS - Battery Mod, ItElite Atlas
18 - 36,053 ft - Post #1881 - cderoche - Battery Mod
19 - 32,808 ft - Post #988 - WillemH - Battery Mod, ItElite Nano Sync
20 - 26,216 ft - Post #446 - Natedoggz - Battery Mod, 6dBi Antenna

Top 20 Stock

01 - 30,308 ft - Post #1591 - lolo780
02 - 28,193 ft - Post #1781 - Unknown Caller
03 - 27,643 ft - Post # - dirtybum Post #387 is the closest I could find. (I might be wrong)
04 - 26,464 ft - Post #29 - fredz
05 - 26,161 ft - Post #196 - DomoDan One way according to his post (I might be wrong)
06 - 25,908 ft - Post #1985 - amstar
07 - 25,210 ft - Post #130 - Phxbird57
08 - 24,126 ft - Post #1670 - LGV850
09 - 23,151 ft - Post #1025 - Duse
10 - 22,965 ft - Post #43 - Jack
11 - 22,775 ft - Post #64 - PhelipeFleury According to Healthy Drones posted by Pilot "Max Distance = 8,034" (I might be wrong)
12 - 22,604 ft - Post #70 - CyberNate
13 - 22,360 ft - Post #22 - Fanti
14 - 22,134 ft - Post #1008 - liberatecuba
15 - 22,097 ft - Post #139 - RAMJET-1
16 - 21,505 ft - Post #966 - TheLightSpeed!
17 - 21,401 ft - Post #87 - Jamison74
18 - 21,345 ft - Post #980 - Jacknet007
19 - 21,217 ft - Post #59 - Cameron1991
20 - 21,059 ft - Post #45 - Ozziebattler

If you find any errors I will edit this post if you want me to.
Looks like #1 and 3 on the stock boar are questionable too: #1 was not stock and 3 never made it back.
And my longest flight post #2114, almost made it back (landed 6000 ft from home). 29895ft one way.
is there something I missed ? I didn't see anything that said jake quit.
And if that's the case why would anyone start changing his thread
is there something I missed ? I didn't see anything that said jake quit.
And if that's the case why would anyone start changing his thread
For the record. I am not trying to change the thread (except for Place 11 on Top Modified and Place 6 on Top Stock) . I only posted a prototype that may be better for all involved. The OP is more than welcome to use it if he wishes to, and if not, no hard feelings. The notes are simply because I could not find any other post that would support the info that was already on the board.
Found the AC. ESC status error on 4. No sig structural damage.

That error is a broken wire in a motor arm. Just replace the arm. When you turn the mavic on, you should see each motor twitch as initialization occurs. The motor that doesn't twitch is the bad arm.
That error is a broken wire in a motor arm. Just replace the arm. When you turn the mavic on, you should see each motor twitch as initialization occurs. The motor that doesn't twitch is the bad arm.

It’s the back right. Can’t you just replace the ESC?
It’s the back right. Can’t you just replace the ESC?
It's not the esc, it's the motor wires. I had the same error and fixed with new arm. You get that error if arm motor is disconnected. Error is misleading.

It's easy to replace rear arm. Just 3 wires to solder.
It's not the esc, it's the motor wires. I had the same error and fixed with new arm. You get that error if arm motor is disconnected. Error is misleading.

It's easy to replace rear arm. Just 3 wires to solder.

Ok, will do. Good to know. Thx.

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