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Pre-Order & Shipping Thread

Yup, i don't think I will have it on time before my trip at this point. I have contacted DJI sale support, stating that I have an important trip to Florida on Oct 24th and that I have planed it on purpose to take the drone there. Their response was quite disappointing so to speak:
"We do appreciate your interest in our product and we do understand your concern.

The shipping date of your order will be delayed that we will ship out your order around the mid-to-late of October. Since we've had a high global demand. We are hoping for your kind understanding on this matter. Apologies for this delay and for the inconvenience this is causing you. If you do not accept the revised shipment dates, you can cancel the order and obtain a full refund and place a new order for the standard Mavic Pro for much faster shipment."

If I wanted a Mavic Pro to begin with, I will have not went through all this pre-order process, and will have ordered already on Amazon. They promised me a MPP and a month later AFTER having paid $1100+ I still got nothing but promises. :(
This is just my opinion.
I checked this thread to see if anyone got any information different than I received or had a confirmed shipment.

Maybe it's just me, but the delay in receiving a drone because of a delay in production pales in comparison to the other problems and issues that bedevil others and their problems.

I am one of many who ordered the drone after the release was announced. I received the delayed notice and the coupon. And, considering the problems and devastation from hurricanes, earthquakes, and flooding, my delay is annoying but not life shattering.

Yes, I would like my drone when shipment was promised. But, this is not a personal affront that affects only Drakkor. It affects every pre order and clearly was not intentional.

So, enjoy the day, and accept the fact that items will be delayed and shipments will go undelivered. Do your diligence to ascertain they are aware of your order. Public angst will gain you little sympathy for me.

This thread is to update others if there is shipment information. I do not need a forum for expressing feigned anguish.
This is just my opinion.
I checked this thread to see if anyone got any information different than I received or had a confirmed shipment.

Maybe it's just me, but the delay in receiving a drone because of a delay in production pales in comparison to the other problems and issues that bedevil others and their problems.

I am one of many who ordered the drone after the release was announced. I received the delayed notice and the coupon. And, considering the problems and devastation from hurricanes, earthquakes, and flooding, my delay is annoying but not life shattering.

Yes, I would like my drone when shipment was promised. But, this is not a personal affront that affects only Drakkor. It affects every pre order and clearly was not intentional.

So, enjoy the day, and accept the fact that items will be delayed and shipments will go undelivered. Do your diligence to ascertain they are aware of your order. Public angst will gain you little sympathy for me.

This thread is to update others if there is shipment information. I do not need a forum for expressing feigned anguish.
I totally agree with you on all those point. I was just reporting my personal experience and slight disappointment as first time DJI drone owner, along with first time on this awesome forum too. Frankly, if I was in a hurry to have a drone for something really important, I could have went for the regular MP instead right away. But for now I am keeping my pre order and take it easy as you said. No harm done and certainly will not make a big thing out of a expensive toy ;)

PS: FYI, the MPP batteries and props are now available for purchase on DJI page. I have placed a few order already. At least i will have some spare batteries and props when my drone finally arrives :D
As cool and positive you're trying to be, it's hard to be positive when someone screws you out of your money. Think about it.... at least 1,000 pre-orders at $1000/each. That's AT LEAST $1,000,000 that DJI is sitting on, of OUR hard earned money, while they don't even care enough to update us about the shipping issues until THE DAY OF.

That's poor customer service, and sure you can use examples of devastation to try to bring some light to the situation but there are also way better things happening in the world, like the 10 million a year making NFL players... making 11 million a year now. This situation needs to be viewed as it's own and not be compared to "worse things in life" because there are also always "better things in life" so with that being said, DJI customer service sucks.
Just be patient! DJI surprises sometimes too. I ordered my Mavic Pro and despite the order status never updating and my endless chats and emails, mine showed up all of a sudden. Before everyone else!
Just spoke to the customer service representative again. It is always a painful experience due to all of them typing in broken English with pre-typed messages, constantly repeating themselves instead of actually answering questions. He stated that due to "high demand" they will not be shipping anyone's units until Mid-Late October. I'm starting to believe the controversy even more, they probably take everyone's money, use it to then manufacture the product, and then send it out.

I'm still giving it until Friday at midnight. After that I am cancelling my order and skipping this generation, once again, just like the Mavic Pro experience I had last year. I do NOT NEED this drone. I want it. But I also don't want it enough to support this kind of incompetence. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I won't put it passed them to tell us in Mid-Late October that we won't be getting our units until Mid-Late November. I'm sure there are far better things I can spend the $1600 on now... and then MAYBE one day once this crap company puts out enough units and they're in stores, I'll just go pick it up with instant satisfaction. Until then, no reason to have DJI borrow my money interest free.

