About second part, one of manufacturers on its website claimed that their metalic paints use metalized powder but due to it beeing extremly fine and not uniform metal shell it doesn't affect signals. Can't remember where I saw it. Might be on dronewraps japanesee page.
About our metallic color wrap matelial.
This material is manufactured by 3M and it says that aluminum is contained.
They are not testing electromagnetic waves.
It is probably because it assumes that it sticks to the metal plate of the vehicle.
From a general scientific point of view...
Except for specially made for radio attenuation,
the metal powder dispersed in the medium needs to
have a thickness of 1/4 or more of the wavelength in order to attenuate radio waves.
*Mavic and the transmitter are communicating at 2.4 Ghz
*GPS Radio wave is L1 Band 1575.42 MHz, L2 Band(1227.6 MHz)
For example, required thickness for the shortest wavelength 2.4 Ghz is approximately 12.5cm,
1/4 of the wavelength is approximately 3 cm
3 cm corresponds to over 200 times of our wrap.
In addition, PVC does not shield radio waves at all.
Therefore, in theory our metallic wrap will not interfere with radio waves.
Even in fact, we can not find a difference between the transmitter and the GPS sensitivity of Mavic.
Thank you.