Well-Known Member
Hello. Whenever I hit the RTH button (or the RTH screen icon) my Mavic 2 Pro will return but is always about 3 metres away from the take-off spot; I use a foldable heli-pad. I always cancel and then land manually. Is anyone else having this problem? I saw a video and the guy was describing the exact same problem with the Mavic 2. He also said the Mavic 1 didn't have this problem. Thanks.
It looks like different problems, if you want to call it that, for different people. My M2P seems to be slightly different. I use either method to take off, slider/sticks and almost never go up to 20 feet before moving. Usually I go 3-6 feet before heading off and about half the time I use RTH. I was using RTH with the slider at first and as I got a little more used to everything, I started using the RTH button on the RC. So far, using the slider I have only hit the full landing pad once but using RTH on the RC has put me in the center every time.