Oh yeah and my DJI Goggles still have not shipped, 3 weeks later. That'll be getting cancelled along with this order.
Just spoke to the customer service representative again. It is always a painful experience due to all of them typing in broken English with pre-typed messages, constantly repeating themselves instead of actually answering questions. He stated that due to "high demand" they will not be shipping anyone's units until Mid-Late October. I'm starting to believe the controversy even more, they probably take everyone's money, use it to then manufacture the product, and then send it out.

I'm still giving it until Friday at midnight. After that I am cancelling my order and skipping this generation, once again, just like the Mavic Pro experience I had last year. I do NOT NEED this drone. I want it. But I also don't want it enough to support this kind of incompetence. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I won't put it passed them to tell us in Mid-Late October that we won't be getting our units until Mid-Late November. I'm sure there are far better things I can spend the $1600 on now... and then MAYBE one day once this crap company puts out enough units and they're in stores, I'll just go pick it up with instant satisfaction. Until then, no reason to have DJI borrow my money interest free.

Oh yeah and my DJI Goggles still have not shipped, 3 weeks later. That'll be getting cancelled along with this order.

I’m the same way. I want stuff now! DJI is frustrating.

But I hate to say it, but there’s a virtual waiting line... depending on when you ordered is typically when they will ship. They like to fill their retail Clients like Apple and Best Buy first.

This is the old Apple trick. Make a small change, tell everyone it’s a huge change, and meanwhile you’re really buying all the old stock of the MP.

Trust me, there is nothing this drone has that the MP didn’t already do. Flight times and sound from the props is all BS with a little truth.

Just go buy the MP and add the props from the MPP and be done with it.
That’s the funny thing though. They’re not fulfilling any orders at all. I can understand preorders, I can understand a line. They’re not shipping any MPPs to anyone on the date they were supposed to. So they either screwed up production, import, or something, but they’re being shady about it and can’t even tell us when they’ll start shipping any units at all. That concerns me a bit, considering I’ve been out of the money for 3 weeks already.

At this point it’s more beneficial to cancel because then at least I’ll have the money instead of not having any money, not having the MPP, and not even knowing when they’ll start shipping (aside from the vague mid-late October).
Hi folks,

See below the most recent update from DJI support.

It appears that my interpretation of DJI's previous email to me which I had posted here a few days ago was incorrect... (A revised shipping date of Oct 5th is incorrect, although that's as close to what their previous email looked like to me).

So it now looks like mid-to-late October.

We will start shipping the products towards the second week of October until the third week. Therefore within that time frame we are hoping that we will be able to finish shipping the orders for the Mavic Platinum Pro. And it will be until the third week of October only.

And once again we deeply apologies for the inconvenience that it has caused you. But we will assure you that within the third week of October your order will be delivered. But once there is an update for your order within the second week we will notify you by sending you, your tracking number of your package via email".
Yup, i don't think I will have it on time before my trip at this point. I have contacted DJI sale support, stating that I have an important trip to Florida on Oct 24th and that I have planed it on purpose to take the drone there. Their response was quite disappointing so to speak:
"We do appreciate your interest in our product and we do understand your concern.

The shipping date of your order will be delayed that we will ship out your order around the mid-to-late of October. Since we've had a high global demand. We are hoping for your kind understanding on this matter. Apologies for this delay and for the inconvenience this is causing you. If you do not accept the revised shipment dates, you can cancel the order and obtain a full refund and place a new order for the standard Mavic Pro for much faster shipment."

If I wanted a Mavic Pro to begin with, I will have not went through all this pre-order process, and will have ordered already on Amazon. They promised me a MPP and a month later AFTER having paid $1100+ I still got nothing but promises. :(
DJI STRIKES AGAIN. I RECEIVED an email this morning that the blades are in. And when I went to order they were on back order again. I contacted customer service and this is what I got:
Hello John! I understand that you received the email notification Regarding the availability of the DJI MAvic low noise propellers However i am sorry to inform you that the item is now out of stock due to high volume of global demands. I apologize for this and the best thing we can do is wait until the item is restocked.
It’s just like the 50% coupon off a battery that isn’t available for purchase because it’s out of stock.

If you get a DJI product and it works, I think you’ll be set for a long time, if it doesn’t..... good luck dealing with their customer service. So glad my P4 never had issues (aside from the tilted horizon, flying on an angle, etc LOL)
I cancelled my order. It really irks me that my credit card was charged before the unit was shipped. And now the 1 month (at least) delay makes it even worse.
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Meh.. at this point I am okay with waiting now as long as the drone itself does not come with any bugs or issues..Since I expect them to rush out the first batch I really hope they don't mess it up..I don't mind waiting as delays do occur and there is nothing we can do about it regardless now so might as well wait another 3-4 weeks but I can say this much if there are any issues with the first batch.. I will most likely return it since I don't want to deal with their repairs and service department at all. Lets hope the wait is worth it and there aren't any major issues to work out.
Hi folks,

See below the most recent update from DJI support.

