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Swelling batteries

Has anyone else experienced swelling of their batteries with fairly little use?
I bought the drone in September, standard fly more pack. Each battery has had between 18 and 22 charges according to the Go4 App, never run down below about 20%, usually 50% max. Charged with the standard DJI charger. Sport mode is never used - its a photo bird so 75% of its time is spend in the hover and very little else.

Ive reached the point now all 3 of my batteries are so swollen underneath the slightest bang on the drone unlocks one side of the clip leaving the whole thing help on by just the clip on one side which is obviously a recipe for losing the drone if the other side detaches.

One of the batteries after a flight is so tight the power button is recessed to the point i cant push it down to power off any more.

Do these things just not like operating in warm temperatures? I live in the tropics with ambient air temps in the mid 30s celcius.

My old Mavic 1 batteries also swelled up but that was after a year of fairly heavy use.

Is there any chance of a warranty claim here or am i just screwed as its "wear and tear"? Ive just bought a new, 4th battery for flights over water as i dont trust any of the current 3 not to detach in flight and if they do, i want the drone back for a refresh claim!. View attachment 68249
I have same bulging problem with 3 M2P batteries. Three batteries purchased from DJI 8 months ago. I am very conscientious & treat the drone with a lot of care. This is the 4th DJI drone I’ve had & never had this problem with the others.
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I have same bulging problem with 3 M2P batteries. Three batteries purchased from DJI 8 months ago. I am very conscientious & treat the drone with a lot of care. This is the 4th DJI drone I’ve had & never had this problem with the others.

I replied on your thread in the other section. There is at least one more user on here and 2 others on the DJI forum reporting the same issue recently.
All 9 M2 batteries I've received have performed well. Some slightly better than others but all balance well down to 0%. Even after 180 cycles I can still fly a 20km round trip.
This is about swelling not performance. Even my swollen batteries indicate OK on cells, voltage and performance.
There do seem to be people (including me) having issues with relatively light use batteries. Whether thats environmental, manufacture and so on i'd expect them to last more than 20 charges before becoming physically unusable.
All 9 M2 batteries I've received have performed well. Some slightly better than others but all balance well down to 0%. Even after 180 cycles I can still fly a 20km round trip.

Wow 20 kilometers?

So when it’s 10 km away, you can see it in the map relative to the home point?
Havn't read all the thread so apologies if repeating a point but, IMO the preset 10 day pause before the M2 batteries self discharge to a storage state is far too long
if you are regularly leaving fully charged batteries sitting and thinking it's ok, they will auto-discharge in 10 days I believe you will greatly reduce their life

DJI needs to lower the preset or allow a user setting, but perhaps it is not in their interests to do so
Sounds as if ten intended for cause but yet planned obsolescence regardless
Havn't read all the thread so apologies if repeating a point but, IMO the preset 10 day pause before the M2 batteries self discharge to a storage state is far too long
if you are regularly leaving fully charged batteries sitting and thinking it's ok, they will auto-discharge in 10 days I believe you will greatly reduce their life

DJI needs to lower the preset or allow a user setting, but perhaps it is not in their interests to do so
actually cold is good with the ten. in honolulu maybe better to fullcharge nite before flying. if hot, better not to store fullycharged.
Still better to drain them down a little. Even if the weather is bad just start up with no props and idle for a few minutes.

At $139 each I want my M2 packs to last as long as possible.
actually cold is good with the ten. in honolulu maybe better to fullcharge nite before flying. if hot, better not to store fullycharged.
Has anyone else experienced swelling of their batteries with fairly little use?
I bought the drone in September, standard fly more pack. Each battery has had between 18 and 22 charges according to the Go4 App, never run down below about 20%, usually 50% max. Charged with the standard DJI charger. Sport mode is never used - its a photo bird so 75% of its time is spend in the hover and very little else.

Ive reached the point now all 3 of my batteries are so swollen underneath the slightest bang on the drone unlocks one side of the clip leaving the whole thing help on by just the clip on one side which is obviously a recipe for losing the drone if the other side detaches.

One of the batteries after a flight is so tight the power button is recessed to the point i cant push it down to power off any more.

Do these things just not like operating in warm temperatures? I live in the tropics with ambient air temps in the mid 30s celcius.

My old Mavic 1 batteries also swelled up but that was after a year of fairly heavy use.

Is there any chance of a warranty claim here or am i just screwed as its "wear and tear"? Ive just bought a new, 4th battery for flights over water as i dont trust any of the current 3 not to detach in flight and if they do, i want the drone back for a refresh claim!. View attachment 68249
Hey, just want to let you know I'm also based in the 'tropics' with higher than normal ambient temperatures (and a hot season before rainy season). Similar to you, BOTH of my Mavic 2 zoom batteries are slightly puffed with under 50 recharge cycles normal use and no hot storage etc. Just letting you know I think it's because the ambient temps are higher than normal in temperate climates. Contacted DJI and they said, sorry your batteries are beyond the 6 month warranty. So, if it IS a matter of higher ambient temps affecting batteries, I think it's fair to say DJI should be aware of this and address it in their care and handling materials...after all, I bought the drone down here. Possible advisory for folks travelling with drones and staying in hotter climes. Anyway, good luck with your situation, let me know how it goes :)
Hey, just want to let you know I'm also based in the 'tropics' with higher than normal ambient temperatures (and a hot season before rainy season). Similar to you, BOTH of my Mavic 2 zoom batteries are slightly puffed with under 50 recharge cycles normal use and no hot storage etc. Just letting you know I think it's because the ambient temps are higher than normal in temperate climates. Contacted DJI and they said, sorry your batteries are beyond the 6 month warranty. So, if it IS a matter of higher ambient temps affecting batteries, I think it's fair to say DJI should be aware of this and address it in their care and handling materials...after all, I bought the drone down here. Possible advisory for folks travelling with drones and staying in hotter climes. Anyway, good luck with your situation, let me know how it goes :)
I had the same thing happened to me with one battery and DJ I will not replace it I live in cold Minneapolis I have been using them January when it occurred . Temperatures have been in the teens and 20s
A non issue with mine, i charge the day before use (which is annoying as you need to be psychic).
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Those of you that have had swelling, do you store your batteries fully charged?
Yes I leave mine in the charger but I usually use it every day or every other day
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Fully charged most of the time. Generally fly every 2-4 days. If I anticipate longer dormant period I partially charge to about 50%.
Fully charged most of the time. Generally fly every 2-4 days. If I anticipate longer dormant period I partially charge to about 50%.
They do automatically drop to 50% or less after 10 days
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