I found some information on different locations online, and to say the least: its a bit confusing:
Drone no-fly zones | ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
So the area i live in is marked restricted, but what those restrictions are is mentioned nowhere.
I agree that flying over town centers isn't something you should let anyone do. For this I think licenses should and could be demanded.
However i read somthing that you can't fly over water-routes neighter which is a bit exaggerated i guess. I flew over a small and rather calm part of the river "De Linge" this morning and a couple of boats passed. The chances of anything going really wrong there are very slim, these boats go just a couple of knots and as long as you do not fly straight over their heads, what could be so life-threatening that it should be forbidden by law?
Anyway, I found this on licenses for flying commercially:
Drone Centre - Netherlands Aerospace Centre but there is nothing mentioned about drones lighter then 4kg or non-commercial stuff.
I've been a skydiver for over 20 years so I've been around small airports (and bigger ones). Airplanes use radio's and transponders to contact the tower/airport control, but you can't just pick up the phone to call them.
If you want to organize an event somewhere you need to get a NOTAM, notice to airmen. This can be done here for RPAS:
http://www.lvnl-ohd.nl/content/bijzondere_vluchten/modelvliegen/Aanvraagformulier_NOTAM_RPAS v5.22_Extend.pdf, similarly to the one you'd need to organise a skydiving event but it can take up to a couple of weeks to get one.
I'm getting the impression that there is still a lot of grey area when it comes to drones, at least here in NL.