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Possible to land without turning off motors?


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2018
Dear all,
I want to know if it is possible to land the aircraft on a place and leave the propellors just on?

a mavic is a flying camera all you need to do is hover at the location yaw and pan to get the shots you want,
Dear all,
I want to know if it is possible to land the aircraft on a place and leave the propellors just on?

Are youn asking so you can start up again and keep flying at range?
Are youn asking so you can start up again and keep flying at range?
Yes you are right. I am scared maybe battery life is not high enough to start again and than my drone is there standing on the ground, i know mavic can give this message when battery is getting low.
I know several situations where i fly so far, where i could use this for sure.
I don't think you can do this with the Mavic 2... Pushing the left stick down when you're near the ground initiates 'landing mode' just as if you slid the landing slider. In landing mode, the motors automatically shut down when the landing is complete.
Mavic 2 section again >_<

Sorry mate.
MavOne wont restart in a few situations, including less than %5 (might be 10, dont remember) battery, and
also if you've set battery to RTH when only enough juice for Home point.

MavTwo maybe the same, but literally do not know as i will never have one.
So, if i read right it is not possible?
If you land, the motors turn off, what if the connection is lost at this moment? As example; you are stay at point 1 and 100m further just near a small forest you land your drone. The trees are obstacles so the connection could be bad or lost. The drone stays at this location or does it start again and fly RTH?
If you lose connection (a real risk with the many obstructions at ground level) you won't be able to take off again if you land. Now the question is why/when you would want to do that, unless you have someone on location maybe ?
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Hate to be the one that posts the obvious, but if your battery is that low why would you want to risk takeoff and flying it again?
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I don't think you can do this with the Mavic 2... Pushing the left stick down when you're near the ground initiates 'landing mode' just as if you slid the landing slider. In landing mode, the motors automatically shut down when the landing is complete.
You can disable that auto landing behavior by disabling the "Landing Protection" setting in DJI GO.

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Isn't that interesting!

I'm aware of the function, but I thought it only saved you from landing on an unsuitable surface. (That's all the description under the slider says it does). I didn't realize that it kept the motors running after you set down..

You learn something new every day.. Thanks for the info!
If you lose connection (a real risk with the many obstructions at ground level) you won't be able to take off again if you land.

If set to RTH when connection lost, it will likely start that procedure before it lands too.
Unless set to hover, but then that’s no good either !
Maybe loss of connection set to land ?

All fraught with less than ideal possible outcomes.
I'm aware of the function, but I thought it only saved you from landing on an unsuitable surface. (That's all the description under the slider says it does).
That's all it seems like it would do based on the description in DJI GO.

When the throttle is in the full down position and the downward sensors detect the ground is near, it initiates "Forced Landing Mode" and makes the aircraft descend until it lands. The motors shut off after the aircraft has landed. With that setting disabled, you'll be in full control of the aircraft as it lands and you'll need to shut off the motors by holding the throttle in the full down position for a few seconds (the preferred method) or by doing a CSC.
I understand all the questions WHY i would do that, but i can explain. A friend of my lives for the next 9 months on the other side of the world (just a work/holiday time).
His (beautiful) own house is located in the middle of a (relative small) forest with 2,5m high fences around his terrain, nobody have the key only he have. So he asked me to check/control his house 1 time each week with the drone.
He have a model electric on rail vehicle around his house with a plate (60x60cm on it), that is driving/rolling every day from 20:00 to 24:00hr with lights on it - it's just for fun.
His idea was to land the drone at the vehicle with camera toward his house, than just press the record button and 10 minutes later the whole big house is just recorded from outside.

If the props stays on, i Always can go up if neccesairy especially when there are a lot of trees ánd the house is between me and the mavic. And - of course i can save battery when props are active with lower RPM. Or do you guys think this is not slim due the signal lost possibility?
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