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Sudden flight restriction


Jun 15, 2017
So I was flying inside a semi restricted zone. First time I had to enter my phone number or CC pop up, got the pass code and did 2 full batteries of filming (only restrictions are within 5nm of small county airport and I was in the bottom of a river bed well below the sides of the canyon. On the 3rd battery I went back up to about 140' and got the max altitude. Double checked and my account settings were limited to 400' no other things in the controls indicated that I was restricted mode. I tried going into sports mode, same issue with Max altitude. On screen it showed altitude of 100' when it would stop. I am totally at loss why my Mavic wouldn't ascend anymore. I have never had to use a txt coffee for authorization and this definitely is not under any tfr our other FAA guideline.
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If you're running the latest firmware, you'll be restricted to a height of 30 meters (98 feet) and a distance of 50 meters (164 feet) when not logged into the DJI GO app. That's mentioned in the Mavic release notes here:


This change is explained in great detail in this video:

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If you're already logged into DJI GO, log out and back in again. You can log out in the following section of DJI GO:


Once logged back in again, your login information will be stored locally on your mobile device and you should be able to fly without restriction (even when disconnected from the Internet). If you find that not to be the case, then uninstall DJI GO and reinstall it.

Note: If you're using a newer version of DJI GO with an older version of the Phantom firmware, DJI GO will pop up a message saying your altitude/distance is going to be restricted (even though it's not really restricted when you fly). To remove that message, you'll either need to upgrade the Phantom firmware or downgrade DJI GO.
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So I know I was logged in during the first 2 flights. Possibly it disconnected during battery change or something.
Thank you for the video and I will give it a try again for flying today, I think my app crashed (screen went dark for about 5 seconds) and maybe that caused me to be logged out.
Thank you for the help!
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This may have been asked, or in the wrong place to ask (1st time using a forum) but I have an iPhone 7 plus that I'm using as my dedicated controller screen and the phone does not have cell service and I'm in the field with no wifi service. When attempting to log in, I'm told I must connect to a network. My question is, once I log in while connected to a network does the app store my login info so I may then move beyond network access and still fly "unrestricted?" If so, can I also swap batteries, restart my phone, etc... while moving to different locations without needing to re-login with network coverage? Thanks in advance for any helpful info.
NO need to login or have connectivity while in the field, just login once at home while the Mavic is connected.
Thank you, I'll give it a shot tomorrow. My bird has been acting up and I haven't had the time to get it out in the last couple months and figure out what the issues are.
Thank you, I'll give it a shot tomorrow. My bird has been acting up and I haven't had the time to get it out in the last couple months and figure out what the issues are.
I always fly in airplane mode...seems to do the trick.
I have a "similar" problem. I'm logged in fine but when i take off it shows an error message saying im limited to 30m and 50m distance . Tried 3 devices, reinstalled Dji go 4.17, relogged in and out and in. Finally i decided to fly and to my surprise i could go beyond the limits (up to the limits i have set). Dji go 4.16 was fine. Using 0.400 firmware. Flight logs and Airdata do not show this notification. I will try to acess the dat from the SD, but only in a couple of days. Any advices ?
I have a "similar" problem. I'm logged in fine but when i take off it shows an error message saying im limited to 30m and 50m distance . Tried 3 devices, reinstalled Dji go 4.17, relogged in and out and in. Finally i decided to fly and to my surprise i could go beyond the limits (up to the limits i have set). Dji go 4.16 was fine. Using 0.400 firmware. Flight logs and Airdata do not show this notification. I will try to acess the dat from the SD, but only in a couple of days. Any advices ?

I have the same issue since the last app update on an iPad Pro @luiz eduardo ribeiro
Flew today after last firmware update using iPad Air2 with no problems or restrictions on height or distance.
View attachment 20590
So probably some new bug. Wish it was easy to downgrade to a previous dji go. Thanks for the info. I actually manage to catch the notification in one log out of 10 flights. Also autopilot worked without notifications.

I have the same issue on my iPad mini latest DJI GO app now. Never experienced this before the latest DJI GO app update.

I'm apparently logged-in in the app... but still see the "error: limited altitude and distance..."

Any ideas how to manage this?
According to a DJI rep from the DJI forum it is an issue with "older" firmwares not writing the proper log in information to the RC / Aircraft; but there is no limitation due to them being old firmwares. They suggest upgrading de firmware... Lesson learned: never update DJI Go. I will still try to downgrade to 4.15
According to a DJI rep from the DJI forum it is an issue with "older" firmwares not writing the proper log in information to the RC / Aircraft; but there is no limitation due to them being old firmwares. They suggest upgrading de firmware... Lesson learned: never update DJI Go. I will still try to downgrade to 4.15
I had a similar issue with the previous firmware. I was in a class D and because it did not have internet it would not allow the mp to take off... Kept asking to update nfz db. Had to get a solid wireless signal and all has been fine since.
According to a DJI rep from the DJI forum it is an issue with "older" firmwares not writing the proper log in information to the RC / Aircraft; but there is no limitation due to them being old firmwares. They suggest upgrading de firmware... Lesson learned: never update DJI Go. I will still try to downgrade to 4.15
Do you have a link to the thread? I am having the same warning but like the op I can fly beyond the restrictions. It is really annoying though.
I think that is what I experienced today. I've been flying without warning for the last few months using my android phone and FW.800. I got an iPad mini and today was the first flight with Go 4 app version 4.1.9. I haven't updated the FW. Upon start up on all 3 batteries I got the flight restriction warning message. I cancelled the warning but no restrictions were enforced. I flew out to 400m with no further warnings. I thought I was logged into the app before and after so I will need to see if I log out and back in again whether that stops the error or a FW update is the only way to fix it. Given the FW isn't broken for me I'm reluctant to upgrade.

According to a DJI rep from the DJI forum it is an issue with "older" firmwares not writing the proper log in information to the RC / Aircraft; but there is no limitation due to them being old firmwares. They suggest upgrading de firmware... Lesson learned: never update DJI Go. I will still try to downgrade to 4.15
Thanks for the video explanation!
Question: To maintain the “no restriction” status the mavic could not be shut down?
How to change batteries while in a field with no network? Or how to start everything in a place with no network?
Thanks again
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This got me thinking: what's the logic behind this restriction? They write, "for increased safety", but don't explain how. My hypothesis is that it's against your kids/relatives/friends who can grab your Mavic while you're away, install Go 4 on their phone and go fly your Mavic. Without knowing your credentials, the trouble they can potentially do, would be limited.
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