It appears that my interpretation of DJI's previous email to me which I had posted here a few days ago was incorrect... (A revised shipping date of Oct 5th is incorrect, although that's as close to what their previous email looked like to me).

So it now looks like mid-to-late October.

We will start shipping the products towards the second week of October until the third week. Therefore within that time frame we are hoping that we will be able to finish shipping the orders for the Mavic Platinum Pro. And it will be until the third week of October only.

And once again we deeply apologies for the inconvenience that it has caused you. But we will assure you that within the third week of October your order will be delivered. But once there is an update for your order within the second week we will notify you by sending you, your tracking number of your package via email".
Good. At least some more reasonable update on the date. Thanks for sharing! ;)
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Meh.. at this point I am okay with waiting now as long as the drone itself does not come with any bugs or issues..Since I expect them to rush out the first batch I really hope they don't mess it up..I don't mind waiting as delays do occur and there is nothing we can do about it regardless now so might as well wait another 3-4 weeks but I can say this much if there are any issues with the first batch.. I will most likely return it since I don't want to deal with their repairs and service department at all. Lets hope the wait is worth it and there aren't any major issues to work out.
I agree with you on that. After watching yesterday some video on YT about horrible support issue people had with DJI and their Mavic drone, I am also afraid of getting a rushed & not fully tested MPP. Usually I like to wait after a new model comes out to see what kind of bug is found and fixed. But i was quite impatient with the Platinum, so wanted to jump on the band-wagon right away. :p

But from what I have learned after watching all those support troubles video is that, if the drone ordered on the official DJI web site had ANY problems, it is always better to send it back and ask for a refund, and then go to Best Buy, Amazon, B&H...etc to buy another new one with the refunded money. Those 3rd party US companies have a MUCH better return and exchange policies than DJI. Also, DJI will never send a new one back if your drone can't be repaired. You will always get someone else repaired (or still broken) drone back instead. So, something good to keep in mind.
I don't think there is much to test. They changed the props and gave it a new paint job. These are gonna roll off the see assembly line as the Pro. It's not a new product.
I don't think there is much to test. They changed the props and gave it a new paint job. These are gonna roll off the see assembly line as the Pro. It's not a new product.
They also changed the motor and some part of the electronic board from what I have read on other forums. So regular Mavic Pro owner will have a slight reduce noise using the MPP props, but not as reduced as the same props on the Platinum for instance.
Meh.. at this point I am okay with waiting now as long as the drone itself does not come with any bugs or issues..Since I expect them to rush out the first batch I really hope they don't mess it up..I don't mind waiting as delays do occur and there is nothing we can do about it regardless now so might as well wait another 3-4 weeks but I can say this much if there are any issues with the first batch.. I will most likely return it since I don't want to deal with their repairs and service department at all. Lets hope the wait is worth it and there aren't any major issues to work out.
I think anyone who gets a fully functional Mavic Pro Platinum will be as happy as it could be. I’m also afraid to think of the hassle, stress, and frustration one will have to deal with if they get a faulty one.

This entire experience made me realize that at this point, it’s not even worth the price and maybe another day later down the road I’ll get one but right now I’d rather have the money I’ve been missing for the last 3 weeks than sit around hoping they’ll fullfil the orders mid-late October. Not a big “Roll the dice” kind of guy here.
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They also changed the motor and some part of the electronic board from what I have read on other forums. So regular Mavic Pro owner will have a slight reduce noise using the MPP props, but not as reduced as the same props on the Platinum for instance.

And I've read that the motor hasn't been altered, just the ESC, but if you're new to drones, no one has defined just what exactly that is. Is it different hardware? Is it something the Pro could see through a firmware update?
So the DJI website has the Mavic Platinum batteries listed for ordering and shipping 10-15 business days from payment, I think those are going to take even longer than the drones to get out though, just more of the same from them. Whats worse though is apparently when they said the coupon code they gave was for "Mavic Intelligent Flight Battery" they meant exactly that, that's pretty cheap in my opinion. They're token of appreciation is even pretty awful, everyone's supposed to buy the wrong color batteries and help them clear out their stock just for their $45 discount on $1200 of product that's a month late. They really need some competition.

EDIT: Sorry, The coupons do work on platinum batteries, as of now at least. I'm not sure why it didn't work the first day, and DJI even seemed to say at first they weren't supposed to when I emailed them, but then they emailed me again and corrected themselves.
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