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Oh boy... we are all flying spy drones! DHS warns of 'strong concerns'

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Wow when was that introduced?

I like some Chinese products but I dont like the Chinese government. They are not an ally of the United States.

What if i told you i was a Chinese?

Dont know why i didn't post this pic first. Released 5 years ago abouts.
The Camera system interested me the most as it just connceted to your RX.
I wanted to FPV my Mp9


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im not so dont worry about the PC post.
If i was chinese/american i might get upset about the hat
towards my country tho.
But since im not che guavera to the chinese, I'll let them worry about it, defend themselves
Such OLD news. Your alert should have gone up quite some time ago (at least one year I recall) when the U.S. military declared they no longer use DJI product for just such a reason. Perhaps had you started back then you could have helped mount a campaign to stop the installation of the chinese 5G network in the good ol' USA. ;)


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You think they are going to use Hwuahie and DJI againt us.
Why all the negative energy toward the Chinese lately anyway.
There a friendly Nation last I checked

I think, in reality, this is a complicated issue. What does "friendly" mean in this context? I think that both countries benefit in some regards from relations with each other, but there are very real problems too. It's not all one way or the other, black and white.

There are some real military tensions between the US and China regarding the South China Seas. That's not friendly.

Obviously, we here enjoy the benefits of DJI drones, but many companies have complained that the Chinese steal their intellectual property. So, in some regards we win and in some we lose. It's involved... it's complicated.
I'll say this, if the "Chinese are coming" in numbers, they have a heck of a geolistical Journey ahead of them.
Any 'Act of War' is going to require a Heck of a lot of follow through.
I would say Russia, Europe, Australia have the most to fear, IF anyone does that is.

I mean even if they hacked the USA country into submission, what are they going to do with it?
They aren't looking to gain more Real Estate there, as is usually the POI/squabble
in wars past, yes?
Worst case scenario with their potential spying (if successful) is they have a better Intelligence service than
And what good is intelligence unless you can act on it.
1. Image and video files are very large.
If they were being transferred from your drone or tablet, you'd probably notice.
So far despite the hype and hysteria around this topic, I haven't heard anyone reporting any suspicious large data transfer.
Your photos and videos are stored on an SD card - not in the app.
You pull the SD card, copy to your computer and DJI never sees them again.
Even the extremely vague DHS warning didn't suggest that DJI siphons off your images and videos.
That's something the more imaginative users, primed with too much sci-fi and Hollywood but not enough critical thinking have come up with.

The warning from DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) only said that: the unmanned aircraft are a “potential risk to an organization’s information” and that the drones “contain components that can compromise your data and share your information on a server accessed beyond the company itself.
There's no hint there that your images are being scoured for strategic value.
And as I mentioned, the idea that drone flyer's images and video are going to provide a rich source of espionage material is simply ridiculous.

To be clear, I am not saying anything specific is happening for sure. However, I am saying that the potential threat is there and that it is naive to just say "no way chicken little".

15+ years ago the company I worked for was requiring an annual "bright ideas" presentation from their employees - kind of a joke, but be that as it may, I proposed that the company actually do a presentation/training session on what employees should do in the event of an active shooter. That was after there had been an uptick in workplace violence and shortly after a news story broke of a disgruntled, estranged husband grabbing his wife's company access badge and walking into her building and shooting up the place. The response from management, to include an individual that was part of the county's EMT team was basically, "um, that's nice, but no." His specific response was that "we don't want to be like chicken little saying that the sky is falling and throwing people into a panic." I moved on to another organization, but guess what I hate having to do every single year now? The same old crappy training to include active shooter response training.

To your point about file sizes - I don't think it's an insurmountable problem. For one, take some of the new viruses, etc. that are smart enough to know that they are being run in a lab environment and remain dormant. Also, footage is stored on the device connected to the remote, so it's just not on the AC SD card. Pretty sure their resolution is lower, although that may just depend on if you have TX in HD or not. Not sure, and I'm not sure it makes much of a difference given potential techniques available.

As far as data of interest produced by these drones, how many groups are using DJI products for SAR? Or infrastructure inspection, etc? That's useful information to an adversary. It would likely blow your mind to know what kind of techniques are available to retrieve data from systems with an air gap, let alone from something like a drone manufactured by a company that has direct access to the system in question by virtue of being the manufacturer. All the Chinese gov't needs to do at any given time is to tap DJI on the shoulder.

I would say that you're being way too sure of yourself. I would also say that you would not make a great candidate to work in the intelligence community, or for even a tech company like Google. You don't seem imaginative enough.
I think, in reality, this is a complicated issue. What does "friendly" mean in this context? I think that both countries benefit in some regards from relations with each other, but there are very real problems too. It's not all one way or the other, black and white.

There are some real military tensions between the US and China regarding the South China Seas. That's not friendly.

Obviously, we here enjoy the benefits of DJI drones, but many companies have complained that the Chinese steal their intellectual property. So, in some regards we win and in some we lose. It's involved... it's complicated.
I'd say that the only thing that makes the Chinese friendly is the fact that we are so entangled with them economically. But they (communist Chinese government and associated interests) are not our friends - don't kid yourself.
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Such OLD news. Your alert should have gone up quite some time ago (at least one year I recall) when the U.S. military declared they no longer use DJI product for just such a reason. Perhaps had you started back then you could have helped mount a campaign to stop the installation of the chinese 5G network in the good ol' USA. ;)

Wasn't that more of a US soldiers owning personal stuff/drones Ban.
Like a "dragonskin" Amor type thing, where the drones they were issued, sucked,
so the US soldiers got better ones on eBay.

Edit: I'm going to shut up now, stop answering every post, and get some work done. Yes I am.
Also my Boss is good looking, not at all minging, and she knows whats best. *Logging off*
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If you work in an infrastructure facility, it’s time to also yell “drone!”
View attachment 73017
YES! And Furby's did the same thing Hahaha!
I prefer thai food :p
I am much more worried about the USA collecting data on me through software on my phone, laptop and desktop than China and my UAV.

While US law protects US citizens it is open slather on the rest of us and they can collect any phone info they like via satellite. No warenets etc required.The latest scare campaign re Huawei demonstrates how far the USA will go to force competition out of the market. I suspect there must now be a US drone manufacturer who wants to push DJI out, hence the scare campaign
The latest scare campaign re Huawei demonstrates how far the USA will go to force competition out of the market. I suspect there must now be a US drone manufacturer who wants to push DJI out, hence the scare campaign
When you see what came out last week, the Huawei issue sounds more like fake news and trade posturing than serious security issue ...
“Huawei is something that’s very dangerous,” Trump said at the White House after speaking about his plan to give a multibillion-dollar subsidy package to American farmers. “You look at what they’ve done from a security standpoint, from a military standpoint, it’s very dangerous.”

But running counter to previous statements by some members of his trade delegation – including US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, who has sought to keep trade and national security matters separate during the negotiations – Trump then said, “If we made a deal, I could imagine Huawei possibly being included in some form of or some part of a trade deal.”

I suspect there must now be a US drone manufacturer who wants to push DJI out, hence the scare campaign
I very much doubt that. New drone companies don't just appear ready to compete against market leaders.
The DHS is just recycling the same old stuff but with less details.
They didn't mention DJI (or anything specific at all).
Ok gang... this one has ran it's course and gotten too far away from the Original Topic.

**** Thread Closed *****
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